
Monday, November 9, 2009

Lego Your Organs!

Thanks to Alice and Eva for this!

And, while I've got your attention, check out This Story of a young CF mother waiting for her double lung transplant...we're not the only ones with a powerful story to tell!



  1. I "lego" one of my organs 4 years ago, and the rest are ready to go when I do.

  2. What a great cartoon! I saw it on Evas and sent it on to everyone I knew!

  3. That story broke my heart. It was such a real depiction of CF it just took my breathe away.

  4. I am on the british NHS organ donor register and have been since before I was even in high school! I think I shocked my Mum slightly when I was around 10 and told her that if I died I wanted her to make sure that my organs would be donated to someone who needed them.

  5. I have signed my organ donor card and my family knows my intentions. I want them to uses as many as they can.

    And thanks for sharing that story. I'll be sure to send you the next part of her story when it's posted.

  6. Any news on 65 Roses, Eva? You got me hooked on the blog awhile ago but she hasn't posted in a few days. I'm praying everything is ok. kara


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