
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This Is Me...

...on a mini getaway for a few days in Lynchburg, VA to hang out with family and friends. We're just chillaxin' and enjoying our first trip to the Burg in over two years. We even had the chance to meet several of our blog readers/prayer warriors last night at a little get-together. A few Cheesy Westerns for lunch today (any idea where we'll be eating?), and then back to reality tomorrow.



  1. I'm sure Andy knows and is jealous!!! Enjoy :0)

  2. Welcome back to the burg! I am sure the T room will be the same as it has always been. :) Enjoy those cheesy westerns!

  3. The T room! I didn't know you had connections in Lburg. I have only left one comment, but have read your blog for a year! That is where I grew up and also have family!

  4. Wow. Now that's some hair.

  5. Bring me a quart of relish, please.

  6. LOL...I went to college at Liberty, and have fond memories of the Texas Inn :)

  7. I don't know you, just read, but *waving* at you in L-burg!

  8. a shave would not hurt either!

  9. Oooh-gonna need some more info on this Cheesy Western thing-sounds amazing.

  10. Cut that hair - Tricia deserves better. ;)

  11. I love to visit Lynchburg as my son and daughter-in-love live there working at Liberty. We'll have to check out the Texan Inn next time we visit.
    Enjoy you time, it's a great place to visit and even more special with family and friends there.

  12. We lived in L'burg for many years. Imagine my face when my six-year-old son announced at the top of his lungs, "My mom hates to bring me here!" to the toothless person flipping the burgers at the Texas Inn. Have fun!

  13. Nate - have a good time. I cannot believe how quickly your hair has grown!


    Imagine my surprise as I follow up on your blog this morning and read this!

  15. That's awesome! Enjoy. Lynchburg is a really pretty part of VA.

  16. You got to eat at the T room?!?! Agh...(jealous) Lynchburg is beautiful and my favorite place in VA!

  17. Whatever a cheesy western is... it sounds good. When is that yearly haircut? I'll have to do a search at the top of your blog.

    LOVE THE SHIRT!!!! :)

  18. Dude, you should shave your head again. you were sooo cute that way. just saying.
    BTW LOVE your blog and love reading about your lovely life and adorable daughter.
    Reader from South Dakota

  19. It was great meeting ya'll last night--Like you said, I love putting faces to people I read about and pray for:)
    YAY! More Lawrensons to love!!
    You will all remain in my prayers.
    Have a safe journey home, and I hope to meet ya'll again!

    Megan (Garland) Hammock

  20. you should try to make it to the Old City Cemetery to take pictures of your family on the big will love it.

  21. FYI... incase you didn't know it... Cheesy Westerns are WAY better at 2am!!

  22. I have been a reader of your blog for a while. I found it through a friend. Love your blog, but didn't know you were from Lynchburg. My husband is from there and the first place we had to go to when we first went there is the T-Room. I have to say I stood there very taken back and wondering where I was. Nothing like a cheesy western all the way or a bowl. Thanks for bring a smile to my face today.


  23. I've lived in the burg since 2003 and STILL have not experienced the T Room...I guess I haven't truly lived. At least that's my husband's opinion!

  24. would it kill you to lose some weight, cut your hair, shave and have a little pride in yourself. thats just disgusting man.

  25. Welcome back to Lynchburg.I thought the sun looked shinier this morning- now I know it's because you brought some OBX with you.

  26. OK I think you should shave the head again!

  27. It was awesome meeting you guys last night! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story! Hope you enjoyed the T-Room--I have many a fond memory of 2AM trips there! :)

  28. Man, Anonymous is on a kick today! Wish I had that much time to kill! (BTW, you look just fine)

    Have fun on your getaway! Have an extra bite of your cheesy western for all of us - ummm, sounds good!

  29. Never been to the Texas Inn and I was at Liberty for 3 years... is that a bad thing?? I just got done reading the LU journal and was taken back by all the changes in the campus since I graduated in 2000. I'm sure it would blow me away. One of these days I hope to go and see it again.

  30. I think you should put all of your cutie/hottie facebook couple pics on here and let people have a vote off on your hairstyles. (Beings that your hair is such a HOT topic on here tonight) I like's fluffy!

  31. @ Anonymous who is rude. FIND ANOTHER BLOG TO FOLLOW!!!! DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO THAN CRITICIZE OTHERS! I feel sorry for you. Ignore him Nate. I enjoy your blog. First time commenter, long time lurker.

  32. nate,
    ignore the people who make negative comments about you!!! I think you are very good looking and you are a great man!!! self centered people who make negative comments are cowards! I hope and pray you do not listen to any of that!!!!!!!! you get to wear your hair on your head and facial hair ANY way you want, its no one else's business!

    and I do not have blogger, gmail or all that stuff so while it says ANONYMOUS my name is Stacy Jennings and I am from Powder Springs, GA.

    Thanks for your blog Nate. Please keep it going despite the rude people who try to bring you down. God Bless!

  33. I know what it is, they MUST be jealous because they lost all of their hair! That's funny that they just want to get things stirred up and we all fall for it.

  34. I also think I'm incredibly good looking. I can't help it that my hair is so thick and looking so crazy perfect as soon as I roll out of bed in the morning. But, you all probably already knew that... :)

  35. and HUMBLE! very very humble! ;-)

  36. You just gotta feel sorry for those who make negative anonymous sad that they have to put other people down to make themselves feel good.....yeh sad :(
    You rock Nate! Keep up the great work! Hugs to all, Liz from Down Under :) (sorry I also don't have a blog, but see you on facebook!)

  37. Nate, the hair rocks. It takes a special kinda guy to be secure with himself to the point of looking a tad ridiculous on the interweb. Personally, I'd like to have hair as thick as yours.

    One of the things that has kept me reading your blog since january of last year is your willingness to be pretty open and real (though we certainly must recognize we're only seeing a series of snapshots of your family's life).

    May God continue to bless you with grace and an incredible sense of humor.

  38. sorry to be anonymous myself....but i think you can block anonymous're a babe!! those people just hate themselves and trying to get some attention thru your popularity...LAME

  39. I think you look like the handsome fun loving and wonderful dad and husband you have always been!

  40. How come I wasn't invited to this get-together, hehe, j/k. My hubby and I do live right outside of Lynchurg...and we do pray for you and your family often. But it's ok, I forgive you. :oP


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