
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chicken Fingers

Gwyneth is such a creative genius. Although she does't talk much yet, she's figuring out other ways to communicate. Just the other day I was asking her what she wanted for lunch...



  1. I love following your story and seeing Gwyneth growing! My son is just a few months younger than Gwyneth. Anyway - the chicken in that picture... is that by any chance the chicken from an OLD barnyard playset that you or Tricia had as children?! My son plays with the same chicken at my parents' house - they've kept that playset since my brother and I (both in our 30s now) were kids. Just thought it was funny to see that same chicken elsewhere!

  2. @Heather

    Yep...that chicken belongs to a "little people" farm set that I played with at her age.

  3. Too cute and funny! super jealous of the wonder girl you have been bless with :-)

  4. this post made me laugh out loud. thanks..

  5. Her genius does not surprise me at all!!! too sweet

  6. What a sweet ray of sunshine. She is beautiful. Isn't God good?

  7. I see I'm not the only one who recognized that chicken. Brings back lots of memories!!

    Yep, G is one smart cookie.

  8. I had that same chicken! Might be time to dig that stuff out of the closet for Levi. :)

  9. Thank you so much for opening your lives to us.

    You were meant to be this sweet little girl's father. God knew when he created her that she was your perfect fit. The love you have for her and Tricia is evident in every word and picture you post. I am always amazed by the strength and patience that you show.

    Gwyneth is such a special gift - I have no doubt that she was meant just for you and Tricia.

    Thank you again for sharing with us, your lives are such a testament to His will. You have all really had such a wonderful and positive impact on my life.

  10. She's such a cutie pie. Funny "chicken fingers". I also remember that Fisher Price chicken.

  11. is that an old school fisher price chicken from the '80's little people farm? it looks just like ours (mine from when i was a kid)!

  12. Sweet Gwyneth always brightens my day.

  13. We have that chicken!! Old Little People playsets are my favorite things, and I laughed when I saw her with it! She is so adorable. My two little girls have pink sunglasses and they remind me of her when they wear them.

  14. DARLING!!!! Mine is learning to talk too and asked me for a "Chicken Nugget French Fry" at McDonald's.

    Took me awhile....but she wanted a hash brown.

    You know...Looks like a chicken nugget and tastes like a French fry?

  15. I agree...super genius in the making! What a cutie pie.


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