
Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Please, pray for my friend Adam and his family today...his baby girl, Kayleigh, passed away last night.



  1. So sad! I've been praying all morning :(

  2. My heart just breaks and I can't imagine what they must be feeling. We will continue to follow thier blog and lift them up in prayers.

  3. This news makes me sad.:( Tracy

  4. I have been following their blog and been praying for the family since you posted prayer request for them. My heart aches for them.

  5. I just read the news on his blog. My heart is breaking for them. There truly are no words. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

  6. I'm so sorry for their loss. I lost a one pound blessing myself many years ago, and I know how long it takes to recoop. God bless.

  7. I have been following their blog for some time now and my heart just breaks for them. My prayers will definitely continue for them too.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  8. Several of the blogs I visit everyday on my blog-rounds have announced the passing of sweet little Kayleigh.

    These tiny ones make such an impression on so many.


    ps. the Freeman's are in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. Praying for the Freeman's. Kayleigh will not be forgotten!

  10. Because of you, I have followed their story and am heartbroken for their family. But, I will hug my kids tight tonight and am once again reminded that life is precious and should not be taken for granted. Thanks for helping me remember that.


  11. I have been praying and will continue to do so. I was just broken hearted when I read Adam's post this morning. I posted on my blog for prayers to be said as well.

    Thank you for sharing!

  12. my heart aches for their family. I also started following their blog because of you! I was really hoping for a better outcome.
    kayleigh and her family are in my prayers!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I saw the update this morning. So sad, my heart breaks for them. Did you see they are airing their episode on the Doctors tomorrow? It looks like they do something to help out Adam & Aimee. It could have something to do with the 2,000,000 in medical bills that they have. I'll be watching in hopes that they help them in a huge way. They deserve some peace.

  15. The Lord has brought them to mind over and over again in the last 24 hours! Praying...

  16. My heart is breaking for you as I know how you are feeling. Our precious baby boy, Issac, passed away as well at 24wks. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him, love him, and thank God I had the chance to have him be part of my life- even though so brief. Know our thoughts and prayers are with you


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