
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lung Infection?

In case you haven't been following me on Twitter or Facebook the past few days...Tricia was admitted into the hospital on Tuesday evening. An x-ray during her oncology appointment on Tuesday showed something in her lungs...fortunately, he doesn't believe it is may be a fungal lung infection.

Tricia has been coughing for a few weeks, so we figured something was going on. She hasn't been feeling bad, just a little more tired than usual, and a visit last week to the local ER didn't show anything. But, last night, after 24 hours in the hospital and a bronchoscopy that morning, she had a fever of 103. She is feeling better this morning. We are waiting for results from blood work and biopsies to determine what the problem is. They have started her on IV antibiotics.

Because she will probably be at Duke through the weekend, Gwyneth and I returned home ysterday afternoon. We'll wait for the call to go back and bring Tricia home.

Thanks for your prayers for Tricia this week. I'll update more when I can, and give you an update on Gwyneth's appointments later.



  1. Thanks for the update!! I will keep her in my prayers and hope the results come back with something easy to treat.

  2. praying for a quick recovery and that you guys can be together for thanksgiving!!

  3. Tricia will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery!

  4. I'm glad you shared this! I will be praying for Tricia! I just found the cutest pictures of Tricia and I in our Awana vests as little girls! I want to send them to her!!! =)

  5. Praying for a quick recovery in Jesus name!

  6. Praying for a quick recovery for Tricia.

  7. I have been praying and I will continue to pray for Tricia's health and for her to feel better and come home soon. Hopefully she'll be feeling much better and be able to enjoy a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving. ~ Bethany

  8. I have read a lot of your blog posts. Verrrry inspiration story! Praying for your family..

  9. Prayers for Tricia but also for you Daddy! I have two girls and things always run more smoothly when BOTH Mommy and Daddy are home.

  10. Thanks for the update. Been following you folks' story since last Jan.~awesome testiment to God's powerful miracles and great Physician and Healer HE is. I'm 42, have CF, my husband Ray & I have been married 14 incredible years. He is a wonderful husband~we love the Lord, accepted Christ the same day Oct 14, 07, an amazing journey since. Thanks for the incredible inspiration you are...Wanted you to know we're praying for you all here in Springfield, KY. God Bless!
    Lisa & Ray Hamilton

  11. Keeping Tricia and your family in our prayers.

  12. Hope Tricia gets better VERY soon as I'm sure the hospital is the LAST place she wants to be right now.

  13. Sorry to hear this. Keeping Tricia in my prayers. Elaine

    P.S. Couldn't find you on Facebook. Doesn't mean you aren't there, just that I couldn't find you searching by your name.

  14. prayers for a speedy recovery and quick reunion.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Prayers going out for you guys!! Please pray for my little friend Isaiah too! He was in the hospital last week with what they suspect is a fungal lung infection as well. They let him go home Sunday simply because he would rest better at home, he is still a sick little guy!

  17. Will be praying for a quick recovery!!

  18. ALWAYS praying. yesterdays, today, and tomorrows.

  19. praying for tricia's results and recovery. how did gwyn's appointment go?

  20. Praying for Tricia Nate, and for all of you as you wait for results. Asking the Lord to keep it simple as possible for your sweetie. Take care and thank you for keeping us updated.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  21. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers -- especially Tricia. May you feel God's presence, power and peace.

    Sherry B.

  22. Continuing to pray...I've been following you on Twitter. Keep us updated!

  23. just stopped by to check in and read about Tricia... will be praying for restored health.

  24. Prayers for speedy recovery for Tricia! Hope you can get her home soon!!!!!!
    Erika from IL

  25. Glad to hear Tricia is feeling better and sending our thoughts and prayers her way...

  26. Praying that Tricia is feeling better....

  27. Just sent up a prayer for her...

  28. Hope she is better, and you all have a Happy Thanksgiving, which will mean she is home with you both....

  29. Prayers go out for Tricia, you and Gywneth.

  30. Praying that Tricia has a quick and speedy recovery. I was so sorry to hear that she was sick. Get better soon Tricia, Turkey Day is just around the corner.
    Elaine in MT

  31. How is Tricia now actually? Was it a lung infection? Or was it something else?

    You're in my thoughts!


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