
Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Gwyneth now weighs 13lbs 11oz (and that was without a diaper and on an empty stomach)! Congrats to blog reader Erin who was the first to guess correctly!



  1. Go Gwen go! I am glad she is still putting on weight!

  2. Way to go Gwyneth!!! The cutest little Porker ever!~!:) Love you guys.


  3. YAY Gwyneth! She really is "growing like a weed"...or a pretty flower! :o)

  4. Hi, I've never read your blog before but my cousin reads it daily :o) You left a comment on mine once...not sure how you found it. Nice that it was the post in which I wrote something about you and MckMama can have your blog fame, I'm ok with a small blog...there is a reason behind that, it was in NO way malicious, I assure you!
    Anyway, I'm leaving a comment today because I saw that your cutie Gwyneth has a Grandmommy too! I didn't know anyone else had their kids call a grandparent that! Do you mind if I ask what made you chose that nickname? I got it from a children's book. Anyway, perhaps I will read more often, you have a lovely family!

  5. WOW...great work Gwyneth! Keep eating that yummy food girl.

  6. It will be interesting to see if she puts on a pound a month!Almost a new diaper size?

  7. i think there is going to be a day when Gwyneth reads this post that she will be very, shall we say, upset with you. :)))

    way to grow Gwyneth!!!

    it's those cheetos...they will make ya gain weight like crazy! :)))) (just funnin with ya!)

  8. Go on Gwyneth! Its so staisfying seeing children put on weight!

  9. Way to go Gwyneth. Why is she not getting any therapies to help with development? I have never heard of a preemie as small as her not getting therapy to help catch them up.

  10. @Shari

    Who said she's not receiving therapy?

  11. Way to go Gwyneth! I am also glad that Tricia is ok!!!!


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