
Monday, July 6, 2009

Cousin Kisses

You're just going to have to trust me when I tell you that these two, despite their strikingly different features, are indeed first cousins of common blood...

We're looking forward to years of fun as they grow up together.



  1. That picture is so sweet!
    The post about Reality is really good. None of us is promised a future beyond this moment, but few of us are able to admit it, especially aloud.
    My Nannie talked to me about Heaven and how she wanted to go (in her sleep, of course... and she did!). We also talked about what kind of funeral she wanted--- from the service to the songs. She said she had a hard time talking to her "kids" about it. I didn't enjoy thinking about her being gone, but the reality is there when you're old(er) and have buried your spouse. It's kind of staring you in the face.
    I'm glad you and Tricia are realistic, yet hopeful, about your future. I'm sure it's part of the reason your blog is SO well-loved. You're real and that comes through in your writings. People appreciate it. I do pray that you and Tricia are the "exception." And that your life together is longer than anyone can imagine. You are a beautiful family. =)

  2. precious picture! Those girls are too cute!

  3. That picture is adorable. I love that Gwyneth closes her eyes when she kisses her cousin. haha

  4. For sweet!! She looks so into that kiss! Darling.

  5. Love that picture - it wraps up the love of familY!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. That is adorable!

  7. What a sweet picture!
    I really liked your "reality" post. It's amazing that you are able to talk about it!
    Love and prayers from Va Beach!
    Emily B.

  8. Hey, I thought us rednecks down here in Arkansas were the only ones who have kissin cousins...


    Such a cute picture. I'm a huge fan of your blog, been reading for a long time.

  9. What is the age difference? And weight? They are darling!

  10. Oh, how sweet!! Looks like Gwyneth is going to be a "take charge" person!! (<:

  11. Those two obviously share an incredibly handsome grandfather.

  12. Oh Nate,
    this picture is so precious! GR is so munchable sweet kissing her cousin who must be the equally sweet Evaine! What a great picture, it just made me grin from ear to ear! Thank you dear Heavenly Father for these two beautiful cousins and their families!

  13. Adorable! I hear your reality post. Thank you for sharing.

  14. adorable!!! jcn

  15. Oh they look lovely together...happy growing up.

  16. Ha ha!

    I do love how babies do that whole wide open mouth kiss thing. Hee hee.

    Praying that these 2 gorgeous cousins grow up to be women of God.


  17. I think Gwyneth is saying, I might be small but watch this head lock I can put on you! No really they are both adorable!! What sweet Kissin' Cousins!

  18. That is so sweet!

  19. This is the cutest picture I have ever seen!!!

  20. One of those pictures worth a thousand words. Absolutely adorable.
    Elaine from MT

  21. so cute! I think the cousin looks like Trisha? Must be from her side of the family..? SO cute!

  22. Awwwww! She really has some passion going on there, what a loving little baby! That's a great picture!

  23. Good post...a happy mind breeds a happy body and health.


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