
Sunday, May 10, 2009


I'm feeling like a bum...with all of the stuff happening with Tricia the past few days (did I mention Gwyneth had a fever last night?), I haven't had any time to even think about mother's day, much less do something about it. Fortunately, I've got a few things all ready for Tricia's birthday next week, and I know that Tricia has had gifts waiting for our mothers for several weeks now.

But, I still feel like a bum.




  1. You are the furthest thing from a bum. I don't even know you personally, but feel like through this blog (that I have been reading almost daily for over a year)that I am qualified to say you are a great husband, father and human being. Your girls are lucky to have you. You are lucky to have them. You are all an inspiration to me every day. Thanks.

  2. You're not a bum! With all you guys have been through, this is just a break.
    Happy Mothers Day to Tricia!
    Feel Better Soon!

  3. Awwwww, mom's don't need store bought gifts. Pamper Tricia all day, wash her hair, pick some flowers from outside. She will love it.

    Happy Mother's Day, Tricia!

  4. Hello

    Nate, you are far from a "bum"!

    The best gift Trica could ever have is with her each and every day.. That is Baby G!

    Have a blessed mothers day Trica!

    Laura (mom to a cf'er)

  5. Definitely great ideas! Breakfast in bed...cook her lunch...paint her nails, rub her hands and feet...there are tons of things you could do today!! That you won't have to leave the house for! Praying for you guys!

  6. Write her a "homemade" card. Even just a couple sentences about how much you love her! She'll eat it up. I know I would.

  7. Happy Mother's Day to Tricia.

  8. You sure are hard on yourself, Nate.

  9. I'm sure you know your not a bum really LOL. We don't need a commercial day to show mum's how much we love them. We can show them that every time we see them. I hope Tricia and Gwyneth are feeling better and that you all have a great time on Mothers Day :)

  10. Bum? You? I don't think so!! Personally, as a mom of a 3 yr old, the best thing my hubby and son could do for me is plan something to do together... I don't need jewlery or perfume or cards (altho flowers ARE nice!) We are just going to have the day together!
    I'd say YES to the pampering if Tricia can take it!
    You are a one in a million dad and husband. And I'm pretty sure Tricia knows that... and will be okay with it all!

  11. You are not a BUM!! The day has just begun and over the last year I have come to know that you are a very creative person. You will do undoubtably have something up your sleeve. So dont beat yourself up, you have had a lot going on, and Tricia's health is more important than any spectacular Mothers Day presents. She has you and her precious daughter to enjoy, I bet that is all she cares about! Happy Mothers Day Tricia and I hope you feel better soon

  12. You could never be bum. I never met you in person but You have always been there for Tricia and Baby G.She has been give the gift of a wonderful caring Man..You!! Don't sell yourself short.
    Make her lunch , give her a flower from outside..make her a IOU for when she feels better. When she does take her and Baby G to the beach for a picnic or something.
    Its not about what you buy. Its about the every day things you help her with as the Mother of your darling Girl.
    Besides my best gift for Mothers day isn't something bought its having my Husband and Kids around and getting another Mothers Day together.
    Take care Nate and Hoping Tricia feels better fast.

  13. You are not a bum Nate. Without you, Tricia would not be a mommy today and Gwyneth would not be here. It is the love that counts and you three have plenty to go around. This is one day you will look back on with a big smile. Love you guys.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  14. Nope definitely NOT a bum. The fact that you FEEL like a bum when you shouldn't proves that. It sure seems to me that you're a wonderful husband and father everyday. I'm sure she knows how much you and Gwyneth love her and that you think she's a great mom.

  15. NOT a Bum!!! Gifts are superficial. Give of your time and love;that she will LOVE! Get some paper and write IOU's where she can redeem these for pampering.

  16. As a mother myself, I can say that the best present I will ever get for Mother's Day is time with my kids. Don't beat yourself up about not wrapping something that can't fit in a package - just being a Mama is enough! And maybe spend the day saying "Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma..." around Gwyneth - who knows? :)

  17. Hey it last aallll day, bake her a cake! Or some soup if she is still not feeling well.

    Store bought gift's are overrated any Mom would rather get something homemade!

  18. I agree with the crew. You are not a bum. From the view here, every day is Mother's Day and Valentine's Day combined in your house. Your love for your wife is not measured in cards or gifts but by your every day actions and words. Tricia is one extraordinary loving mom & wife and I am sure that she doesn't need Hallmark to tell her that. I hope that she is feeling much better today :)

  19. No worries...there will be plenty more to make up for, right? I cannot tell you how many of my mother's days have been just ordinary days with a title put on them. You can make any of her days a 'Happy Mother's Day'!

  20. Welcome to the world of " parenting".

  21. Welcome to the world of " parenting".

  22. All these moms' comments are on the money. Even a heart-felt letter written on a piece of note paper would undoubtedly be treasured by Tricia. Besides, it's the active day-to-day things you hubbies do and say that say "I love you!"

  23. i would hardly call you a bum!

  24. We haven't done anything about Mother's day either. Our situation is purely because of finances or lack of. I don't care about those things. And I'm pretty sure Tricia doesn't either. As long as my husband tells me he appreciates my efforts and my boys love and hug on me, then the day is a success. I know that you show your wife love daily. Don't be so hard on yourself. Years from now she probably won't remember specific gifts, but she will always remember how loved she feels by her family. Have a great day. I hope you all start feeling better soon.

  25. You deserves a Mother's Day present yourself. You are an awesome parent. Besides it's about your Mom. Gwyneth can only give Tricia a diaper today, but soon...
    : )

  26. Your support and help means that Tricia can do what she has always wanted to do- Be a Mother!!!!

    Nothing you could buy, make or give her could be better than the gift you giver her everyday. I'm sure the best bit about today for Tricia is the fact that she IS a Mom!!!!!!

    Cut yourself some slack and give yourself credit.

    Lecture over ;-)

  27. Nathan
    just an idea
    when Tricia feels better,maybe a trip to the zoo and a evening on the beach with you & Gyyneth
    and Today... how about a nice ride with you & Gwyneth to RITA'S.

  28. Just make her smile and laugh.
    As a mom on Mother's Day for the first time this year, I can say she probably treasures time with you and Gwyneth above anything you could give or do.

  29. Just pretend next week is Mother's Day. You'll all enjoy it a whole lot more.

  30. Nate, it is the thought that counts today!!! And the gift of being a mom is present enough! Well, until the kids are older than a day of good behavior is good too;-)


  31. My guess is that Tricia is thankful to have you and Gwyneth in her life. To me, Mother's Day isn't about gifts, it's about appreciating, again, how much your child/ren and husband mean to you! Honestly! Tricia is probably so thankful to have you guys! You are a wonderful family! Happy Mother's Day Tricia!

  32. I'm thinking that just being a wonderful father/husband that you are and taking care of your girls would be the best mother's day gift Tricia would need. Love is what it's all about, materialistic is nada!

  33. You our home love is not shown in "doing" things right on holidays....its about loving well each seems like you do that!

  34. You being a bum? From what I have been reading over the past year, I hardly think that is a description that fits you. I am sure Tricia will agree. With all you 3 have been through over the past year, it is amazing that is the only thing that crept up on you. Having someone like you and a precious daughter such as Gwyneth, is probably the best gift Tricia can receive on Mother's Day.
    Elaine from MT
    Hope Gwnyeth's fever wasn't anything serious.
    Elaine from MT

  35. I know from my experience that I would much rather have my husband sit down and "color" mommy a card with our son than a box of candy or roses. The card requires effort, teaches our child the concept behind the holiday (gotta train em young, ha), and is a keepsake I'll always keep.

    You are SO NOT bum.

  36. Hey Nate,
    You know what I did for my mom on Mother's day? I made her a special video card with a soft piano song of I love you and words from my heart attached to it,and then I took a long stem red rose with baby's breathe and laid it on her gravesite. It's something that I do every year since she went to heaven 5 1/2 years ago. I know she was looking down at me knowing how much I love and miss her.

    This is something that is inexpensive to do and touching because it comes straight from the heart. Just an idea for future Mother's Day ideas for those whom still have their mothers or for those who have lost that special woman in their earthly lives.~Darlene

  37. Don't be hard on yourself..she doesn't want or need things from the have given her your love and a beautiful daughter, making her a Mother on Mother's Day. You are amazing! I lost my precious daughter, Jennifer, to CF three years ago at the age of 28! She was the light of my life! You and your precious family are in my thoughts and prayers!


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