
Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome To The Gardens

We introduced Gwyneth to the Duke Gardens on Wednesday evening...such a perfect day to be outside, and we're thankful to have had enough time to enjoy it after the long clinic day.



  1. it looks like you enjoyed a beautiful day... I cant wait for our snow to be gone so my family can do the same :) Tricia looks great with the short hair by the way! Ive been meaning to comment on that but Im a slacker.what can I say.

  2. They are all nice pics but the last one is really great. :)

  3. last pic is my fave! wow! so incredible! all 3 of ya with smiles on your faces! love it to death! lil one is just staring at her hero dad! AWESOME

  4. I love the bridge pic and the last family pic. GORGEOUS. No words really.

    God bless!

  5. Great pics. Just love the expressions on Gwyneths face. You should have a "put a caption to the pic" contest. What a beautiful family.

  6. A truly beautiful family. Love you guys!!!

  7. Aww these photos are precious! Looks like Gwyneth had a great day of fun!

  8. So happy to hear Tricia is feeling better. WOWEE love those new pics, each one is better than the one before.
    you all look wonderful.

  9. Love the topknot and bow! She reminds me of my youngest daughter. All of 3 of you have grown a lot of hair. Y'all look great!

  10. How beautiful my fav is baby Gwyneth standing by the bridge and the family photo. Looks like you had a beautiful day to take in so many amazing and new things for her to discover.~Darlene

  11. I love her hair!! Maybe someday my little one will have enough hair to put in a litte pony... (she is 16mos) She is getting so big and she is so precious!!!

  12. aww wonderful family pic there! and I love the pic of her standing! Hard to believe!

  13. Tricia, your hair looks so cute! What great pictures, as always!

  14. Tricia's hair is growing out really cute :-) Gwyneth is gorgeous as always!

  15. ooooh, Duke Gardens is so beautiful. Fond memories there w/ our little ones go back 20 yrs when we lived in Chapel Hill. Glad you could enjoy its beauty! Everyone should visit Duke Gardens!

  16. love the last picture! such a beautiful family! looks like gwyneth really enjoyed the gardens too, she's so precious

  17. I especially love your family pic. Everyone together.

    I especially like Tricia's hair... which may sound strange but I like it. Maybe its because I know whe is a warrior and has conquered. The hair is growing back. Ü


  18. ps.

    I was gonna add that my SIL was totally bald at my daughter and his wedding... now his hair is longer than mine.

    He loves having hair.

  19. The bridge picture is incredible, should be framed. I have never left a comment but that photo is great! Thanks for sharing everything.
    Love from a follower of your incredible and inspirational story

  20. Tricia is adorable with short hair!

  21. Gorgeous shots, and wow is Gwyneth every GROWING, look at her up on her feet!!!! Love Tricia with short hair and freckles.

  22. her spunky little personality is really starting to shine through, I love it!

    I also love Trisha's short hair. Both she & my friend who just finished chemo (for Hodgkins') look awesome with the supershort hair.

  23. Oh I love that last picture! It's amazing to think of how far you guys have come in a year. God has been so faithful! I'm praying that he'll continue to pour out his blessings on your family! Thanks for being a continual witness for the LORD!
    -Judy in Pa!

  24. I'm so glad you got to enjoy the beautiful weather at the gardens. You got some great pictures!

    Tricia is looking great!

  25. Great pictures you guys!!! I absolutely love all the toe pictures. LOL :)

  26. i love duke gardens! glad you enjoyed the beautiful weather together.

  27. Tricia looks beautiful! Short hair
    looks great on her!

  28. Gosh what a fun day. i especially love the last picture of your family. It is beautiful of all three of you!

  29. Are those two bottom teeth (in the 4th photo from the bottom)?

    Count me in as one who thinks Tricia looks super cute with short hair!!

  30. great pictures!
    and your hair is long.....:)

    enjoy your weekend as a family


  31. love the pics. i too love tricia's hair short. looks super 'cute'. if it's okay to call it that. otherwise fill 'cute' in with a different word of your choice. :0)

  32. Beautiful.....That is one beautiful baby girl!

  33. such a beautiful day for pictures, you really got some good ones. she looks like she is doing so wonderful.she looks like dad...

  34. Amazing pictures! I love them! So glad Tricia is feeling better.

  35. I LOVE Tricia's hair...she's so beautiful!

    Tricia from Charlottesville

  36. such beautiful pictures! And I am so jealous, I love that place!!! :o)

  37. I love BOTH of their hair styles...

  38. Wow! I remember the pics from a year ago--they seemed so amazing then, but wow, you've come so far!! Praise God for that! Fun to see Gwyneth really enjoying herself there, and Tricia too.

    Glad the gorgeous-haired Tricia is feeling better!

  39. Wonderful pictures! I spent many spring Sunday afternoons at Duke Gardens when I was a student there. It is truly a beautiful place, and you have a beautiful family.

  40. The ponytail is so cute! It must be fun to see one so small standing up by herself!

  41. so beautiful. and look at her standing up! and that pony tail is the cutest.

  42. Both of your girls are getting more beautiful every day.

  43. What beautiful and memorable photos you guys. Its good to see the family photos and the one of Gwenyth standing on the bridge looking out was adorable.

    I wish I had more photos of my children and myself when they were younger.

    Glad you enjoyed some of God's Beautiful Glory today.

    I'm glad to hear Tricia is fever free. I am signing off and going to bed myself with a 3 day migraine.

    God Bless

  44. I love the little bow in Gwyneth's hair.
    I love Tricia's hair! Hope she is going to keep that style, it suits her.

  45. Look at her standing like a big girl!!!!!

  46. These are beautiful pictures! You can even see Gwyneth's teeth in a few of them. Thanks for posting these! :)

  47. Gwyneth is sporting the Pepples look very well!Cute pictures.

  48. what a wonderful family outing and great family pictures! Loving too that everyone's hair is getting sooo long!

    Can I say though that GR might come back someday and really dislike the fact of the "DQ" ontop of her head (my mom did that to me for years and to this day I still pick on her for it...hence we call it the "DQ" style, like the curl on the Dairy Queen ice cream cones, lol)

  49. Tricia looks hot!! She's getting her Halle Berry on and her face just looks beautiful!

    Great pics of the gardens and our whole family just melted at the video off Gwyneth babbling at the door!

  50. My how your lives have changed! The garden pictures have always been beautiful, but how much more with your little family of 3 intact and the most healthy they've been in the past year! Praise God!

  51. I LOVE the little buffy pony tail! Glad to hear Trisha is feeling better!

  52. Nathan, love the "piggy shots"; I really liked the Gwyneth standing on the bridge, that is great. You guys are just so photogenic! Judith

  53. Tricia....I'm such loving how your hair coming cute and trendy! You look fabulous:)

    cute pictures

  54. I love that one of her standing there in that cute little dress! It's just adorable! Glad you were able to enjoy the gardens. Thanks for sharing them with us. :o)

  55. Love the pictures. Glad Tricia is feeling better. Your pictures bring me hope for spring. :) It will be so nice to be able to go outside with shorts on. :)

  56. Uhh to think I was there this time last year away from family and friends, but with my husband and child. Uhh, so sad I cannot get that moment back. Please like always enjoy every little moment of that beauty.
    Trying to SMILE, Missing my Husband

  57. I love the 5th picture from the bottom, gwyneth looks like she's pondering something really deep!

  58. oh wow! Great pics! that one of G on the bridge is awesome, my favorite for sure.
    Thanks for sharing..

  59. Love the pics and love Tricia's hair! Very pixie and adorable!

  60. What a beautiful family. Tricia looks great with short hair!

  61. What great pictures. I love the last one of the three of you together. Such an awesome family you all are.

  62. Wow... what a gorgeous day! Tricia looks soooo cute without the wig. I see that there are no curls there. I don't know if you knew this, but there were a total of 3 nurses in my clinic who had breast cancer when I did..I was the first, then the other two were diagnosed 6 and 9 months after me.. Two of us got curly hair when it grew back. Mine was curly before, though. The third got her straight hair back. But hey.. it's HAIR~~~

  63. Such wonderful pictures!! One of the things we loved the most about NC was how beautiful it was. If it wasn't for the humidity, we'd be living there now!

  64. I am sure everyone has already said it...but I LOVE the little pony tail.

    Too Cute.

  65. Those little toes are too cute and that ponytail absolutely rocks! Looks like a fabulous day!

  66. Oh my goodness, I love the one of her standing! How stinkin' cute is she?

  67. Hi guys. I know Tricia may like long hair most girls do but I like her hair short like it is right now I think it looks good on her. And, I am glad you guys enjoyed the gardens at Duke.

  68. Your family is beautiful! I love the last picture of the 3 of you. I'm still so happy that things have turned out for you all the way they have.

  69. What great family pictures! These are just precious!

  70. LOVE LOVE LOVE the family shot!!!

  71. Those are so sweet. She looks like she is a Daddy's girl!

  72. It's crazy to think that Gwyneth is the same little micro premie! She is precious! God is so amazing.

  73. Beautiful pictures! I haven't been over here much lately, but have to say that Gwyneth's eyes look perfect!


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