
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

65_RedRoses Documentary PreSale!

The DVD of Eva's documentary, "65_RedRoses" is now on presale through the end of May! I'm ordering my copy today Here. I've seen an abbreviated version, and can't wait to see the rest!

Eva did more than just about anyone else I know to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis and Organ Donation during her life, and with this film, she'll continue to do the same for a long time coming.



  1. just ordered mine. thanks for letting us know it's available in the us!

  2. The fact that she was able to let others know about CF in such a powerful way is beautiful.

  3. Glad to know it is making it to DVD. I was wishing I could watch this - have only seen the trailers for it. She is such a beautiful person ... wish she was still here.

  4. I ordered it too. Nate: I am glad you posted the info. I didn't think it was my place to do so.

    I do know many have offered to purchase and send copies to people OUTSIDE of CANADA and the UNITED STATES (it is not offered in/for any other countries). However, what I have been told is that the way the disc is encrypted it won't work. I could be wrong but if anyone outside of Canada or the US can probably email the company that is selling the disc (it's a Canadian company). Sure hope I got that part/info correct.

    I hope everyone is staying dry................we folks in IL are being drowned.

    Take care!

    Jodi (from IL)


  6. ***Nate if the posting of this information is in anyway inappropriate, out of line, or whatever else; I will understand if you pull my comment. I just know that so many people are interested in the documentary so this information may help those outside the US or Canada to find out what they can do, if anything.

    I sincerely apologize to everyone if I am violating some "code of ethics," I just want to help.

    This is the info for the company that is distributing the 65_RedRoses Documentary:

    Contact Us
    Good Company Communications
    PO Box 21001,
    Vancouver, BC V6C 3L5

    Tel: 604.251.5567
    Fax: 604.255.5567

    I hope this info can help. Again, Nate, I apologize if this was inappropriate.

    Many heartfelt prayers to those who have been affected by CF in anyway!

    Take care all!

    Jodi (IL)

  7. Yay, thanks for letting us know...ordering it pronto! xoxo

  8. Hi Nate ~ I have never left a comment on your blog. Just enjoy reading about your awesome family. I pray for many blessings for you all! And I want to thank you for introducing me to Eva. She has changed my life forever over the last year. I am so thankful to have found you both. I ordered my dvd as well!! Can't wait to see it!! Take Care ~ God Bless ~ Love Love Love ~~~~ Susan

  9. I would love to order this DVD. Any idea when it will be available on an international scale?


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