
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wouldn't You Know

I think stuff like this is extremely, strangely interesting...

So, this morning I says to Tricia "Tricia, do you remember those photos we took of ourselves at the pier last fall?" "Yes." says she. "Those photos were sweet...I'd like to go out and do something like that again this afternoon since the weather's so nice for this time of year." says I.

After we got back home tonight, I thought I'd look up the photos that I had been thinking of from last year (Click Here to check out that post)...wouldn't you know, it was exactly a year ago, to the day? And, wouldn't you know, upon further review, it was exactly 10,000 photos ago (those who own a Canon know that the camera cycles through 10,000 numbered photos). And, wouldn't you know, how much AND how little things change in a year...



  1. Sounds like a tradition in the making....every year, same day, same place. Very cool.

  2. I had a similar "interesting" experience recently. I lost my first close friend to CF (my Fi"bro" if you will) after meeting him during an admission in Feb 2008. On one of our first shared hospital nights, we absently watched a new episode of "LOST" while chatting. I wasn't into the show, but remember itty bitty details such as they were in court. I was admitted for the first time since then recently, adn my husband brought in an episode of LOSt on dvd for us to watch (we were now into it, having watched the first few seasons already on dvd this summer). The episode we watched was somewhere around season 4, midseason, but i got chills watching it. I searched the original air date, SAME EXACT episode I had watched with my late friend. Sorry for the lengthy post.

  3. i LOVE those pictures - so sweet. your little girl is so blessed to have a daddy who loves her so...

  4. Interesting. Sweet pics again.

  5. Yep, you need make that a yearly tradition. The photos are wonderful!


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