Saturday, March 14, 2009




andiewade said...

i think you have the most expressive child in all the land.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love it! :) She has so much personality!

Sarah-Lynn's mom said...

Love it!!!!!!!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Hilarious! Love it!

Danine said...

LMBO! Absolutely wonderful!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite picture to date!

Janet said...

Paris Hilton wannabe???? LOL What a cutie.

Anonymous said...

This girl cracks me up! What a pill!

Sheryl said...

and who do you think she takes after???

-stephanie- said...

that cracked me up.

Her futures so bright...she's gotta wear shades.

Vicki said...


MJMILLS said...

hahahha! her future's so BRIGHT.....u know the rest!

Anonymous said...


--cara said...

She is absolutely adorable! The tongue totally makes the photo. It's like she was teasing you. Awesome!

ShEiLa said...

I have loved all the recent photos, however, there is something about baby's in shades that makes me smile.

They are hilarious!


Goodzik said...

Absolutely priceless!! Thanks for sharing!

Sue G said...

It's adorable now, but when she's 16...oy.

Jennifer said...

That is just too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

She is growing up right in front of our eyes....and it is amazing! She is the funniest little lady!

Jonathan said...

That's absolutely hilarious!

Aspiemom said...

She looks like her dad!

Anonymous said... the attitude! What a cutie.

Annapolis, MD

Anonymous said...

Okay, that is too cute!!!!!
ha ha ha ha

~ becky b

Anonymous said...

LOL! Sorry, I just busted out laughing when I saw this photo. Only our Gwyneth would make a face like that,this little girl can crack me up with her sweet personality.~Darlene

monkeysmom said...

That is hysterical! Love it!

kgirl said...

Absolutely adorable!!!

Rick Lawrenson said...

Do you ever just stop and think that this little girl has no clue that she's being seen by who knows how many people; that she's so entertaining, yet has no clue what that means, nor does she care. There's no ego.

She's just being herself.

How many of us who are adults can come close to that kind of innocence? Not me.

Pam D said...

Oh dear.. it is quite apparent, from the pictures in the last post and now this, that Gwyneth did indeed inherit your "funny face" gene. She just doesn't realize it yet. Great pictures...

Juliana said...

You have a little diva on your hands! Adorable picture!

Shari said...

she is so stinkin' cute. love all of her expressions. and you are one good photographer to get all those looks.

Julie said...

hi. lar. i. ous!!!!

One Down, One to Go said...

Now that is what I call 'attitude'.

Unknown said...

Save this one for her wedding!!!

TheBeaverBunch said...

Hahaha. That's awesome.

Made me sing..."My future's so bright..I gotta wear...SHADES."

Mrs. Dan said...


Sammy's Mommy said...

I hate writing LOL, but it is the darn truth here. LOL GWENYTH LOL!!!

Liz said...

LOL! I love this picture!!

Danielle in MO said...

that is the greatest picture!!!

Anonymous said...

lol That is hilarious! Haha, the most beautiful baby-teen ever!

BloggyMom said...

That is so cute!!!

Anonymous said...! :o)

Unknown said...

Best picture yet!!!!!!!

Megan R. said...

Her facial expressions are just priceless! What a doll!

Brooks Family said...

Her father's daughter...;)

Judy said...

And that is all I have to say on that!!!!

terri c said...

SOOOOO Cute!! She has the "oversized shades" look DOWN. And all ready for the paparazzi!!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Thanks for sharing.

Lesley said...

Wow! She does remind me of the Lawrenson's that I know!! ;-)

Angela said...

oh my! That is absolutely hilarious. Great job capturing that shot. :-)

Kathryn said...

to cute for words!

The Chatt Pack said...

That is hilarious - put a smile on my face!

Stefanie said...

I love this picture!! oh my goodness she is to cute.

Mobachs said...

this is a great picture to show one day at her wedding!! she'll kill you for it but it will be cute!!

The Thornton Family said...

Love. It.

Stacey in Missippi

Candy said...

That is the cutest pic ever! hahaha

Anonymous said...

She makes the craziest faces - takin' after her dad :-)

Graciy said...

you just know she took a pooh!

MadMaude53 said...

Oh my!!! If you could bottle this picture you would put the pharmaceutical companies out of business! A daily dose of this would cure anybody's depression or anxiety. Short of that happening, this would make a terrific post card!!!

AlaneM said...

Nate I am seriously laughing so hard I'm tearing up. That has got to be one of the funniest baby pics of all time.
She's so cute it's almost unfair to all the other babies :)