
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pancake Dinner Tonight!

This is our third year with this fund-raiser! If you're nearby, please come out and enjoy the best pancakes on the beach! And, if you're interested in volunteering to wait tables or wash dishes, contact Barbara at Nags Head Church at 252.441.7548.

All proceeds goes directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!



  1. Am I going to be first?

  2. Yes i was! Nathan, you do not know how long I have wanted to be the first to comment on one of your posts! I have been following your blog since before Gwyneth was born, I was sent to it by a friend here in the UK who has CF (and is a successful transplantee)

    Gwynrth is a joy to behold!
    Good Luck with the fund raiser

    Alison, london, England

  3. Nate, I wanted to send you this link that was in our local paper today. We have a young man from our hometown (Bloomington, IL) with CF. He thought all hope was lost, but know has been told he may qualify for a double lung transplant.

    They don't have a caring bridge website but an email address to send notes. I thought maybe you would like to drop them a note and offer some encouragement from a family that has gone through this. Sherri. P.S. -- I love that pic of Gwyneth with the SNOT. Cracks me up.

  4. i heard you weren't going to be able to go to the fundraiser b/c you're still sick. sure hope you feel better soon!

  5. Pancakes? My fave....I so wanna live near you LOL

  6. Wish I could come!!! In honor of the pancake dinner, though, I will post a pancake recipe on my blog:) Just kidding, I was planning on posting it anyway. But still love you guys!! Hope the dinner is a smashing success!!

  7. Pancakes sound wonderful! And a better cause?? not too many are there! I am here in the land of crepes (france) so I can not join you! hope it is a VERY successful fundraiser!
    you all are precious, and I am so glad you blog! I get the little notices on mine when you update :) it is wonderful to see how God is moving in your family...
    Gwynth is simply a darling,
    love to the family
    a sister in Christ

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I wish we could go! To bad we live 2 hours away! :(
    Emily 4 da Burgesses

  10. I wish I could be at the dinner, but Louisiana is too far from you guys. Love all the new pictures on the previous post! Gwyneth looks SO happy. My favorite is the one of her checking out Meko's (?)tongue/doggy breath. Cute!


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