
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Public Service Announcement

From personal experience...

NEVER use to purchase event tickets...their online security is worthless and they don't care...apparently they either allow hackers to work for them and use your personal information, or they're too lazy to maintain a high level of security to protect their customers from outside hackers...

Tricia's email was hacked into because of's lack of security today. She contacted them, they confirmed it was because of a purchase she made there today, and they basically said, "Not our problem".

So, if you're a friend, and you get an email about me being held at gunpoint in London and needing money, ignore it and accept our apologies.

And, if anyone who gives a rip from reads this and cares to contact me, I'd be more than happy to share a bit of my mind with you.

Thanks! Now back to your regularly scheduled program.



  1. I can't believe it! They will lost customers FAST with that kind of mentality!

  2. Report it to the Consumerist.
    they are owned by Consumer Reports and will be helpful for tons of things but one of the best things about this site is Email bombs from consumers to the offending company and you will find more who have the same problems. worth bookmarking and adding to a Reader. My daughter got hacked this morning by another company (she just got married and it was from a photo company-she thought it was about her proofs).

  3. Never, EVER sign up for ANY website and give them the same password that you use to access the email account that you put on the account. It is just asking for trouble.

  4. I did get that email and immediately checked your worries at all, I knew something was weird for you to be in "london" and not tell people on your blog :).

    Hope you guys get all that mess worked out! Such a hassle, what a terrible company!

  5. Huh. As the saying goes...if you're satisfied, tell a friend. If you're not, tell EVERYONE!! Sorry that happened, that sucks!

  6. How awful!! Thank you for the heads up! I will NEVER use them!

  7. I saw a story about this on, I think, Fox or NBC recently. The hacker gained access via FACEBOOK. Similar scenario - friend in London needing money. The victim told of how she received the message, she thought, from a local nun. Unfortunately, she did not check to see if her friend was truly out of town. It was a fascinating piece.

  8. I got an email from you saying you were in London and wanted money. I just deleted it. If you want money from me you can use the phone :)

  9. Bless your hearts! I am so sorry. Call them back and make sure they know they are picking on a lady that should NOT be picked on. They should be ashamed.

  10. This was on good morning america yesterday too, it's happening a lot.

  11. How rotten are some people. It really makes you wonder.

  12. That's really horrible. I change passwords constantly. It makes it hard to remember, but I'd rather have that problem than a security issue.

    For some reason your posts have comments on TOP of them recently. I can barely read your post through the comments. Any idea on what that's about?

  13. Ugh that's terrible service. I hope everything got sorted ok now?

    I just noticed the same about your comments too :(

  14. Thanks for the warning!!! I wonder if the U.S. Attorney General should be notified of this. And the Better Business Bureau....

  15. I did get that email afternoon and sent you a note on facebook. The then immediately checked your blog to make sure everything was alright.

  16. Then who did I wire that money to in London??

  17. How frustrating! Sorry that had to happen to you guys.

  18. There was a warning about this on the news this week. Hackers are using peoples contacts on myspace and facebook and sending simular emails.

    Laura Burke

  19. Hi Nate!
    My daughter also had her accounts hacked into last week (and she has never used It seems to be that MANY passwords were stolen from Hotmail accounts. It was the exact same London held at gunpoint scenario! Tricia should change her passwords (Hotmail, Facebook, EBay, PayPal). My daughter got hers resolved, but it was stressful. The hackers tried to buy things on EBay with her account, but she caught it quickly enough.

  20. What loosers they are. I will spread the word about where I work that will take care of them. Also, great tips from commenters to make sure we all remember to change our passwords frequently. Look forward to getting back to the regular scheduled program. :)

  21. So sorry. We got one yesterday that said a "friend" needed to sell a tractor while he was in Iraq. Thank goodness we don't know anyone by that name. I immediately called to hubs and gave him the heads up.

  22. Call your attorney general. There are new Data Security Laws taking effect in many may want to check with your AG on this. It holds companies accountable for not keeping customers personal data secure.

  23. Wow!!! Thank you for telling me. That is so scary.

    I have used them before and am thankful that I did not have that experience. I will NOT use them again. Why risk it - right?

    I am sorry this happened to you.


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