
Monday, August 10, 2009

An Anniversary to Remember

Remember over a month ago when I told you I'd fill you in on the details of our 5th Wedding Anniversary Date? Well, I finally can, because I have the photographic proof...

I'd been planning it for months...all Tricia knew is that we were going out for dinner at one of those (we can only afford this) once-a-year restaurants. What she didn't know is that I had asked the incredible Mary Basnight, the same photographer who shot our wedding, to meet us after dinner for a photo shoot on the same beach where we were married.

After dinner, we drove to the beach to take a walk...when we arrived Tricia saw Mary walking over the dunes and remarked how odd that was that she was here on our anniversary...we walked over the dunes and then over to Mary "to say hi"...Tricia still had no idea what was going on until Mary started talking to us...even then, I had to assure Tricia that Mary was there to shoot us. Needless to say, Tricia was very surprised and excited...

...and beautiful...

I asked my mom to watch Gwyneth for us during dinner...half-way through the shoot, she arrived at the beach to join us.

Considering Tricia has never felt this healthy for any of our previous anniversaries (or even for our wedding), it was a wonderful day!


BTW, there are a few more photos of us on Mary's website (Click Here)...she has a few scrolling headers, one of which shows several photos of may have to reload the page a few times to find the header with our photos.


  1. Oh wow. Those pictures are amazing and Tricia looks so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes. What an evening to remember.

  2. Tricia I love the dress you're wearing!! You look so pretty - totally stunning pics.

  3. Wow! Those are awesome! And look at Gwyneth's eyes!!! I love blue-eyes babies!!!
    And I love Tricia's dress! And if I had not been a follower for some time now, there would be know way for you to convince me that she's been sick. She looks GREAT!

  4. Awesome memories to have a lifetime.

  5. These photos are really beautiful! I love the second one. You guys are a lovely family inside and out. :)

    Don't you want to share a few more? Please...? :)

  6. What incredible photos! You guys definitely deserve such a wonderful anniversary celebration! Your family is so beautiful.

  7. Nate, those are amazing pictures! What a gift to have those. Both of your girls are exquisite, and your family is just BEAUTIFUL. Praising God that He gave you such a wonderful evening together, and that Tricia felt so good for it. She is a gorgeous woman...

  8. Gorgeous pictures! Tricia looks amazing. I'm so glad she has been feeling so well.

  9. Beautiful! brought tears to my eyes!

  10. Great pics!!! Ya'll are such a great family and I am glad you were able to capture these sweet moments. I am so happy that Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well...continuing to pray for them.
    Hope ya'll have a great week!!!

  11. So glad you had a great day!! Wonderful pictures!!

  12. Beautiful. That last one of all three of you is stunning.

  13. this made me cry! I am absolutely taken by the photographs and the idea of doing this for your anniversary!!!! what a lovely time you both must have had----absolutely wonderful xo

  14. These are just wonderful. What a great surprise..

  15. THAT is something to celebrate!!!

    Tricia looks amazing.

  16. how beautiful. What a great anniversary date/surprise.

    You all look great!! What a beautiful place to get married!!

  17. What a wonderful surprise. The pictures are amazing. Tricia looks gorgeous! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Gwyneth's curls! What a beautiful family.

  18. you are such a stunnning couple...and throwing that little girl in the doesn't get much more gorgeous than your family! I'm so glad you had a wonderful anniversary. The photos are awesome!

  19. How absolutely romantic! Don't you agree Tricia?

    I love the top photo of your sweet wife... I love seeing photos of you and Tricia and Gwenyth all together on the beach enjoying everything life has to offer.

    May the blessings keep coming your way... forever and always.


  20. truly beautiful photos. what a beautiful family you are. I love the one where you are walking down the beach together and the last one of all 3 of you. just perfect.

  21. Gorgeous photos and what a thoughtful man planning something so wonderful! I have a question I've been meaning to ask several times ... Now that Tricia has had the double lung transplant what happens from here on in? Will the CF eventually ruin her new lungs...other organs? Or could she live a long healthy life? I have been reading for a LONG time and dont remember you ever touching base on the subject so if you have in the past I apologize...Im just so happy for your family that Tricia is healthier now than you remember her ever being and wonder what the future may hold for your family:) Happy Anniversary again...great Idea...wish I had thought of it as well!!

  22. GORGEOUS pictures...WOW!! What a wonderful surprise:)

  23. Beautiful pictures. I love Tricia's dress.

  24. Beautiful! Thank God she's feeling healthy! =)

  25. Wow, what stunning girls you have! So glad Tricia's feeling well.

  26. I am in Awe... Beautiful Pictures, What a Beautiful family!
    Thank you once again Nate for sharing your family with us!

  27. The picture of Gwynth looking up between your feet took my breath away! These are beautiful!

  28. You are right-she is incredible. The pictures are amazing. My favorite is the one of G in between your and Tricia's legs. Happy Anniversary!

  29. Oh Nate, those are wonderful! What a great idea! I hope you consider imitation flattering, cause I think your idea might catch on.

  30. Gorgeous, as always!

    And I am SO glad Tricia felt good for your anniversary. That is so special.

  31. Mary photographed my sister and brother-in-laws wedding last summer. She is simply amazing! Your photos are beautiful! :)

  32. What a wonderful gift - the gift of health. I am so glad she was feeling looks like a beautiful, beautiful time. Made me smile.

  33. These photographs are wonderful. LOVE Tricia's dress. She looks FANTASTIC. Glad she was feeling so well and hope she's feeling good still.

  34. BEAUTIFUL!! You three are just gorgeous - especially your little Gwyneth.

    I'm glad you're feeling so good, Tricia!

  35. GORgeous photos, to say the least! What a perfect way to document your anniversary and this beautiful time of your life.

  36. AWESOME photo's!!
    Gwyneth is getting so big and just look at all those curls and those blue blue eyes!!
    Take care

  37. WOW, your wife is a stunner! Gorgeous family! God Bless =)

  38. Nate, those are such beautiful photo's! You outdid yourself!

    Tricia, you look so beautiful in that dress. Very romantic!

  39. Gorgeous pictures! What a wonderful annivesary surprise! It teared up a bit when you said how much stronger Trish was this year than on your other anniversaries and even your wedding. God is so good!!

  40. OHHH Gosh I haven't checked in on you guys for a while and what a post to check back in on, I am in tears......those photo's are just so amazing, Tricia looks amazing......Nate your a beautiful soul doing that for her.
    OHHH and OMG Gwyneth has grown so much and just a beautiful baby.

  41. Wow, these are incredible! Beautiful family. Just beautiful.

  42. So absolutely beautiful! (And so thoughtful!)I pray for Tricia and Gwyneth every day, even though this is my first time commenting, and it just thrills me to see that the Lord is indeed answering my prayers, and the prayers of so many on behalf of your family. It is just too exciting to know that I've been invited in to watch the miracle that is your precious family.

    Blessings on you all! Destiny D.

  43. oh my goodness. breath taking.. i have goosebumps.

  44. That is so neat! Nathan, you are the best husband! I like Tricia's dress, too. Beautiful pics!

  45. Beautiful pictures to capture a glorious day. Praising God that Tricia is feeling so well, that Gwyneth is doing so well, and that you are all loving life together. God bless.

  46. absolutely stunning photos. You all are radiant, filled with joy, and faces that say so!
    here is to another year of continued health, happiness and love

  47. Wow, beautiful pictures... and Tricia has a beautiful dress!! Wow!

  48. These pictures brought tears to my eyes :*). I'm so happy that you guys had such a wonderful, memorable anniversary!

  49. Amazing photos and you have a beautiful wife and daughter. Congrats on your 5 years. Sherri

  50. BEAUTIFUL pictures! Your daughter's eyes are beautiful. God Bless!

  51. Those pictures are simply beautiful. What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary!

  52. These are truly beautiful - every last one - as are you three. Such a lovely way to remember a wonderful day and every great thing that day celebrates.

  53. Gorgeous pics! Beautiful little girl, lovely wife, Happy Family! You guys are blessed to have each other and I hope you have many, many, many more anniversaries to celebrate!

  54. Nate & Tricia,
    What a beautiful idea! Just loved the pictures thanks for sharing.Tracy Edwards/Chesapeake/Hickory Area

  55. Love the pics! Such a beautiful family!

  56. Gorgeous!! Such a great idea!
    Happy anniversary! Continuing to pray for the health and happiness of your family!

  57. Simply stunning, love and best wishes to the three of you xx

  58. I write this as a tear is rolling down my cheek. Those pictures were amazing. Thank you for sharing your evening with us, as well as your life. You, Tricia and Gwyneth are true testements of God's miracles. You inspire me and I am happy to say that my faith has grown stronger and I am closer to God than I have been for a long time.

  59. Nate, you need to give lessons on how to be a husband! What a wonderful surprise and the pictures are awesome!

  60. Wow! What a thoughtful guy you are! Such a wonderful surprise- I feel fuzzy inside! Beautiful photos!

  61. I am mesmerized by these photos of you and your beautiful bride! It brought tears to my eyese to think about the road you have and continue to walk down -- and to have been a witness to the faithfulness of our Father. These pictures are memories that will be treasured forever!

  62. Tricia is simply stunning. I just love her hair short and how she sasses it up with headbands and hats. Suits her perfectly. Oh, the photos are great of all of you, but she certainly stole the show.

  63. Nate,
    both of your lovely ladies have the most beautiful eyes!!! Trisha's dress was just perfect too! It's great to see the three of you so happy!!!

  64. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, Tricia, you truly are beautiful inside and out!

  65. Love the pictures! I know you all will treasure those pictures for ever! I'm so happy that both your girls are doing so well.

  66. Love the pictures! I know you all will treasure those pictures for ever! I'm so happy that both your girls are doing so well.

  67. Gorgeous photos! You bless me by sharing!

  68. All I can say is beautiful!

  69. Absolutely brought tears to my eyes! As a fellow blogger who has followed your story since almost the very beginning, these photos just show such a testament of what God can do! GORGEOUS!

  70. Those pictures are priceless! How gorgeous Tricia looks. Soooo glad to hear that your anniversary was a great one. You both deserve every bit of it.

  71. Those are gorgeous pictures!! Tricia looks so amazing! I am so glad that you are all doing so good! (should I use any more !!'s)

  72. Nate,
    Stunning photos...but the most beautiful part of them is how you truly, to the core, express your love for your wife. Being a woman, I KNOW that we don't often see ourselves as "beautiful" or hear it from our partners. You say everything with just that word...BEAUTIFUL. Thank you for sharing your incredible love story with us. With love and prayers,
    Kimberly in Canada.

  73. What a miracle - that Tricia is feeling so well and that YOU are such a wonderful husband. Great anniversary surprise and to have your miracle baby join you on the beach - well, it is just all so amazingly wonderful. You are a perfect family - perfect.

    Have a great day!

    Love to all.

  74. Even though Tricia did not know about the photo shoot she arrived very well prepared....she's beautiful, and that dress was just perfect!

    And that little Gwyneth...sparkling, calm, ocean blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and strawberry blond hair and lashes...there's nothing more you could ask for!

    And I can't leave you out...your special, beautiful, thoughtfulness just radiates throughout the shoot shining with rays of love and happiness to always be remembered.

  75. what a beautiful idea!!!! I love the last picture. I am so glad Tricia is doing so well!!! Praise the Lord.

  76. Wow! I am so happy to see these pictures that my eyes are tearing up. When I first started following your blog, Tricia was about to give birth to Gwyneth and things seems so dark. It warms my heart to see you all so healthy and so in love. God is awesome :)

  77. Wow! I am so happy to see these pictures that my eyes are tearing up. When I first started following your blog, Tricia was about to give birth to Gwyneth and things seems so dark. It warms my heart to see you all so healthy and so in love. God is awesome :)

  78. OMG those are beautiful pictures. What a perfect surprise. Well done, hubby. :) Tricia looks great. I love the growing-out do. She is rocking it!

  79. W-O-W! What a photographic genious!

  80. What beautiful pictures...and a beautiful family! You are a wonderful husband and father! Glad y'all had a good time :-)

  81. wow!! pictures are just beautiful. what a great idea!! I have a friend..her husband surprised her with a photographer when they went to Rome. Glad you had a wonderful anniversary!

  82. I have been waiting for a sneak peek since you shared that she met you at the dinner location! These photos are stunning! What an incredible (and romantic) idea Nate!

  83. You are model husband, Nate. Very thoughtful and romantic of you.

  84. You guys looks so happy -- beautiful pictures.

  85. Greetings from Alabama. Long time reader, first time commenter. Just wanted to say that I love all of the pictures but for some reason the second with you and Tricia shown from the chest down walking in the water is my favorite

  86. I must say, that is a anniversary gift that can not be matched...wishing you many more brilliant anniversaries filled with laughter, love and happy adventures..

  87. Have not been by for a while--just came back and have to say that I am thrilled to see Tricia looking so healthy and Gwyneth so big!

    You guys are living proof that miracles happen.

  88. Oh my gosh! Those pictures are so beautiful!!!!

  89. Love these photos! God is so good!

  90. Wow. Absolutely beautiful. Tricia... you are truly gorgeous.

  91. I've been following your blog intermittently for the past 22 months (since stumbling on your site when researching about CF - which my 2 year old daughter, Ellis, has.) This is the first time I've been moved to tears enough to post, and am still choked up now!
    The way you honour your daughter and Tricia is truly inspirational. They are both beautiful and you can tell they are very much loved.
    Sending you warm thoughts all the way from Australia.

  92. I love the picture of Gwyneth sitting on the beach looking up at you while all you can see of the 2 of you is your feet.

  93. these are incredibly beautiful pictures of your beautiful family! Happy Anniversary.

  94. I love these pictures. Tricia's dress is BEAUTIFUL! (As is she).

  95. beautiful!!! what a neat surprise! and tricia you look gorgeous! what a lovely family you have!!

  96. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasAugust 19, 2009 at 8:16 PM

    Stunning pictures! You all look so beautiful . Happy Belated Anniversary!

  97. Oh my gosh! Those photos are beautiful! Angelic, really. How special!

  98. Really great pictures and Tricia looks lovely.

  99. Your pics are amazing. I wish I lived near, I'd get Mary to do pics of my husband and our family when he comes home from deployment! Congratz on Tricia being so healthy this anniversary! God bless your family!

  100. Oh wow! Your photographer does a fabulous job! Those all look like magazine ads! Beautiful family and I can't believe Gwenyth is a toddler already!

  101. what a beautiful gift! It has been awhile since I have visited but feel like you are old friends some how. I have followed since the beginning...what a celebration for your whole family!! God bless.


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