
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Party Time!

This Sunday, we'll finally be celebrating Gwyneth's 1st birthday with a party! Because we were at Duke on her birthday, and we were moving into our house that next week, we decided to wait a while for a party so we could do it right. We've invited our family over to help celebrate, and we're looking forward to a fun day!

I'll be sure to take lots of pics and video! We hope you'll celebrate with us!



  1. I love that picture! What a cute girl and look how far she's come in a year! Her life continues to be an amazing testimony to the power of prayer and the amazing God we serve! Have fun celebrating! Can't wait to see the pictures!

  2. Oh what a pretty girl. Have fun Gwyneth.

  3. Look at those eyebrows...and all that hair! Cute, cute girl. :-)

  4. Beautiful girl!! Have fun, we look forward to the pictures and video!

  5. Awww, no better way to enjoy the weekend than with a big party! Celebrate in style, Gwyn!

  6. She is such an adorable little girl. I just know God has great things in store for her in the future! I can't wait to see what it is!!

  7. This occasion definately deserves a celebration! Enjoy!

  8. Great picture! OMG that made my day...

  9. Hey Nate..did you ever pick a caption for the picture of Gwyneth on your rug? Your readers always come up with fun stuff so I was just wondering. Have a fun party!

  10. Hey I say party all year long! She is getting so big. What a pretty girl!

  11. I just found your site and read through the shortened version of our story - and my heart is touched deeply.

    Your wife is courageous and beautiful and your baby must take after her momma because she apparently has the same gifts!

    You (hubby and daddy) must be an amazing man. Your love for your two girls is so apparent and just blesses my heart to witness it.

    My blog is Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground ( My story is different than yours, but God has worked mightily through the losses our two infant sons (Samuel and Josiah)and our 6 year old daughter Anna.

    I'm praising God that your wife is doing well and that she's in remission, and also that you're getting ready to celebrate Gwyneth's 1st birthday. What a wonderful and blessed day that will be!

    Thanks for sharing your life with the world. It's a story worth sharing for sure!


  12. You don't know me but I have been following your journey for about a year now. I wanted to thank you for sharing your story and faith. I have been inspired by Trisha's strength and the Love that is very abundant in your family. I have grown closer with the Lord and continually pray for the unwavering faith that your family shows. May you have continued blessings and with all the love of my family, Thank you.

  13. Happy belated little miss Gwyneth..too bad you live 6 hours away or Tate and Reese would love a play date with you. Today is their birthday and party is Saturday too.. Great minds! Have fun sweet girl!

  14. Happy Birthday Party Time to precious Gwyneth and all those who love her.

    Your miracle baby is so beautiful.

    Love to all!

  15. Aw, have a fabulous day! Can't wait for the pictures. Enjoy! :o)

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GWYNETH!!! You are one amazing 1 year old. I think it runs in your family!

  17. she is sooo cute!! we are celebrating our daughters 3rd birthday this weekend too!

  18. Paaarrr--taaaaay! Celebrate, good times.. c'mon! (da da da da, da da da da....) woot! I am so happy for all of you, to be able to get together ... to celebrate, AND to glorify... God is so amazing, and He really showed out for this sweet girl. Go Gwyneth, and go God!

  19. Have lots of fun! I can't wait to see pictures!

    That is such an adorable picture!


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