
Monday, February 8, 2010

Our Friend, Emily

Tricia and I met Emily two summers ago...she and her family are from CA and vacation on the OBX for a few weeks each summer. Emily, like Tricia, is in her late 20's and living with CF. This past summer, we were able to spend several hours with Emily and her family, making life-long friends.

Now, Emily needs our encouragement and prayer. She's in the ICU at her local hospital with more than one infection, and she's not doing well. We would greatly appreciate if you'd pray for Emily today.




  1. I am so sorry. Of course I will pray.

  2. Thanks, Nate. Emily's family are friends of mine. Will be praying!!

  3. I will be praying for Emily you guys. Where is she out here in Ca? I am so sorry she is so ill. Thank you for letting us know and be in prayer for her. Love you guys.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  4. Thanks Nate. I'm a friend of Emily's (she directed me to your story here a few years ago - I have been through multiple boxes of tissue reading your blog, i love it!) and I think your story is an amazing example of God's grace and I'm praying for the same now for Emily.

  5. Praying for Emily, Eva who is also in the hospital with CF complications in Vancouver, and for you guys as well. How great is our God! He loves us and is with us in every trial!

    Loves to you from Spokane!

  6. I'll be praying. I'm also from California and Emily has become a friend. This is the first I have heard of her in the ICU. Please keep us updated if you can.

  7. Thanks for the word on Emily. I will certainly be praying for her and also Eva. Just read her blog that she is not doing well, either. The pictures of Gwyneth and her potty are so cute.

    Linda in Louisiana
    Mother of Mandy (with the angels) Kyle, Hunter and Brady wo/cf and Jamie, 24yom w/cf


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