
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - Tonight!

We're watching My Favorite Show with extra excitement tonight! Several members of my family and a few friends were involved in the construction of the house featured on tonight's season finale, which was filmed about an hour away. We'll be looking for familiar faces and I'll be twittering if we see any!



  1. We're watching it here too... a very dear friend of mine is an HR Manager for CVS. She and some of her staff were involved as well!

  2. I LOVE that show too. altho i pretty much cry thru the whole thing! lol. very cool that your family and friends got to be part of something so wonderful.

  3. 2 years ago a house was built in Raleigh.My friend's husband worked on the house but on the show he wasn't shown at all.On the local edtion he was see doing lots.I got a t shirt out of the deal so I was happy!

  4. We will be watching here tonight too.

  5. Is Mike Fermahin one of those guys?

  6. I'll be watching too. But I'm thinking all my shots probably are on the editing room floor.

  7. That's awesome - too bad my husband doesn't care for the show. Have fun watching!

  8. Oh my...the end totally choked me up..."One person CAN make difference. And everyone should try." Wise words :). Great episode...I can't believe that girl is only 17. Very mature.

  9. I watch all the time too! Great show. I think the season finale in on May 17th. The episode is one from my town-Indianapolis! I got to help out with the construction of that one! :) I wrote a blog about it too...and posted several pictures! Good luck searching for your friends and family. I will be doing the same in 2 weeks! :)

  10. I watched the last 20 minutes of it and it was such a great story! I really love that show although I usually have tears running down my face the entire time. So glad that family got an accessible home.

  11. Nice bathroom. My son-in-law, Mike Fermahin, owns South Wind Tile there at Outer Banks. We were really proud that he was a part of the Extreme Makeover.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. About a month ago, they did one here in our area!
    Our church was super involved in rallying up volunteers for it.

    Super cool to know the area and the friends helping out with it.

  14. Watched the show with hubby. Way cool that some of your dear ones were able to help! I think that would probably be the best week of my life to help with such a project.

  15. I have posted a link to your blog in my latest blog post at

  16. I've always wondered why they don't do a season abroad in some third world country. They could do an Extreme Village Makeover and just tear down and rebuild an entire village with proper septic, etc.

    I would love to watch something like that. Seeing a familiar face on TV though is a very close second.

    take care!


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