
Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Drawring

Here is Gwyneth's very first go at coloring with crayons! I received this today when she and Tricia stopped by to say "hi" at the church. Although, I'm pretty sure Gwyneth had some major help from her mother, I still appreciate it! Now, if I only had a real office in which to hang it...



  1. I'm sure you will find the perfect spot! Way to go Gwyneth! Lovely work!

  2. You can always send it to me and I'd gladly post it in my office!!! HEEEEEHEEHEE...i always loved when the kids scribble something for me, even if i do most the scribbling! lol

  3. You need to frame that, Nate!

    Now, fix that typo! D-r-a-w-i-n-g

  4. Cute!

    (ps- it's "drawing")

  5. How sweet is that! Way to go Gwyneth!

    and it's Drawring..
    as in "hello my name is simon and I like to do Drawrings".. and old SNL skit with Mike Myers

  6. @ Aspiemom and Anonymous

    As Jara pointed out, it's a cultural reference.

  7. Such a priceless masterpiece! Start saving for a bigger house because it is so hard to throw special art, projects, and little notes away. I am already running out room! :o)

  8. wow, just read your twitter, then saw this - you are GOOD.

  9. Oh that is sooooo cute! I still remember how special I felt when I saw my art work displayed at my dad's office.

  10. That is so sweet....

    That little sweetie is such an amazing little miracle!


  11. She has such good handwriting for a baby! Good work Gwyneth!

  12. Is she going to call you papa?? That is too cute.
    sorry it is drawing, lol

  13. Oic you did that on purpose, hehe

  14. That's adorable. Your face while looking at the drawing, I mean.

    And the drawing, too. :)

  15. What a pretty picture :)
    I just wanted to recommend a great book that I just finished about a girl with CF called Forever Changes by Brendan Halpin, it's the first book to ever make me cry and I think both you and Trisha would like it.

  16. Guess we're just too "egicated", eh, Nate? lol

  17. That is soooo sweet! My son calls his daddy, PAPA, too! It's adorable!!!!!


    Thought you might enjoy following this family. I kept thinking of your blog and of course your story.
    Different yet the same.

  19. Oh good grief, she's perfect.

    And, now I have Mike Meyers screeching in my head.

  20. Aw it's beautiful :) I can't wait to cover my fridge in crayon colors! Lucky Daddy!

  21. I love, love, love your blog! And I love the whole family, too...but coming from a lurker, that might be a bit weird. LOL Anyhow, my middle child had a pencil drawing he had to do for art class, and I called it a DRAWRING...and he looked at me like I had lobsters crawlring outta my ears! :) I had to laugh when I saw that word on your blog. Hope you guys are having a great day! Keep up the awesome blog!!!!!!! Rebecca

  22. My name is Simon..I like to do Drawrings!!

    Great picture!!

  23. I clearly recall this statement:
    "I don't want no stinking office. All I will do is clutter it up. I don't need an office."

    If you want you can hang it in my office :)

    With much love,
    Great Uncle Andy

  24. Now that is worth framing. I love it when my neices/nephews color pictures for me to proudly display. Your so sweet Gwyneth to create such a masterpiece for your papa.~Darlene

  25. too fun!! Savor it this stage of life goes fast!

  26. YAY GWYNETH! It is a great first drawring!

  27. I think I say drawring. I have a thick Southeastern New England accent and we put inappropriate R's in a lot of words.

    I bet using the crayons is really good for helping Gwyneth develop her fine motor skills.

    She continues to amaze.

  28. Hi Nate,
    I love your blog and have been reading it for over a year! I was wondering if you have any suggestions for how I can find blogs of people sharing their stories w/ living w/ MS? I tried a google search but didn't have much luck. If you have any ideas I would appreciate it. Best, Jodi

  29. We call our dad Papa and I've always loved that is not the standard. My kids call him papa as well but call their dad, daddy.

    And I totally got the who drawring thing. Loved that skit on SNL

  30. A true artist in the making. Little Gwyneth as many talents!

    How you will treasure this in the years to come! Frame it, date it and of course, ENJOY it!


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