
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ready for Combat!

Gwyneth hit a HUGE milestone this past week...she started combat crawling (on her elbows)! She's seriously been on the verge of doing this forever, so it's very exciting (as I'm sure it is for any parent) for us to see it...we're hoping she'll be crawling on her hands and knees very soon. Here's some video proof!

I think it's about time to baby-proof the house...



  1. YAY Gwenyth!! Evven my girls were sitting here cheering you on!! How exciting! Nathan and Tricia-be prepared for the chasing to see what's in the mouth!! Just remember: God made dirt and dirt don't hurt. You may have to repeat that over and over.

  2. Wow, that nearly brought tears to my eyes. That's so awesome, Nate.

    I also love how Meka totally backs off and pays attention around baby. You could tell though that she's not quite into sharing her toys yet!

    (BTW, I'm a first time commenter, but I've been following your blog since pre-Gweneth!)

  3. YAY Gwenyth!! Now you know that in a few years you will miss the non-moving sitting in one place baby right? ;)

  4. WOW! That is just awesome! Thanks for sharing that with us.

  5. That is how my girls first crawled too. And we did the same thing to try and get it on video. We would put toys just out of reach and hope we would catch the "army crawl" on tape. We spent like two hours doing that one night. Ahh, memories.

    Yeah for Gwyneth!!!!!!

  6. Phenomenal! She's comin' right along! Baby proofing...yeah, this is where the arms start growing an inch per week, it seems like. Have fun!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hooray! Before long you guys will be chasing her down the beach! Go Gwyneth!

  9. What a cutie! Good Job Gwenyth!!!

  10. AWESOME!!!!!!! She'll be running after Meka before you know it!

  11. Oh boy ... definitely baby proofing time! *yeah Gwyneth*

  12. That is so awesome! Way to go Gwyneth!!! She's coming along SO GREAT!!!! :o) I know you and Tricia are so proud of her!

  13. Yay Gwyneth! Awesome work girlie! Before we know it you will be crawling on all fours zooming around the house. And then we all know what comes next: walking! :-)

  14. So proud...she is doing so good! What an exciting milestone! Very excited for you and Tricia!

  15. Eh, baby proofing only keeps you from getting into stuff. See, babies have this very special ability to get whatever they want, period.

    On the other hand, yay Gwyneth!!! You'll be unstoppable before long

    (first time poster, full time lurker)

  16. Yipppeeee!!! Way to go Gwenyth! I laughed out loud watching Meka grabbing her toy because my pug does the same thing with my little guy! And I love the expression on Gwenyth's face just before she lunges forward. Congrats & you have every reason to be very proud and happy parents!

  17. Horray Gwenyth! Yeah for you :) Hugs to you big girl!

  18. Oh Boy let the fun begin!Have fun babyproofing.You will find you didn't know were ever on the floor before.

  19. Yea, Gwyneth!! In our family, we call that the G.I. Joe Baby Crawl!

    A baby on the move - you'll be really busy keeping up with her!

    Love to all.

  20. That is sooo awesome! She is just A-dorable, too! Her face just gets prettier and prettier! Love Meka trying to get in on the action ,too. lol

  21. Gwyneth, I'd rather have the laptop too. Good job! =)

  22. That's great~ What an accomplishment for her! And yes, time to baby proof!

  23. WHOO HOOO!!! Go Gwyneth GO!

  24. Go Gwyneth! There is so much I love about this short clip. First of all - that she is crawling! Congrats! Secondly, that you do not take one thing forgranted...and I am appreciative of that! I love how Gwyneth keeps looking at herself, too. Finally - Meka cracks me up!

  25. Woo-hoo Way to go Gwyn! That's awesome. What a wonderful accomplishment!

  26. Way to go, Gwenyth!! I remember my daughter doing that. She never did learn to crawl, but went from combat crawl to walking at a little over age 2. She was also a premie (26 weeks), born exactly 2 years before Gwenyth. It's fun to watch your daughter follow a very similiar path in developement as my daughter did. Things only get better as they get older.

  27. Yeah!! Here comes trouble! :)

    That's the only way my daughter ever crawled. She went straight to walking about a month later.

  28. Awesome!!!!!!! :-D

  29. That is awesome! What a sweetie, go Gwyneth, go!

  30. Yay Gwyneth! She never ceases to amaze me, and she makes the cutest faces!

  31. Thanks for sharing...that made my day!

  32. TOTALLY AWESOME!!! That was worth more than the price of admission. I love it that Meka wanted the toy. This video will be a treasure for years to come! I have been helping at a fundraiser for a battered women's home all day in the sun. At one point it was a heat index of 103*. I am so tired but I couldn't imagine sleeping without watching this video. Gwyneth, your amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  33. This is so exciting!! Congrats Gwyneth!!!

  34. Awesome - yay Gwyneth! Have fun, mom and dad...

  35. Haha awesome! That's so cool :D

    And Meka is so funny, haha!

  36. Way to go!

    What a great Father's Day gift! Hope it's a great day for your lovely family.

  37. Thanks for sharing that Nate, wonderful stuff, well done Gywneth!xx

  38. oh man is she just humouring you or what. I bet when you are not looking she's scooting around like anything, her face is like "i'm not performing for you".

    Great video, can't wait to see how she develops! Yay Gwyneth, just make sure you keep those knees and elbows moisturised they are going to be working real hard for the next little while!

  39. well done Gwyneth you clever girl xx

  40. Our God is an awesome God! I have been following you for so long and I am amazed at how God has transformed Gwenyth! He is faithful.

  41. Yay!!!! Oh man, that truly made my day!!

  42. Mr. Nate, a couple of things..
    First.. Miss Gwyneth gets cuter and cuter.. She is adorable.She is Super Baby!!! I loved watching her do her Combat Crawl.
    Second... We also end up tormenting the dog while trying to get the Wee Babe to crawl. He will do anything to get to those Dog Toys.
    Third... Yes you better get Baby Proofing, Miss Gwyneth is going to have great adventures seeing what she can get into next.

  43. Awesome video!!! Go Gwenyth, Go Gwenyth!!!

  44. So cool!
    I was a premie (10weeks early) and I went straight from combat crawling to walking (when I was 3yrs old..)

    No-ones been able to stop me since

    Go Gwenyth, I'm rooting for you!

  45. Oh, that is so fun to see!! Thanks for the video!

  46. "Yeah Gwenyth"! thanks for sharing another amazing milestone with us. You are getting to be such a big girl already baby G.

    Nate,Once she gets going on crawling your gonna have to move................. fast.

    That is when the true baby proofing of the house will really take place because things that you think wouldn't be of interest to her........ will be!

    That is also the time when you will really notice that those arms just seem to have grown a foot longer overnite and they will have the speed of a lighting bolt!

    (LOL!,just a little humor for ya Nate)>~Darlene

  47. Oh that was cute!! What a great milestone! I'm continually amazed at how far she's come!! To God be the glory!

  48. Yay, Gwyneth!!!!! What a good job you're doing!!! God bless you all!

  49. Excellent darling video! Thanks for sharing that - just think of all the fun for her lurking behind the low cupboard doors that is now within her reach(pots and pans - ah, the best toys). fun stuff.

  50. I have an unrelated question that I think you may be able to answer... I am in Emerald Isle on vacation this week and on our way in (through Onslow County) we noticed all of these strange trees. Do you know what kind they are or are they dead or alive (they look dead). I thought you have more knowledge of this being from (sorta) this area.

    I found this picture from google but couldn't find any info from the site.

  51. She is so seriously adorable!! Great job, Gwyneth!! We are here clapping for you!

  52. Yay!!! How exciting! Get ready to run...she'll keep you on your toes! :)

  53. With my first daughter I used the TV remote to entice her to crawl and walk. :)

    Way to go Gwenyth!

  54. aww! she looks like she's swimming- so cute!

  55. Big Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. @Brooke

    Those are dead trees from a fire. They were probably mostly pines and furs at one point.

  57. Good for her!! That's a huge milestone. : )

    My five-year-old says she's cute, too. lol He loves babies.

    I've been following this blog since last January and it's so cool to see her crawling.

  58. I love that you are sharing Gwyneth's firsts with us.

    GOOOOOO G-W-Y-N-E-T-H!!!!


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