
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Home and Recovery

I'll share more details about the surgery and recovery later...for now, just wanted to let you know that everything has gone well so far, and that we're home again. Gwyneth was waiting at the front door with a big smile!



  1. It's always good to be home. Even better when your greeted with a smile from your baby!!!!

  2. Glad you are home with your girls, I pray that you get well soon '

  3. Glad you're home safe and that everything's gone well.

  4. Lots of hair when not put up!You
    been have the conversation at our house.My 2 children had their tonsils out so young that they said OUCH when I told them about your surgery.

  5. Hope your pain is not severe. Take care and get well soon!

    Cute pics of the girls.☺

  6. Oh my goodness, I never realized how much Miss G looks like Tricia until you posted these pictures! She is gorgeous, as always.

  7. WoW! Gwyneth looks like Tricia in those pics! Beautiful girls.

  8. I had my tonsils out at 26, and I am just going to be honest - it was brutal. Here are some tips I can give you:

    1. There were actually many moments where I would have a heating pad on my ear (there is lots of residual ear pain because of the nerves around the tonsils) and then I would also have an ice pack on my neck. This heat and ice method really seemed to work.

    2. Around the third day I developed a terrible toothache. Since I couldn't really open my mouth, they couldn't adequately check my teeth, but ended up prescribing some liquid novacane. My mom would swab my each of my teeth with it, because I couldn't really tell which tooth was actually hurting. If you get the tooth pain, ask for the novacane - it was a savior.

    3. STAY AHEAD OF THE PAIN. Even if you think you are feeling ok - take the meds. My doc had me taking the "hard stuff" (liquid hydrocodone) every 4 hours, but on the second hour between I took liquid tylenol. It was about two weeks before I could swallow a pill.

    4. I would also eat really mild foods - nothing spicy or with too much flavor - lots of potato soup, vanilla ice cream. We also bought one of those little home snow cone machines from Target for around $25 - this was awesome - the chipped ice was small, softer, and felt great on my throat.

    Best of luck as I have been there and know how difficult this is to recover from (of course nothing compared to what Trisha has been through). I will be praying for you guys.

    PS - on the upside, I was real skinny after it was all said and done :)

  9. Nate, don't get me wrong, but it is just so good seeing Tricia being the healthy one! Tricia, you are looking so awesome these days, and I am so happy for you. Trusting the Lord for your complete recovery, Nate.

  10. I'm glad it's done and over with and that you are back home as a family unit. Love those tongues, Tricia!

  11. Everything else aside, Gwyneth could not look more like you if she TRIED!!!

    Glad you are home safe and sound!

  12. Those pictures (especially the bottom one) put a huge smile on my face!! So flippin' cute!!

    Praying for a speedy recovery for you!

  13. Glad you are home. I hope you are feeling better than ever very soon!

  14. LOVE the pics!! Glad you are home!! REST UP!

  15. Glad to hear all went well! And boy oh boy does Gywenth look like her daddyy

  16. Praying for you! I had mine out in my early twenties, and it was rough, but I survived! Don't drink too much gatorade, as it will get your electrolytes out of whack, and makes you feel like crap. I did it, and it was a couple days before it wore off!
    -- Lesli

  17. Awesome, rest up!

    Cute pics of the girls.

  18. WoW! G is the spitting image of her daddy!

    Nathan hope you are feeling better each day!

  19. hope you are having a good morning , Can you eat ice cream, might help your sore throat if you can.

  20. how much do I love that little girls hair? sooooo much :)

  21. glad you are doing well and home now.....


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