
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Great Strides Links

People across the country are starting to buzz about Great Strides for CF, the largest national fund-raiser for Cystic Fibrosis. Although our OBX Walk takes place in the fall, most walks will happen in the next few months.

Here is your opportunity promote your participation in this awesome event by posting a link to your Great Strides related blog or Great Strides home page! Or, just give a shout out and let us know where you're walking and who you're walking for!

Thanks to everyone who supports Cystic Fibrosis by participating in or donating to Great Strides!



  1. My great niece has CF and we will be walking on May 2nd in the Great Strides walk in Gastonia, NC! Last year our team (Jen's Crew) raised over $15,000! We WANT a cure for CF!!

    Blessings to you!


  2. We are walking in MO in honor of a dear friend...Jessie. You can read about her here. Thanks Nate!


    I'm walking at the Philadelphia Zoo!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I am walking (actually I'm going to volunteer instead of walk) in honor of Tricia and Noah (a beautiful 7 month old little boy at my church who was just diagnosed) at the Austin Zoo!

    Here's my page:

  5. One of my closest friends has 3 out of 4 children with CF. She lives in FL and heads up that team, I head up a NY team for them (where they are originally from). We're even doing a fund raiser dinner this year at a local restauarant who is donating 10% of the total night's bill to Great Strides.
    Woo hoo!


    Walking for our little friend Ella (age 5) in Milwaukee, WI!

  7. Yay! We are walking in Schaumburg, il for my son Lukie.

    Also check out my blog too!

  8. Our team is walking in NJ for Nathan Parker!!!

    Team Nathan Parker

    Read about Nathan Parker at

  9. here is a link to our son levi's video for the california walkers check it out

    or its on our blog

  10. My family walks for our 6 yr old son Joey "Peanut" We live in the Charleston, SC area.

    Here is our donation page:

    Here is our Caring Bridge Website:

    Joey had a feeding tube put in a few weeks ago, are we're seeing GREAT weight gains!

  11. Woo-hoo! Thanks for promoting GREAT STRIDES! Cheers to all the walkers across the country!

    Amy, Virginia Chapter

  12. one way or another, you will have my support in the fall. i LOVE wearing my shirt from last year and telling everyone about God's plan for that weekend. maybe this year.

  13. My family will be walking in Huntington Beach in honor of my daughter Olivia.

    Beth Venegas

  14. I'm walking next weekend (March 28th) in Cleveland, TN in memory of my friend Nathan Smith. Nate passed away on January 7, 2009 at 27.

  15. My family is walking for everyone with CF ..the doctor's thought I had CF last summer in the end I did not. We have a team and we will walk May 16th in Nashville.

    Lisa R ( NJ girl)

  16. We are walking on May 3rd in Fairview Heights, IL...for YOU GUYS! (and everyone with CF)

    (We don't know anyone personally with CF, and had never heard of Great Strides before your blog, but when I caught wind of it this year I signed us up immediately.) I feel so glad that we can help out in some small way. God bless.

  17. Walking for our beautiful and spunky 3 year old Emily... and for Tricia and ALL the other CF families that have touched my life since this journey began.

    We walk in Fond du Lac, WI on May 2 and Milwaukee WI on May 17.

    Thanks for this post, Nate!

    You continure to be in my prayers!


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