
Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Leaving at 7am this morning for a two day trip to Duke...lots of appointments, even one for me. Praying for a safe trip, good reports and even a little time with some great friends.



  1. The Lord's blessing on you while your travel.

    Brent (Abby's Dad)

  2. Praying with you! Good luck! Please keep us posted, as you can!

  3. Have a great trip! Safe travels. I'll be praying that all your appointments go well.
    Karen, Isaac's Mom

  4. hope all the reports are great, even the one for you!!

  5. Good reports for everyone. My CF hubby just had his check up and was 7lbs up in weight and @ 60% lung function.

  6. are you getting a vasectomy at Duke, so that Tricia doesn't have to risk her life again with another pregnancy?

  7. Praying for safe travels and good news!

  8. Praying for safe travel and good results all around.

  9. @Anonymous (troll)

    Welcome've been gone for a while...maybe even a record length of time for you...

    Actually, since you obviously missed it when I've written about it on the blog many times, Tricia's greatest dream was to have a child, and she gladly sacrificed much to make it happen. Greater love has no one than those who lay his/her life down for another, don't you think? Thanks for the reminder that God's love is perfect, no matter our circumstances!

  10. Wow, Nate , that is a pretty irresponsible view on things. I surely hope that Tricia won't be "sacrificing" again anytime soon. Many people prayed over her during her close call with death and to even think that you would take that lightly and risk putting her through that again is totally nuts. Be a responsible husband and get that snip snip done. It's a quick and relatively painless procedure done in the office.

  11. Nate,

    We will be praying with you and Tricia as you go for the appts. and for safety as you travel!
    Loved your anniversary pictures and post!
    Your journey continues to bless me and is a great testimony!


  12. I also wanted to add, praying for the appointments, hope they go well. Praying for travel mercies as well....

  13. Troll = clueless to the history of what has happened in your lives.

    Glad to hear you are going to have the surgery.

  14. @Anonymous (troll)

    Again, and I know you've read this, because you've commented on those posts as well, Gwyneth will be our only child. I don't discuss birth control on my blog, but it seems everyone else has figured out what that fact could possible mean...

    If our decisions seem irresponsible to you, I'd sincerely encourage you to contact me via email to discuss my views on's amazing how God's love totally changes your perspective on things.

  15. Praying for a positve report for all three! Best wishes and happy 4th!

  16. Praying for you. Look after your selves.

  17. I hope this doesn't sound too "stalker-ish" but we saw you at the SICC at Duke today. We were there with our son, Carter, and when you walked by I thought, "they look familiar" but it took me a minute to figure out why. When I went to say hello, you had already been called back. Anyway, I hope your appointment(s) went well and you had safe travels. You have a beautiful family!

  18. Thanks for a grat example on how to deal with trolls in a way that shows class and dignity, Nate. Hope you have safe travels and good reports!

  19. Hi! I hope you all had a positive good trip. How big is Gwyneth these days? She looks like she is getting big :-) Hope you are all home and enjoying this beautiful holiday weekend.

    PS - We just got back from Wildwood and Cape May. Were you able to visit the lighthouse while you were here? We thought it was really nice! We also went to the Cape May Zoo on your recommendation. It was the best! We liked it more than the Philly zoo.

  20. Lots of love to you and your beautiful family. I hope that your appointments went well for all of you.

    Best wishes
    Rachael (England)


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