
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bronch Tomorrow

Tricia's TX doc wants to do a bronchoscopy on Tricia, so we decided to stay another night and take care of that tomorrow instead of heading home and having to come back to Durham in another week or so. So, we're staying in Raleigh for the night with some great friends last minute (thanks Sophia and Steve!).

Tricia's appointments all went well...I'll share details later. We did have to reschedule Gwyneth's appointment for April, so nothing new on her to report.

Hopefully we'll be home tomorrow evening!




  1. will keep Tricia in our prayers!

  2. I tell you what, Tricia is such a fighter! It never ends for her, does it!?! I'll be praying that everything goes smoothly, that you and your "little rooster" have a peaceful time waiting, and that you get a great report when it's all said and done! Tricia is such an inspiration. I think I'm going to stop whining about my fever now :)

  3. I spent some time on your page today to catch up some with your world. Still praying for you regularly. I particularly liked your piece on the Outer Banks. Gayle and I watched the video of Gwyneth talking! She is growing up quickly.

  4. Will be praying for Tricia's scope and for a good report. Enjoy your sweet little Gweneth while you wait for Tricia. How special you don't have to wait alone!

  5. I don't know if you're familiar with it, but every time I see a pug featured in the comic Sheldon, I think of y'all. This week is "Pug Week", a poke at "Shark Week". Start here:

    and really, Nathan, you should have this site on your daily rounds. :^)

  6. Hi, I just wanted ya'll to know I pray for each of you every night...even when I think I'm too tired to make it all the way through. Your blog reminds with each post that God is good and will take care of everything in life that is His...which is...well...everything. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us here in cyber land...and with me.

    Ruth Becker
    Pickens, SC

  7. So sorry I missed you guys at Duke. Yesterday was a whirlwind day with clinic and a biopsy.

    I'm assuming this is the 1 year bronch?? I hope it's just that and not because her pfts are down. Always praying...

  8. I'm praying.

    Also thought of your lovely wife when I read this today. Rita's is having free Italian Ice tomorrow from noon to 10 PM. Here's a link for more info:

  9. Praying for a good report from the doctors and a safe trip home for you guys!

  10. Best wished with the bronch and safe travels home!


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