
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Falling To Sleep: The Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Be Happy and Playful

Step 2: Be Lethargic and Tired

Step 3: Be Grumpy

Step 4: Be Stubborn and Whiny

Step 5: Be Peaceful and Beautiful



  1. That would be a fun series of pictures to scrapbook!! Thank you for sharing with us :-)

  2. I love how ya'll capture things!!! So enjoyable!!

  3. Yup, that's usually the way it works. How neat to have captured it in pictures.

    She still looks sweet, even when crabby.

  4. When I see the pics/posts you do of your baby girl it reminds me of when my girls were little and all the baby things that are so adorable. Thanks for sharing your memories and bringing back mine!

  5. Awww, how precious! You have a beautiful little princess there! :-)

  6. She has the steps down as well as my little bugger does! she spends a great deal of time of the stubborn and whiny stages!

  7. That makes me smile! She's so beautiful! (And we still pray for you everyday :) )

  8. Seems she is a pretty normal, well adapted one year old ;-)

    When she is 13 you'll have fun showing these to her

  9. that is so precious! Made me smile! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Nate, that was too perfect! A wonderful series of pics for any new parent! You need to publish it:)

    I haven't posted in awhile, but still check almost everyday, and I cannot believe how she has grow! A true and amazing gift she is!

    All the Best!


  11. So cute and so beautiful! Thanks for sharing these.

  12. Bedtime is so fun! I must say our first had no problems going down. I really hope the new one (due in August) follows suit.

    Tricia :)

  13. She is just perfect!! I love how expressive she is when sleepy.

  14. What an adorable set of pictures!

  15. Those are adorable!

  16. hahahaha....she is just adorable. I love the step by step guide. Way too cute!

  17. Great pics and brought back funny memories of getting our little guy off to sleep! Ooooh, the drama, but they are angels when they finally fall asleep! ;-)

  18. Don't you just love the fuzziness of the hair on the back of her head? I always loved that and thought it a shame that it was gone when their hair really started to grow. I love that you captured this and every other special moment.

  19. Great pictures, Nate! And since I can't comment on the other one....cute pictures and video! She is so expressive!

  20. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who takes picture of their kids sleeping or fighting sleeping! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Love this post. The pictures are adorable and the "problem" is so typical. Does it sound silly to welcome you to the world of "normal" kid problems"?

  22. That last stage makes all the rest so worth it. They do that 'peaceful and beautiful' thing so well.

  23. Such a cute post! You are so creative Nate! Of course, you do have the perfect subjects for your pictures!

  24. I'm a reader of your blog and I absolutley love the pictures and videos you share of you and your family. I definately think from you pictures and video she takes after you, but I do see some of her momma in her. I guess she'll be a well balanced full of fun and life little girl.

  25. Babies are so funny. I love watching them and the faces that they make are priceless!

  26. She is just such a doll baby!!!!


  27. That's awesome news about the newborn screening! And that baby girl of yours is just precious.

    I have followed your blog for a while now and haven't commented yet, at least I don't think that I have. I have been cheering you on, praising and praying. I have a preemie as well, 28 weeker weighing 1 lb. 11 oz, so I can empathize a little bit. Anyway, that's not the point. My reason for commenting is that a while back you talked about people leaving negative and nasty comments on your blog. I remember thinking to myself, "what could people possibly say that is negative?" All 3 of you are an inspiration! I got my first negative comment today on my blog, anonymous of course. Only my friends and family read my blog really, it doesn't have a big following, that is not the point of it. When I got that comment, I thought about you and how mean-spirited people can be to complete strangers. There is no reason for it at all. So from now on, I am going to comment here frequently with only nice things to say! Thank you for sharing a part of your lives, educating others and revealing God's love for his children.

  28. Nate and Trish, she is just simply precious. Just ignore the negative peps,they like it when they get the attention that they want from you.
    They thrive on finding ways to hurt the innocent and feed into it. I am pretty sure you know whats best for your little sweet white rose without them throwing out their opinions/thoughs.

    Much love,

  29. Gwyneth,
    Tired, cranky or crabby, you are still a beautiful miracle. When you get bigger, you will have to take some embarrassing pics of your Daddy to show at the family reunions. Hee Hee.
    Elaine from MT

  30. Love it...perfect synopsis of what they do. How'd you get those pictures?!


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