
Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I haven't done a Q&A in a long time...I figure this might be a good time to do it while everything is relatively calm in our lives, especially considering that lots of people have been asking lots of questions recently.

I'll keep this post open until 3pm on Thursday, and then get my answers back to you ASAP! If you think you're question may have already been asked, check out the other Q&A posts I've done in the past.



  1. i just want to know how that sweet baby girl of your's got to be so cute?! ;)

  2. I'll answer Samantha's question.

    Cuteness skips a generation. So if you'll take a look at Gwyneth's paternal grandfather you'll find your answer.

  3. I'd love a big Gwyneth update! How is she growing and what milestones is she hitting? Do you have any long-term concerns for her?

    And how about a pug pic?

  4. I wondered if you have noticed a big difference in the quality of sleep that you are now getting since your surgery and are mostly healed from it?

  5. Okay, Anonymous wants a "Gwyneth" update, and Jara wants a "you" update; how about a "Tricia" update? How are her lungs? Is she feeling healthy and able to do everything she wants to do? What about her other CF-related issues?

  6. Nate, I saw a little boy on reecesrainbow (idk if you know about that site) with CF who needed a family and I believe he just recently got home with them. He's from (i think) Eastern Europe.

    What's the one thing you'd say to the parent of a child with CF? He's such a cutie pie and I am so glad to see him home! I believe he is 6 or so. Not sure. I'm just thrilled he was adopted.

    Also, how'd you pick you G's glasses? They are SO CUTE.

  7. What's a typical day in your families life? Is Gwyneth a good sleeper? What do the girls do during the cold season (when they have to hibernate away from germs) to keep busy and entertained? What TV shows do you and Tricia enjoy watching?

  8. Will Tricia be constulted on these questions? If So... What are her favorite parts about motherhood? What activities are her bonding times with Gwyneth? And not to leave you out, because dads are just as important... What are your favorite parts about fatherhood and what do your bonding times with Gwyneth entail?

  9. What are Gwyneth and Tricia's favorite winter activities while they are hibernating from winter germs?

    Also, I like rachel e.'s question about what are Tricia's favorite parts of motherhood?

  10. Ive been reading your story for quite a while now. I look at your updates almost daily. I am in need of something to be done on my sleep apnea situation, I also have enlarged tonsils...very scared move forward with something. Any other info. that could help me? I've tried the c-pap machine and that is for the birds.


  11. How is your gorgeous raven haired niece doing? Do her and your blessed white rose have fun playing together?

  12. What denomination is Nags Head Church? And what do you like most about being a worship leader/pastor?

  13. What is one major thing that you would like to accomplish in the next few months?

  14. Having seen a show on the OBX, I wonder if you talk like them? LOL!
    I have been following your blog for sometime. Not only have I fallen in love with your family, but that part of NC has special meanings to my husband's family. They lived in the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Keeper's house in the 50's when my FIL was the first National Park Ranger there!
    Beckie in TN

  15. @Rick - Love your answer to Samantha! Hee hee

    To Nathan & Tricia...

    I wondered how Jeff was getting on? How do they work out the prescription for Gwyneth's glasses? (I'm curious being a glasses wearer for many years now!) Also (coming from a family where I'm the only Jesus follower) I wondered how you and Tricia were taught about Jesus when you were younger, and how you share your faith with Gwyneth? I don't have kids, but do have a godson and many friends with kids.

  16. Nate and Tricia,

    Is there anything specific we could pray for?

    I'm thankful you have continued the blog.

    I'm an imaginary internet friend (my husband's nick name for internet board friends) of Megan's.

    If you are ever in SoCal, I'll hook you up with some awesome fish tacos.

    Take care,

    Sarah G.
    (sarah (at) meditscape (dot) com

  17. I think you have mentioned in the past that Tricia takes insulin. (If I don't have that right, oops!) I'm wondering if she is diabetic on top of everything else, or if she needs insulin because of something to do with CF.

    Also, if she is diabetic, did you find that hospital staff really don't seem to know much at all about diabetes and how to control it? My boyfriend is type 1 diabetic and has spent a lot of time in hospitals. We have found that most of the staffs we encountered did not have a clue about diabetes. It was mystifying. One of the most difficult things was getting meals that were appropriate for diabetics.

    The reason I ask, is just to find out if that is the case everywhere or if it is just an isolated thing with the hospitals we've been to. (All Kaiser hospitals and all in CA.)

    Anyway, if you have any thoughts on this, I'd like to know. (If that's too long of a question for this Q&A, I totally understand. Maybe you can address it another time. Thanks!)

  18. Hi Nate, I asked this once before but I think you were so busy with you move you overlooked it...How do you balance Tricia and Gwyneth's health issues with having 2 pets? I know you did some serious renovations before you moved in, but have you developed any strategies for winning the battle against pet hair? It seems I am always on the losing end of that battle myself...


  19. Hi Nate- what are some Christmas traditions you want to start with Gwyneth? What were your favorite ones? How about Tricia's?

  20. I am a special education teacher, with a very small experience with early intervention. I know that you are trying to not post a great deal about Gwyneth's delays to protect her. I was just wondering if she is in early intervention. I am guessing this is the case, and hoping it is as she was such a preemie! I just never have read about speech, or OT, or any of those services for Gwyneth. She seems like she has a great sense of humor, at least from the pictures. She has some spunk! Take care.

  21. Thank you for opening the door to questions!

    How is that sweet thing doing with her new glasses? I am guessing her expressions are priceless as she gets to really "see" her world for the first time.

    God's Peace!

  22. I'd like to read more about Tricia too. How are the new lungs? Is life after transplant better, worse or exactly what she thought it would be? Thank you for sharing...I've learned a lot about CF and transplants.

  23. Would love a Tricia/transplant/post-cancer/chemo update. She's amazing and grew an amazing little girl!!

  24. I want to know- how in the world did you not love Oreos? That just blew my mind!
    Also, when you go out to eat, does Tricia ever just drink the little half&half cups like she did way back in the day?
    Does Gwyneth still drink any kind of formula or is she on regular milk now? and baby food/ real food?

    And the glasses are super cute... and they reminded me that I really need to make an appointment to get my preemie's (who is now 2!) eyes checked really soon! thanks!

  25. i noticed when you moved you put in wood floors. we have carpet and i have mentioned to my hubby that wood floors would be better for our son kaleb with CF. Do you think it makes a difference with CFers and their health?

  26. I also vote for a pug picture! How do you/will you handle Halloween as Christian parents? I know Gwyneth is young but my kids are young and I was surprised with the overpowering emphasis on Halloween, even when she was just 2! Do you have any Scripture-based evidence to avoid Halloween, or do you see it as harmless fun? (We were not allowed to celebrate/participate in Halloween as a child. I've been wrestling with this since I became a parent! Still looking for THE RIGHT ANSWER!)

  27. Personality wise, who is Gwenyth more like?

  28. I also think we are in need of a new pug picture. i also have 2 daughters with CF. One is also a surviving twin preemie . Do you have any favourite high calorie foods or recipes that I could use ?
    Whats a typical day like for all of you . Thanks for doing a Q & A session . nikki xx

  29. No question, just a comment. Those little glasses are quite adorable!!!!

  30. I remember that you once posted (a long time ago) that Gwyneth was still on oxygen and that you would definitely post when she no longer needed it. I never saw a post about no longer needing oxygen but maybe I missed it... Does G still use oxygen??

  31. Are you guys getting a swine flu vaccine??

  32. As a mom of a special needs kid, I'd love to read about Gwyneth's challenges, goals, etc developmentally.

  33. I think that you and your family are an inspiration!!

    I also think that you mentioned on twitter a while ago that your work at NHC was going to be cut back to more "seasonal" work. What are your hours like and how does it affect your family life?

  34. When's the next time you're getting to Chicago? (we've got spare rooms!)

  35. I'm not even sure how to ask this exactly, but how do you - both of you - manage anxiety about the future? I mostly do okay day-to-day, but sometimes I think about all of the possibilities for trouble in Levi's future and I am overwhelmed. I think I know all the "right" answers to the question, but I struggle to keep a positive attitude going. I'll take any pointers. :)
