
Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Signs

Although she's still not saying much, Gwyneth is learning how to communicate by way of sign language. Here's a video showing some of her most recent sweet skills.



  1. Ohhhh, thank you so much for sharing this piece of pure precious with us.:)
    She is just growing up so awesome you guys. Such love flowing in your home.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  2. Oh! she is so precious. Love her little curls too.

  3. Bless her little heart. That is so cute and sweet.

  4. Yay! Love it when ASL is like BSL!

    It's so great to see Gwyneth developing and learning new things. And to see you guys just looking so full of joy and fun.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  5. Nate, that brought tears to my eyes. We've prayed so much for your family. Love seeing Tricia and Gweneth together. A dream come true and truly a miracle!

  6. so precious! Good to see her doing so well Nate.

  7. To cute, that was the best video. Our little guy was a preemie also and sign language was huge in our house, it cut down on so much of his frustrations!

    Beautiful family!!

  8. I can't believe no one said this yet....but your bed looks sooooo comfy!!!! Lol. Like a big puffy white hotel bed! Hehehehe. Just had to say....anyway, back to the important little Miss in the video! She's amazing and beautiful. Our boys used "sign" too and it's so awesome to see them use it! Congrats!

  9. Such a big girl!! Great job Gwyneth!!

  10. She is so precious! Enjoy every momemnt!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Simply Heartwarming!! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Al those curls on the back of her head, so cute!!! I think she's adorable.

  14. thanks for sharing that video, really made my day.

    Love Rachaelx

  15. That makes me cry, you can just feel the love in your family!

  16. So Cute!! Signing is awesome with little ones. My youngest is obsessed with belly buttons. Check out Sandra Boynton's The Belly Button book. Very fun!!

  17. What a beautiful movie! It brought me to tears!

  18. I taught some signs to my grandson because of his speech delays also. His favorite one was "more". I am truly amazed at how fast they can pick up on using signs. It made communicaton so much better. His cousins who were the same age learned these signs also. It was such a big help to me and his parents also. Thank you for sharing with everyone. I have followed your blog since it began and love checking in every morning to see what's up.

  19. Merry Christmas to you all -- your home is filled with such love!!! Thanks for sharing this!

  20. Oh, that was so SWEET! I just loved watching that!

    Ya'll are so brave having a white comforter!

  21. There are some very cute videos out called "Signing Time" that we used with my son. I also think it is on PBS on Saturday mornings. The video brought a smile to my heart...thanks for sharing!

  22. Gosh, she's truly growing up! The video really puts into perspective just how far she's come. She's morphing into a very smart and funny little girl. I am overjoyed for you and your family!

  23. Nate and Tricia,

    What a beautiful girl-- as if you needed me to say it!! Her smile is infectious. I loved how she kept wanting to go over to the camera and "check it out." Thanks for keeping posting about your lives...It challenges me, encourages me and makes me smile too. Thank you for staying together as a married couple too. In this world, with stress, that is so hard and I appreciate your testimony.

    Keep up the good love,

  24. Love to see the little ones sign. I used sign with all of my grandchildren.
    btw..I will be teaching a beginner sign class at the new Dare Center in Manteo starting Jan 12.

  25. She is so sweet! Baby signs are awesome - it is so nice to be able to really communicate with little ones!

  26. Oh wow, that was delightful. Just smiling away here at my computer - thanks sharing.

  27. so wonderful and sweet! my son is a 25 week preemie so sign language was huge in our house as well.

    QUESTION: What song is the video to?


  28. So, so cute.

    Oh, and I've been pronouncing Meka my head I say MEEE-Kuh

  29. Never having had younger siblings, or much contact at all with toddlers, it's just thrilling for me to see children learning to respond to the world around them. Makes you realize how much of a miracle they are -- and Gwynth especially. She's such a blessing. :) Thanks for sharing these adorable moments.

  30. I agree with the others...what song is in the video (sounds like Jack Johnson?) and I've always said "MEEEEEEEE-ka" in my head too!

    You know this was about the simplest thing I have ever seen, but so sweet. So ordinary. Which is exactly what made it beautiful. :) Cheers for all of you.

  31. precious!!

    to learn to sign.. is a wonderful way to watch her to talk to ask what she wants.

  32. She is getting so big,,, Thank you for sharing her beauty

  33. She's just precious! She's an active, busy little girl! And it's amazing to think that she once fit in the palm of your hands!!

  34. She is So sweet...
    I love your little video...
    She is so dainty and delicate...
    We used sign language with our little of our boys is autistic and the other has severe delays and sensory issues...we learned baby sign language when we went to a class to help understand the needs of our babies...this was very helpful as one of the boys did not speech until almost 4 years old...sign language was a blessing...
    It is nice to see how your family is doing...Tricia looks great...and you have lost weight...
    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family...
    God Bless you always


    Nadine, Guy, Gabriel and Paul

  35. Nate this was beautiful. She has grown up so much. How precious.

  36. This is just priceless!~ She is clearly understanding every single thing you are saying! I love this! Way to go!

  37. I feel like everyone else has already said the things I wanted to say, but I couldn't resist commenting anyway because this is just so touching. What an amazing little girl she is becoming. The glasses crack me up! My sister had to start wearing them at 2 and it's so neat to see all of you having fun with it. God is good!

  38. God's love shines through all of you. What a beautiful daughter you have. Thank you for sharing your life.
    God Bless

  39. Totally adorable. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.

  40. Thank you for sharing - she is precious!

  41. Such a sweet little tease! "I'm getting off the bed...No I'm not!" So cute!

    I am so impressed with her signs too! She is so smart.

    I adore the 'fix your glasses' trick. I am going to try that with my baby!

    Thanks for making me smile today.

  42. Hi, I don't think I've commented before, but what a precious little girl you have! She touches my heart, because she shares the same first name as my sister, and my Mother's name was Rose :>)
    Take care & be well!

  43. WOW she is so amazing!! My youngest used sign as well

  44. Thank you so much for sharing. I loved seeing her sign...this semester of college I learned sign language. She did a great job at signing.
    She has gotten so big and I love her glasses. She is such a miracle baby!
    God Bless you guys!
    Hope you have a good Christmas :)

  45. That was the BEST three minutes of my day! Thanks!

  46. Thanks for sharing such beautiful moments. Hard to hold back tears on this precious life together. You guys are a perfect example of simply just enjoying and rejoicing in this life, with each moment given. As a mama, I too, LOVE our child's kisses. ;0)

  47. I love love love this! Gwyneth has grown so much and seeing her progress is such a blessing to me. Especially seeing her and Tricia together. What a miracle they are!

    Thank you so, so very much for continuing to share your lives with all of us. It means SO much!


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