
Monday, September 14, 2009

Goodbye Tonsils!

Today at 11am, I'm scheduled to have my tonsils removed! I'm stoked, especially considering:

1) I haven't had a good night's sleep in several years (or so my doctors tell me).

2) I've been sick with something related to my tonsils 4 times this year (which is by far a personal record).

This will be my first time ever as a patient in a hospital...I'll have to stay overnight for should be a very surreal feeling with me in the hospital bed and Tricia in the recliner... I've been told the recovery can last up to 2 weeks for the meantime, you'll be able to find me on my couch, sucking as many slushies as possible (thanks to my friends at Sea-Freeze!).

Wish me luck! I'll have Tricia post an update for me later today.


PS...I should have plenty of time to blog about Gwyneth's ENT appointment and the success of our Great Strides Walk!


  1. Good luck! I had my tonsils removed at 18 and it was terrible! They say it gets worse as you get older!

    Sorry that's not very comforting is it?! No really, good luck and I hope all goes well :)

  2. Good luck! Praying that all goes smoothly :) I would love to have an excuse to have as many slushies as possible but not certain I want to go about it by having surgery.

  3. Praying for a fast recovery! Enjoy the slushies!

  4. I just said a prayer for you and will continue to do so over the next few days. This will be a new experience for both you and Tricia - I also thank God she is still there by your side to nurse you to better health - she has had a good example of that her whole life!

  5. Wishing you all the best Nate, hope this improves things for you.


  6. Just found your blog and am loving reading your story. My Mom has lymphoma, so I feel a kinship. Also, I had my tonsils out last November, at age 40, so I feel your pain too. It's pretty bad, I won't lie. You have to try and eat because the meds will make you sick and if you don't eat, the headaches start in. I'm tellin' ya, it's awful. Good luck, swing over to my blog and let me know how you're doing!

  7. Saying a huge prayer for ya! I had mine out when I was 18 and it was miserable!

    Something I learned very quickly, ice cream is not NEARLY as appetizing as everyone says it will be.

    I hope all goes well today and know that there are many people praying for you today!!!

    Oh and if they hospital staff tells you to use your throat and swallow. Even if it hurts (cause God knows it will hurt like you have NEVER felt before), SWALLOW! I learned that the hard way!!!

  8. HI Nate,
    I hope you do well and don't have any complications. Having your tonsils out is not a picnic for an adult. Eat plenty of icecream!

  9. Good luck with your surgery today. I had my tonsils out when I was 22 and it took me 2 weeks to feel better. I ate a lot of pudding because anything with ice hurt. With that said, I have NEVER regretted pushing to have them take out my tonsils! I can count on one hand the number of sore throats I've had in the past 25 years. My senior year of college I was sick 6 times before Easter when I had my surgery.

    Praying all goes well and you recover quickly!

    Connie F-G

  10. Good luck Nate. I had my tonsils out as an adult, and it basically sucked far worse than I could have imagined that it would. I had been sick so often through the years that my tonsils were covered with scar tissue, which meant extra cutting. With your history, it sounds like you may be in for something similar. Good luck, and I'll pray for a speedy and easy recovery.

  11. Praying that all will go well. It's not a fun experience but in th end will be worth it. Hope you have a speedy recovery!

  12. Best of luck! Sometimes surgery is the only solution.

  13. Good luck - I had my adenoids out this year due to sleep apnea. I was 22, it was just a day surgery and got to go home to icecream that night.

  14. We're praying! I'm glad you are finally able to get this taken care of...hopefully you'll feel so much better soon! Are you going to keep them in a jar? Ha ha.. and Ew.
    Good luck today!

  15. I had my tonsils removed when I was in my mid 30s and while the recovery wasn't so great, I immediately could breathe much better. Wondered why I waited so long to have it done!

    Just remember to stay hydrated -- I kept a glass of tepid water and another of ice chips with me constantly, otherwise my throat would feel dry. Oh and one thing they don't necessarily tell you is around day 8 of recovery, your ears may hurt. So keep up with the pain meds, stay hydrated and don't look in the mirror. Trust me, you don't want to know.

    Mom to a child wcf

  16. Like I twittered to you, I had this done in the spring. It DOES take two weeks to heal! Don't eat solids too fast - that was my mistake. Take your time healing. If you do too much too fast, you'll pay for it with a longer healing time.

    Suck back those slurpees! They're WONDERFUL.

  17. Hope things go well..Will lift you in prayer Nate. Had mine out to but was worth it to feel better in the long run. Son in law had his out a month ago. Had all the sleep studies done and needed that done and part of the palette removed. He to was miserable but now,says best move he ever made.Breathing much better as well. So look at the long range and you will do fine. Prayers for you and Trica

  18. Good luck, and with all the slushies and pudding you can eat, it's not all bad.

    Seth's Angels E.City, NC

  19. Good luck! I had mine out at 22 and it was the worst thing I have ever been through. Just lay around and take the pain medicine. Don't try and be a hero and eat something. I felt something close to normal after 10 days. I also lost 6lbs in that 10 days. That's the bad part, but the good news is you will never regret getting them out in the years to come. I haven't had any throat infections since I had them out 7 years ago.

  20. Thinking of you today. I had my tonsils out as an adult and it sucked....but have not had hardly any other throat problems since then so the pain was worth it for sure. Just take the pain meds they give you. Good luck!

  21. Good luck! I will be praying! I had my tonsils taken out at 22. It was horribly painful, so I feel for you! But, as so many have said, I have never regretted it! I have been so much healthier since, so I would do it again, even knowing how painful it was.

  22. I had mine out when I was 32 - it was the worst pain I ever went through. Get liquid narcotic pain relief - pills are horrible to swallow.
    IN the end it was the best thing I ever did - my strep throats are GONE.

  23. Praying that all goes well with your surgery. Even though your throat will be sore, be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated or you will definitely regret it.. Hope your recovery isn't to long and painful.
    Elaine in MT

  24. "Aspergum" is great for the sore throat after surgery. Available over the counter.

  25. I had my tonsils out when I was 6 (around 1968) and still remember getting to eat popsicles afterward. :) I'm praying that your surgery goes well and your recovery is quicker than anticipated.

    My husband and I enjoyed seeing your dad at the YA reunion over the weekend. We're heading your way on Saturday and plan to be at NHC on Sunday. It's been 3 years since we've been there and we hope to meet you, Tricia, and Gwyneth.

  26. Good luck! I had my tonsils out when I was 17 and it was pretty bad, but completely worth it in the end!

  27. Hope all goes well- thinking and praying for you today as you sit in that hospital bed :)

  28. Nate! I said a lil prayer for you today. Let your girls take care of you and take your time getting better. Don't be hard-headed in your recovery!! Take care of you!

  29. Praying all goes well! Enjoy lots of ice cream and Rita's Ices during the recovery!

  30. My husband had that surgery done a few years agao with amazing results!! Praying you have the same results! No more snoring, no more sore throats - well worth the recovery!

  31. Nate, I DO absolutely wish you the best. Its no picnic but boy it will be worth it. We will look to Tricia for updates. Just take care of you and forget the blogosphere for a bit - but know you are in our prayers.

  32. Rest and enjoy the time on the couch and all the slushes!
    Take care and rest...

  33. Good Luck! It may be painful but it will be for the best in the long run.
    Saying a prayer for your swift recovery.

  34. Hope everything went well today. Praying for a speedy recovery.

  35. I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to drink with a straw (the pressure can displace the clots), so drink the slushies out of a cup or with a spoon. Oh, and if you're nauseated, remember, it might be the pain killers. Good luck!


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