
Friday, February 12, 2010

We love you too, Eva...

Please, Please, Please. With tears in my eyes, I ask you to pray for my friend Eva Markvoort today. Just a warning that the following video is very real and has some very serious content.


  1. How heartbreaking. I will pray for this family right this very minutes.

  2. Nathan OHHH my gosh she is such a beautiful and inspirational young women, crying tears of both heartbreak for her but Joy that she will be with our saviour free from her Disease....Praying for her darling family, and for you guys as her friends, Hugs and Loves from Down Under

  3. We love you! praying hard for family now!

  4. Really sad this morning when I woke and checked my RSS feed to find Eva's post. Not totally unexpected, but just....I don't know. No words I guess.

    Praying, praying, praying. This verse came to mind as I watched...

    "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love" (1 cor 13v13)

    I do believe that Eva, her friends and family have really and truly shown us (and continue to show us) the truth in those words.

    The greatest thing in this world is love.

  5. So many of us have come to know Eva through your blog. So thank you for sharing this precious spirit, and her story, with us. We have been able to know her, love her, and support her because you wrote about her.

    We are praying in Spokane and asking God for a miracle. But if He decides to take her home with Him...we will also rejoice, knowing she will be dancing and taking full, deep breaths in Heaven.

    Loves to you and your precious family!
    God Bless!
    Spokane, Wa.

  6. sorry to hear about your friend. I visited her site and left her a message. Praying that a miracle occurs and she gets her transplant that she desperately needs. What a wonderful woman she is.


  7. I am so sad to hear Eva is not doing well. I had checked in on her off and on. Thank you for sharing this as a reminder to be praying for this sweet girl and her family.

  8. I found her site through yours and have been following her for awhile now. I just can't even imagine having that beauty and grace and strength. If only we were all a little more like Eva. LOVE.

  9. Praying for Eva and her family. May we all take something away from this..Love is what matters.

  10. Heartbroken about Eva. Since you first wrote of her, I have followed her everyday, as I do you and Alice and Weejac in Scotland. She has such an incredible spirit and will live on in all our hearts. I am praying for a miracle for her----------for us.

    Linda in Louisiana
    Mother of Mandy (with the angels) Kyle, Hunter and Brady wo/cf and Jamie, 24 yom w/cf

  11. I have been praying for Eva ever since I found her through Marni - and I loved to send her stuff :) she really appreciated it.

    My heart is so very broken this morning to think that nothing can be done and she will leave soon.

    I have never met a more loving, compassionate, vivacious, fun woman.

    I feel as tho' her love will always be on this earth. Everyone is lucky to have been touched by Eva.

  12. Yesterday while on your blog I thought of her, did a search and went to her blog to see how she was doing, and then today I went back to her blog with love and prayers.

  13. I am so sad. Yet she is such an inspiration. I won't ever forget her. I hope her passing is easy and peaceful. Her family is so lucky and so are we for have knowing her. (even just through blogs). Eva we LOVE you!

  14. I could only get through about 2 minutes of this. I will have to watch the rest of it tonight at home so I can be a blubbering mess there and not at work.

    I hope and pray that Eva will go peacefully whenever that time comes and that I have the strength that she does when it is my time.

  15. Such powerful words from such a brave woman. I will certainly be praying for her and her family as they surround themselves with love for Eva.

  16. Praying for sweet Eva. I've been reading her blog for awhile now after seeing it on your blog, and this just breaks my heart. Praying her final days are filled with love and peace.

  17. Thank you for sharing this truly emotional video. We can all learn so much from Eva. My prayers go out to her and her family (and you for being her friend)

  18. I just saw the video and am posting a message to her blog right now -- how I hope and pray that these next few days will be filled with more laughter than tears for Eva and her friends and family. Please Jesus wrap your arms around all of them and let your presence be SO strong in Eva's room!

  19. What a beautiful and inspirational young lady! She will be in my heart and prayers!

  20. I so wish I could understand Eva's video (no captions) but I can read their emotions, which already has me in tears. I'm also reading other people's comments to try to understand what's going on. I'm praying very hard for miracle lungs but if that doesn't come to be, I'm praying very hard for a peaceful and happy journey to heaven, where she will be alive without CF! The world is blessed to have and know her!

  21. What a beautiful girl. What a beautiful spirit shining through.

  22. This just breaks my heart. I will be praying for all of them as they are on one of the hardest journeys of their lives right now.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  23. Nate, I have been following your blog for quite awhile now....found you through MckMama's blog....have been following Eva for 6 months or so. Praying for her, what an inspiration the strength and love that she portrays. Praying for a miracle!

  24. I read her Mom's update yesterday, and then this today. My heart breaks, I have followed her since you introduced us here and I just fell in love with her instantly. She will not be forgotten...Praying for a miracle...

  25. We have also followed Eva on a documentary on television recently and on her blog, also praying for her and her family....

  26. I don't know what to say other then I will pray for this beautiful young heart breaks...for her and her family...



  27. I have been so worried about Eva...and checking on her everyday. I didn't see this video on her post so thanks for sharing it. I'm sitting here crying and can't stop. Prayers going out immediately!


  28. I read this and watched Eva's video a couple of hours ago... it made me sad. She is so strong... her family is so strong.

    I have been praying for them.


  29. I have been following Eva, meeting her through you back during her first transplant. I LOVE Eva, she is truly an amazing example of who I can only wish to be. My eyes are so puffy from all the crying after seeing her video.


  30. I've been following her blog since her documentary and her post last night was so sad. I've been praying a lot since then, shes been on my mind all morning

  31. I have been following Eva for awhile now since you mentioned her on your blog a while ago. She is so inspirational. I am always praying for her! I've mailed her letters for her wall of love too!

  32. Powerful beyond words. She defines strength and LIFE! Thank you for sharing the video, and her words. Wow, her family and friends, and even those who are not lucky enough to know her, ought to be proud of the wonderful woman she is.

  33. Thanks so much for sharing Eva's story when you did. I have been a regular follower of her blog ever since and just last week we finally got a package off in the mail to add to her wall of love...I believe she did receive it as her Dad mentioned something which sounded like the notes from my kiddos on the video. My heart is so heavy for their family...what an amazing young woman she is.
    Praying for the Lord to overwhelm them with Himself as Eva walks through the valley.

  34. Definitely praying. I've been following Eva's journal for a long time. Time, I wish she had more of.

  35. Thank you for sharing Eva's story - I have followed her since you posted about her months ago. She is so inspiring and beautiful. I always thought she would get that second transplant, but she seems so peaceful anyway - I am in awe of her, as always.

  36. Prayers for Eva and her family. She seems at peace with the situation. I dont think I could be that strong.

  37. Nate,
    I left Eva a message but will keep praying for her strength.

  38. I have followed her for a long time and was torn up when i saw this earlier. I am praying so hard! Do you think it is possible to still get a transplant in time?

  39. Sending thoughts for peace and serenity for Eva and her family ~

  40. Just heartbreaking. Godspeed, Eva. You take the love of many with you, and leave behind a legacy that will never be forgotten.

  41. This is so very sad, she is such a brave and thankful and beautiful girl. I am also praying for her and her family.

  42. What a stunningly beautiful girl!
    I wonder why she cannot get a trach like Tricia had along with a ventilator while she waits for new lungs? This is such a tragedy! Such a young young woman!

  43. So many much love :)

  44. What a beautiful and amazing young woman. Her family will be in my prayers.

  45. Eva, you have just put this horrible week I have had into perspective. You are a wonderul young lady! A true inspiration.

    Prayers and hugs to you and your family!

  46. I have no words...only tears. What a precious young woman. My heart aches for her and her family. I left her a message on her blog....I just wish I could do more. Prayers are all that any of us have to offer her now. God Bless her.

  47. I am having a problem with my speakers and can not hear her video. I suspect it is not good news :( Not totally unexpected, but still very sad.

  48. This is so sad. I have been following Eva for several months now and praying for her to get a transplant. Thru this whole experience, she has never complained. Eva has only shown optimism and strength. Praying even more for her and a last-minute transplant!

  49. How very heartbreaking. I hope she knows the love of her Savior.

  50. I left her a comment and pray that she is saved. Praying for her and her family.

  51. That was so hard to watch, I'm sure you know where I'm coming from. I'm not much of a religious person, but I feel myself praying for Eva.

    Selina. cfer in Aus.

  52. How incredibly touching and sad at the same time. Sending prayers of strength to her and her family.

  53. I started following her b/c you posted about her a long time ago.
    This was not the post I wanted to see from her tonight....
    She and her family are in my prayers.

  54. How terrible for Eva and her family. Very scary for you as well Nate as I'm sure it brings thoughts that nobody is prepared to face even if aware of them.

    If lungs become available, I wonder if she'll be able to have the transplant still or if it's considered too late for her.

    I'm an atheist, but I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and hope for peace and comfort.

  55. Heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking. Prayers for Eva and her family as they go through this journey at the end of her life. Praying for their comfort and peace, and praying that Eva finds beautiful things on the other side of this life.

  56. Oh, may her Journey be gentle. May those who love her feel the Peace that surrounds her. I am so, so, sorry.

  57. I have been following her blog for quite sometime. My heart is breaking. She is such an inspiration and will continue to be.

  58. Wow what a small world! I adore Eva her family and the great example they are. i have been reading her blog for some time now and am continually encouraged by her honesty and attitude! I have been praying and praying her lungs Will come. Thank you for also keeping her in our minds and spreading the prayer chain!

  59. Nate,

    I stumbled across your blog one day long ago and through your blog came across Eva's blog.

    I am so saddened to watch her video. Do you know if she is a believer? If not, have you shared with her?


  60. I was soo terribly sad when I checked her blog today. The video was so heartbreaking, yet, Eva is at peace, she is such a strong, beautiful lady with a wonderful family. I have been following her journal about as long as I have followed your family's blog. She is an amazing young lady! I am praying for her and her family during this difficult time. I will truly miss her incredible writing, with her warmth, honesty, and outlook on life. (I am still praying for a miracle!) She will always continue to touch many lives.

  61. I don't know the CF world except through the lives of those who choose to share. I take it that this means the doctors have decided she's too ill for a lung transplant and they are now providing comfort care? Is that right?

    Praying for your friend, Eva, tonight and for her family and friends.

  62. I'm so sorry. I saw the video last night and was moved by it. I prayed for peace and acceptance but even that is easier said than done.
    What an amazingly brave woman. God bless her and all whose lives she has touched.
    Mission Accomplished. A true champion in anyone's book.

  63. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasFebruary 14, 2010 at 6:55 PM

    My heart is breaking for this family. I can not imagine what they are going through ~ I just do not have the words. I can and will pray for them. I am so sorry.

  64. i too watched this through the tears. She is a strong woman. I am praying for a peace and comfort for her family and for her.

  65. I know I don't really know you or Eva, but I will be praying for her! I posted her video on my facebook so everyone can join us in prayer. What a beautiful young woman!

  66. Watching her breathe... makes me not want to take breathing for granted anymore.

  67. Nate,

    I started reading Eva's blog from the start soon after this last post of yours. I am so inspired by her. And even more now of you and Tricia. I am so sad. Praying for a miracle. Oh how I hope Tricia's lungs last a very long time.

    Back on friday, june 13, 2008, you posted a clip. I can't seem to view it. Is there another clip of it or a link that you could post?


    Praying for Eva and Tricia and all those affected by CF. Hoping it will stand for Cure Found sometime soon!

  68. It's interesting how at the end of such a fragile life, the only thing that can be uttered is that importance of love. Whatever it may be wherever it may come from. Love. A simple concept but something that is sometimes impossible to grasp or understand. I will continue to pray for this family as they grasp the understanding of not only love, but eternal love.

  69. It's interesting how at the end of such a fragile life, the only thing that can be uttered is that importance of love. Whatever it may be wherever it may come from. Love. A simple concept but something that is sometimes impossible to grasp or understand. I will continue to pray for this family as they grasp the understanding of not only love, but eternal love.

  70. Checking back in. Of course I am still praying for that sweet young women, as you asked. But, I am also thinking of your family, Nate. I can not imagine your pain and sadness, coupled with your absolute faith that she is going to be healed in ways of which we only dream. Peace.

  71. Thank you for sharing this. So moving, so heartbreaking, yet full to the brim with love. All you need is love...

  72. Oh how I love Eva. Her free spirit, her ability to love so completely. Praying for her and her family.

  73. Eva,

    My heart is breaking. You are a VERY special person and I am praying for you as I speak. Thank you for your inspiring words and I thank GOD for your wonderful family beside you!......JUDY

  74. I can't even make it through this video and the tears are flowing... a lot. I will pray for Eva and for her family.

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