
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pray for Stellan

I'm asking all of my readers to please pray for MckMama's Stellan...he has been in the hospital with some very serious heart issues for the past few days, and it seems to be getting worse (Click Here for this morning's update). Most of you know Stellan's Story, but if not, I encourage you to read about this little miracle. He desperately needs another miracle to survive, so please, if you have some time, pray for Stellan and his medical team, as well as his family.




  1. Nate, there are so many people over on MckMama's blog community that want to help, in addition to the zillion of prayers we're all sending her way. Can you think of anything that we can do for her...the power of this many followers can be an amazing gift in times like these.


  2. I've been praying hard. My heart is so heavy for them right now.

  3. Thanks for letting everyone know about Stellan. So many prayers have been lifted up on his behalf.

    I know that I found her blog through yours, as did many others. The prayers for them and the support from their readers are just another way your family is acting as a blessing to so many.
    Tricia's CF continues to bless others, just as she wanted!

    Thank you for letting your lives be a God thing!

  4. Stellan can certainly use all the prayers he can get! It is so neat to see the Body of Christ through Bloggers!!

  5. Many prayers for this beautiful bundle throughout the day and night!

  6. Going boldly before the Throne all day.

  7. I did not know you were friends with MckMamma. What a support you must have to offer her! After my miscarriage and of course a shattered heart, I learned that I became a member of a club I never wanted to join. Several years later, my heart still hurts , but I hope to offer that support to others, too. May God continue to bless both of your families!

  8. I'm praying! He is a cutie isn't he! We certainly know that God is still in the business of performing miracles. Just look at your two girls! I'm so thankful that JESUS is the same, yesterday, today and forever!

  9. Been praying...thanks for letting those who might not know who McMama is about her need for prayer.

  10. Will do! read his entire story last night! what a miracle! I believe another miracle can happen to him! Bless the Lord!

  11. Oh we are praying! We know what an anwsome God we serve and it obviouse by her posts that she knows, too. I will continue to ask people to read Stellan's story and to pray.

  12. I have been praying and am pulling for this little guy with all my might. Come on Stellan!!! We know you can do it sweetie!!!!

  13. I just read their story for the first time. I cannot imagine not knowing what the future held for my child. My heart breaks for that family and yet they are praising God so well through it all. Even as a Christian myself, I'm impressed. Even though I know we'd all be expected to do that. I will definitely keep them in my prayers. I hope that God gives them another miracle and that their little boy will live to be an old man.

  14. Hi Nate,

    Found your BLog link from MckMama's. I have been a follower of her for quite sometime now.

    My brother-in-law, sister-in-law and niece all have CF, My sister-in-law just got diagnosed about a year ago and she is in her early 20's. My brother-in-law has know since he was about 5 and his daughter which is now 8 was born with CF. There is also another brother and than my husband that do not have CF. I have read a little of your story and hope everything goes good with the sinus problems. Your daughter is adorable. I delieverd my son at 31 weeks, he will be 2 in July and is the light on my life.

    I will be a follower of your Blog and just know that you and your family have more people on their knees for you.

    Huntsville, Arkansas

  15. Thanks for posting this Nate. I know that J is so thankful!!!!

  16. We are praying here and love McKmama's blog.

  17. Praying for sweet little Stellan and his parents!! God has shown is power in this situation before and He will once again use him to bring so many to their knees.

  18. Praying hard for Stellan and his family.~Darlene

  19. Done and continuing. Scary stuff.

  20. Thank you, friend.

  21. Just another prayer warrior on behalf of Stellan... :-)

    I read your quick update story and wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful family!!! Your miracle baby is indeed a blessing and you can see the love and joy she brings!

    Out of curiosity... You live on OBX so I'm curious if you are enjoy watching the Sea Turtles nest and then hatch? I was able to witness this once in Jekyll Island, GA back in 1995 and am waiting for the day I get to do it again! Such a neat experience! :-)

    I hope Tricia gets to feeling better!!!


  22. I just lifted them up in prayer.

  23. I'm praying for Stellan. I'm on a list with other moms of many and there is one who has a baby girl with the same condition as Stellan's. Right now, she's at WakeMed and I think she's been at Duke this week.

  24. I've been praying so mcuh for that family!! It is so sad!! We all know that God has His hand in this & will get them thorugh it, but it isn't easy waiting!

  25. I love this site. I am always over there. I have been praying for Stellan all week. Plus they have a great button over there. I go it up on my page.

    Thanks for sharing a great post.

  26. Thanks for the updates, Nate. I think MckMama's blog is overloaded & updates/twitters aren't publishing... I just added her to my blog, as well.
    You & Trish & your story are such a blessing (I found your blog through MckMama's a while ago).
    Praying all day, from Texas.

  27. I have been checking their blog since you posted that. I will definitely be praying for them.

  28. Hello Nate,
    I've been meaning to ask you why you describe CF as a terminal illness when many patients do well into their 40's and beyond. To me that's just like saying life is terminal.

  29. @Emily

    The word "terminal" when used in a medical sense, refers to a disease (as in "terminal cancer") that will end a life because it cannot be cured, or to a person (as in "terminal patient") who's life will end because of a disease/illness/injury/etc. (

    Although "terminal" is often used to refer to patients that have less than 12 months to live, it is generally used to refer to any patient that has an incurable disease that is expected to cause death. Although you are correct in saying that "many" CFers live into their 40's and beyond, many more do not, including those who do not live beyond a few days or weeks.

    It's simply a (carefully selected) choice of words.

  30. Praying for our sweet Stellan around the clock.~Darlene

  31. I have thought of nothing else since I read about Stellen. Lots of prayers have been said and will continue.

  32. Thanks, Nate.
    Maybe it's used a bit more in the US as I don't really hear anyone in the UK using that phrase?

    Best Wishes,


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