
Saturday, September 19, 2009


Gwyneth has discovered something new!



  1. Way to go Gwyneth! It's a whole new world :)

  2. Go Gwyneth!!! She'll be unstoppable now!

  3. Wow you guys, this little chick is on the move now. She is doing excellent:) Love it.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  4. WOOHOO! Go Gwyneth! There's no stopping her now!

  5. YAY Gwyneth!! So exciting to see her walking with the walker!!!

  6. Oh my gosh! So awesome! You go girl! :-)

  7. that's awesome!
    We have the same walker and my daughter loves it. :)

  8. well, has anyone told you that this milestone, and the discovery of the word 'no' which is actually not far beyond this 1.. beginning of the end my friend!! good luck!! glad to hear you speaking so well; obviously, you are healing well!! keeping you all in prayer.. taking any special precautions for flu season and h1n1?

  9. Whoa! Way to go Gwyneth! Watch out Mom and Dad. It's almost relentless chasing time!

  10. Great Milestone for Gwyneth! How great is that.

  11. I love this! Way to go Gwyneth! How exciting.
    Your preemie friend from Montana, Tage Carrier
    (and Justin and Kolby and Huntlie)

  12. Oh that is soooo cute!! How precious for you to have captured those moments :)

  13. That is SO great! She is soooo CUTE! My nephew didn't walk until he was 2. But, shortly after I convinced my sister and Mom to get him a toy like this, he was off on his own without it. It helped him a LOT!

  14. Yay Gwyneth!!! Gwyneth is such an encouragement and an inspiration to us. My nephew Jimmie was born in the 24th week. I've linked your blog to his and I've read through your whole story starting when Tricia got pregnant. Jimmie's momma Rachael has also read your story.

    She is a little ahead of Jimmie so it's fun to watch you guys go first. (-:

    Prayers and blessings!


  15. How wonderful!!!! It won't be long before you can't keep up with her!

  16. What a big girl!!! So proud of how far you have come! You go Gwyneth :) Make your mama and daddy chase you everywhere!!! You are awesome!

  17. Wow, is that ever great! Clearly its a lot of fun for her. Way to go Gwyneth!

  18. I also meant to say that was a really great dismount!

  19. Well done Gwyneth! It's so exciting when they start walking! Look out - now the fun starts ;-)
    Still praying for you all!

  20. It's so greatl to see her developing so wonderfully! You three are so awesome!

  21. Go Gwyneth Go!!!!!
    Wow Your Mom and Dad are in for even more fun now... Just think how fast they will have to become to chase you when you have something you are not supposed to have and take off running with it..
    Or think how fast your mommy will have to run when you decide to go one direction... and she needs to go the other..
    Pretty soon Miss Gwyneth Mommy and Daddy will sit on the couch and go Goodness She is so fast, and so Busy, and we are so Tired... but What Fun!!!

  22. Yay Miss Gwyneth baby girl you have come so far in such a short time..keep up the good work baby girl.

  23. Hooray Gwyneth!!!!! We are SO proud of you!!

    MckMama and family

  24. AWESOME!!! praise GOD for yet another wonderful mile marker accomplished. There's no stopping her now. Still praying.

  25. Yay Gwyneth!!
    Question: does she ever try to pick up or eat the flowers on your rug?

  26. Wow!!! This is so exciting! Well done Gwyneth!!!

  27. That is HUGE progress! Look at her go! We have the same walker and neither of my kids ever used it that well! Way to go Gwyneth!

  28. Love it! Another miracle for the wonder premie Gwyneth!!
    Still checking it from Vancouver, BC, Canada

  29. That's exciting!!!! :-D

  30. Way to go Gwyneth! There's a whole new world open to her now and so much more fun for mom and dad!

  31. WOW!! Look at her go! Great job, Gwyneth!!

  32. How exciting. I just love watching a toddler who has just learned to walk. They are so cute. Way to go Gwyneth! Elaine

  33. Wow!! Yay, Gwyneth!! You three are a beautiful family!!

  34. Oh my, isn't that just amazing. You're sweet little girl has come so far and is now walking. What a milestone to reach!

  35. very fun! and i can't believe you don't watch 30 rock (i'm assuming that's what you were referring to in your twitter posts)'s the funniest show on tv - better than the office (which is amazing, i know).

  36. You go girl! Gwyneth, it is a whole new world out there when you can walk. Good job, you have come so very far.
    Elaine in MT

  37. Wow - seeing is believing - your little miracle is walking! How very proud we all are of her and what great parents you are.

  38. i love your blog. i've been reading it for awhile now.

    i wanted to ask you to pray for the Sullivan family. i stumbled upon their blog last night. they are a young couple who just had their first baby, chloe. sara sullivan (the mom) has been fighting breast cancer for over a year; she had a seizure a few nights ago. right now, she is in the hospital & the doctors believe she is brain dead.

    her hubby, brady is obviously going through a difficult time. there is a big possibility that sara will pass away today unless the doctors notice any change in her condition.

    their blog address is:

    please please please pray for them!!

  39. I saw this blog though a friend of a friend.

  40. Wow- Gwyneth is really catching up!
    what is her adjusted age- 16mths?
    She is doing great!!

  41. Way cool!Now with her new glasses and using a walker she will be bigger handful.

  42. I just stumbled upon your blog a few days ago and your story amazes see pictures of her when she was first born and to see her You and your wife are truly blessed!

  43. Awesome! Although I've never met you all, I've been following along for quite a while now. It's such a joy to see Gwyneth exploring the world on her feet! You must be so proud of her for all that hard work : ) She'll be leaving that walker behind before too long and then she's gonna be *trouble*...just like she should be!

  44. Does she have a license to drive that thing? LOL I'm proud of all of you--I know you all work so hard at life and love- All of us blog readers are blessed to see the process and the results. Thanks!

  45. hey man the obx is open...

    u can buy obx domains now and its legal(use obx in url)

    i bought

    it was like the only obe left...

    just lettin u know


  46. My oldest son loved push toys like that (the other two, not so much). He used to push that thing around our very long block multiple times in a row. And from his first unassisted step to what I call "full time walking" was almost exactly one week - so get those running shoes laced up!

  47. Gosh, she is walking, Great !!! how are you doing Nate? Hope you are feeling 100 % better by now and eating normal food

  48. Hope all is ok in Gwyneth, Nate and Tricia land. Must be busy chasing Gwyneth around now that she is starting to walk.
    Elaine in MT

  49. Hey Nate. Your blog family is wondering how you are doing. We are worried. We are praying.

  50. Too cute!!

    And how are you doing? Do you still have the slushy machine?

  51. Been a lurker for some time and this is the absolute longest you've been with a post. Hope that all is well???


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