
Friday, February 20, 2009

Meka & Ralphie

Ralphie the cat has settled in nicely to the new house and he and Meka the pug are back to being good friends...they play and wrestle several times a day, and sometimes they just like to sit around and do nothing...



  1. Great pics Nate. I look forward to when we can have pets someday. Abby can't risk a scratch or bite right now. I love pugs...

    Brent (Abby's Dad)

  2. I adore the photos of the two of them together. They look so contented and as though they were never apart! Ralphie has clearly settled into his new home and change in circumstances very quickly.

  3. It is so good to see them together again and the look on Ralphie's face is pure contentment. Home Sweet Home for the five of you.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  4. Great photots! You captured the essence of pug & cat beautifully!

  5. Awwww... those are great photos! What sweet babies, and it's so nice that they still get along! You have an awesome family, Nate, but I guess you already knew that....

  6. Love all the photos with Ralphie in them (sorry cat person)...:-)
    You are very good with your do you do that where Ralphie is totally forcused and Meka isnt?

  7. Wow - you take awesome animal pics!! They're so cute!

  8. Very sweet! I love pugs and cats so this just made it all that much sweeter to look at. Thanks for sharing!

  9. That is so sweet! You can tell how happy kitty is to be back with the family! I have an orange tabby too, and he's the best!

  10. awwww they are almost as cute as Gwyneth Rose!!! =)

  11. Those are some great pictures! I pray that Abby gets a pet as cute as Ralphie & Meka some day :)

  12. You take wonderful photographs! Makes me want a cat and dog too ")

  13. Ralphie looks like he's enjoying the new house soooo much.

  14. Great photos! I would love a pet pug!
    I'm a long-time reader, first time poster and have been have loved reading your blog for the last year! Your family is just so lovely. It is great to see Gwyneth growing so well.
    Jilly from Australia

  15. Sweetness! You have cuteness overload in your house - how do you stand it? :D

  16. YAY! I was just thinkink about Ralphie yesterday, I was wondering how he was settling in. Glad to hear EVERYONE is well, Pets included :)

    Love to All,

  17. That is too cute that they cuddle! I just popped in because.... I am watching Property Ladder. And they're in Durham. I just thought it was kinda cool!

  18. LOOOOOOVE that first picture of Ralphie! How'd you do it? (Is he inside something??)

    Love you and your family and your blog... You are one of my favorite dads!!

    Can we get some house pictures?

  19. I love orange cats and the pics of Meka make me want a pug. Too cute.

  20. Too cute! Otis and Milo, anyone? :)

  21. What cute pets! What have the tx team told you about having pets! I'm afraid to pet my dog now without immediately running for the soap and water :( I am 3.5 months out. Love reading about your blessed lives!
    As a singer with CF I was most astonished to read your wife's battle with her vocal chords post tx. The little details I didn't know before surgery!


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