Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Poor Meka

With a little girl in the house now, I'm pretty certain this will not be the last time Meka will have to suffer through something like this...

Better you than me, Meka.



Erin A. said...

Just you wait, Nate! Already anticipating the pictures of Daddy with hairclips in his hair when his little girl plays hairdresser!

harmonysong said...

uh oh! haha!

Kari said...

I love it!!!

Unknown said...

What a baleful expression. I've been the instigator of that very same look on my dog's face many times.

Erika said...

oh no!!! too adorable for words! love it!

turtlemama said...

Not even close! Tiaras, tutus, and painted nails await you my canine friend.

--Mom of four girls and one canine princess (who would rather be sleeping at any given time)

Crafty Mama said...

Poor, poor baby Meka. Her eyes are so pathetic in that picture. I wish I could tell her it's going to get better, but wait til Gwyneth discovers lipstick and doll clothes. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, dear! I did that EXACT same thing to my dog with my daughter's wings yesterday. I giggled for a moment, then felt ashamed as she cast me this, "Mom, really??" look.

judith said...

Oh Nathan. You are in for a real surprise. Erin A. has already said it, when Gwyneth plays hairdresser or dress up, you will be a selected recipient! I have picks of Stephen's dad with hairclips from Carlynne. Oh yeah!o

Julie said...

It's only the beginning. My poor cat endured YEARS of getting dressed in nightgowns, dresses, and baby booties and being forced to sleep in my doll bunk-beds when I was a kid.

Nothing's more fun than a living, breathing, furry "doll"!

And yes, you WILL end up with clips in your hair someday.

Momof2bz said...

Oh, I am sure that your day will come! Someone needs to get Gwyneth Pretty Pretty Princess when she is a bit older. All good Dads play and wear the jewelry :) I am sure that you'll look smashing!

Heather said...

Oh Nate. Just to reiterate what has been already said, I give your little Princess another year or so until you have a few clips in your hair and some bangles on your arms.

Kimberly said...

As many have said, wait grasshopper.. it t'ain't over yet.. makeup, clippies in the hair, the whole 9 lie in your future not too too far away :o)

Anonymous said...

'till college i spent my summers at my grandparents cattle farm in Nebraska.

When i was a child nana and po had a shitzu called Murry.
Murry was, quiet possibly, the most patient dog to walk this planet.

Murry would allow me to dress him in doll clothes. Dresses, pajamas with feet, you name it i pulled and tugged it on him.

My grandparents related that when i pulled out the doll clothes be would actually run to me and sit awaiting that day's choice of outfit.

After Murry was dressed, i would place him in a pram and tuck him i with a blanket. All that stuck out was his furry little face and two little paws.

Murry and I would walk down the drive-way and along the dirt road. He never tried to leave the pram. He never stood up or shook off his clothes and blanket. He just lay on his back, looking at the sky.

What memories.

Mandy said...

This reminds me of the cartoon.
" I will love him, and squeeze him, and name him George!" LOL