
Friday, December 11, 2009

Rough Winter

The cold, germy months of winter are the toughest for CFers, especially those who are already hanging by a thread. Just in the past few weeks, I've read of a half-dozen CFers passing away, some who were waiting for their new lungs.

Please, take the time to pray for the Cystic Fibrosis community this winter. And, if you haven't already, please, please, please, consider becoming an Organ Donor. Here are a couple of quick Organ Donation & Transplantation facts:

> There are over 100,000 people, the size of a small city, on the transplant list in the US.

> There were less than 10,000 deceased organ donors in the US last year. (that's a ratio of 1 organ donor to every 10 transplant patients).

> In the time it takes you to shower today, 1 new name is added to the US transplant waiting list.

> From the time you woke up this morning to the time you wake up tomorrow morning, 18 people will die waiting for their transplant in the US.



  1. I have been an organ donor since the day I got my driver's license. It was a no-brainer!

  2. Nate,

    Just wanted to let you know that Tricia's story inspired me to become an organ donor the last time I got a new license. Thank you for being so inspirational! Also, Gwyneth is a doll (especially in those new glasses)!

    Jacksonville, FL

  3. Wow - staggering facts. How can anyone NOT be an organ donor?

  4. I signed my license a long time ago, but I wanted to make sure that everyone knows to speak to their loved ones about the choice to become a donor. If loved ones don't know about your decision, it may be too late before they find out.

    Tell your family that you are a donor!

  5. Thanks for making people aware Nate.


  6. Nate,
    Thanks for sharing this on your blog. It has been a rough winter for CFers, so hard to watch. I've thought about posting something about that as well on my blog :).
    So thanks for reminding everyone about organ donation and the seriousness of it all- I think sometimes the hardest parts about CF are not always seen in the public eye.
    Merry Christmas from the west coast :)

  7. Hey Nate,

    It really has been a rough one hasn't it? I might take some of these facts to post on my blog if you don't mind, which I'm sure you don't. Hope you guys stay nice and healthy!


  8. Organ donation is greatly affected by the wishes of your family, so be sure to tell your entire family and all your friends, again and again, how much you want your death to mean new life for someone else.

  9. I will pray for them and please pray for michelle duggar's baby that arrived at 25 weeks at 1 pound 6 oz

  10. I wish everyone was an organ donor...

  11. As soon as I turned 18, I became an organ donor.

    This past fall, cbs aired a show called "Three Rivers" that was based around a transplant hospital. I've never watched a better medical drama and told everyone I knew all about the show.

    Unfortunately, CBS pulled the show off the air after just 8 episodes. There is a huge amount of people who are upset that this show was pulled and are begging CBS to place it back on air, myself included. As soon as I saw the show for the first time, I thought of Tricia.

    Late last month, my niece lost one of her best friends from CF. He was 21 years old. I pray that more people sign up to become organ donors.

  12. I just completed the online registration. Pretty sure I signed up when I started driving, but wanted to be certain my name was on the registry. It's a wonderful gift.

  13. Nathan
    Those are some cold hard facts.
    I figured this would be as good
    a time as any to let you know,
    it was something that was always in the back of my mind,though I never acted on it.
    When I got caught up in your blog, Tricia waiting for her transplant and awaiting Gwyneths arrival, that is when I acted and became a organ donor.

    As always you & yours are in my prayers,


  14. Well Mr. Nathan Lawrenson, you have compelled me to do something I should have done a long time ago - I just became an organ donor. Your family is inspirational, and I am glad you take the time to encourage people to become donors. May God continue to bless you,


    (My three year old and I watched that last video of Gwyneth 3 times - she is precious!)

  15. A good friend of ours just received a new set of lungs last weekend. He's still in Boston recovering but doing well. I'm very thankful to the donor family.

  16. Just wanted to emphasize how important it is to make sure that your family---all of them---are aware that you want your organs donated. They can overturn your decision once you are gone. So....let them know that you will haunt them if they don't follow your wishes!

  17. Organ donation never crossed my mind until my daughter Sarah needed a heart.God bless the family that made the choice to have others live in the midst of thier grief Knowing how hard that choice must of been,I made it known to my whole family that I am an organ donor.After that my whole family became organ donors.


  18. Like Styxx374, I signed up to be an organ donor with my first driving license. You CAN take it with you, but WHY?! Keep sharing Tricia's story. Judging from the comments, you ARE making a difference! =)
    Hope none of you get sick!

  19. Thank you for the reminder. It's been a long time since I've prayed for the folks who received my sister's organs. I just prayed for them. I hope they have a wonderful Christmas.

  20. I remember when I was a teen/college student...I babysat a preschooler with CF and this season usually landed him in the hospital. Praying for everyone.

  21. Hi Nate,

    I just came across this article about a CFer in the UK that got a lung transplant with 'reconditioned' lungs ...
    Thought that might be of interest :)


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