
Monday, March 22, 2010


Gwyneth has enrolled in 2 year old gymnastics. At this age, all they really do is let them run/crawl around and play...nothing really organized, which is fine with Gwyneth. She loves it, and takes long naps afterward, which Tricia loves. Her favorite thing to do is to "jump" on the big inflatable thing.



  1. Adorable and the music is perfect.

  2. Wow! She's great on her knees! I took care of a preemie [born 25wkgest] and he 'walked' on his knees for months! He was a twin and followed his sister so he got really fast. Eventually I started putting him on his feet [he could stand by that point just chose the knees b/c they were faster] all the time. Initially he'd just drop down onto his knees but I kept doing it and within a couple of months he was walking. We did a gym class [that looked a lot like yours!] and when we started they only jumped. By the end though they were doing EVERYTHING! People said the class was made for them! What a great idea for G - she's so with it already I can only see this adding to her wonderfulness! I've been a nanny for a long time and really believe physical confidence spills over into everything. She's very lucky to have this opportunity! And she looks GREAT!

  3. SOOO adorable!!!! We signed our almost 3 year old, Julian up for gymnastics a month ago and he LOVES it! It's so good for their co-ordination!

  4. She is just adorable and I can see and hear why she loves gymnstics so much! It will be great for her coordination!

  5. How cute! My 9 year old is in gymnastics and has been since she was 2 1/2. I remember those days in the gym...they were so precious!

  6. Looks like G is having tons of fun! Very Cute. Quick question - How do you add music to your videos?

  7. Go gwyneth.

    I would also enjoy the long nap time.

    I've also gotta get that song for when my boys come home to homeschool.

  8. Cute video Nate, glad baby Gwyneth is having so much fun. love the song with video,way to perfectly fit.~Darlene


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