
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(Bump) Long Time Coming

Sally is doing well and has updated her blog, which you can read Here. Stop by and congratulate her on her new life!

You might remember our friend Sally whom I asked you to pray for well over a year ago. At that point, Sally, a CF patient and mother of two, had been waiting for new lungs for over two years...

Well, Sally wrote a facebook message yesterday to say that she was going to the OR for her lung transplant at 11pm last night (in the UK). I haven't heard any updates yet, so we're praying and hoping that we'll hear some good news soon! Please, join us in hoping the best for Sally today...she has waited for so long for this.




  1. Sending all my thoughts and prayers her way !

  2. Praying for Sally's transplant to be successful in every way and for her girls as they wait for their moms surgery to be over.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  3. Sending healing thoughts and prayers!

  4. I read a Wednesday morning update on the UK CF Trust forums.
    Sally made it through the surgery and was doing pretty well at that moment.

  5. Any updates on Sally??? I was thinking about her tonight!


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