
Friday, August 13, 2010

Healthy Heart

We drove back to Duke yesterday for Tricia's post-op and for an echocardiogram of Gwyneth's heart.

Tricia is feeling good and the pain meds have finally exited her system. The surgeon reports that everything looks good and is healing nicely. She'll have another post-op in about two weeks.

Gwyneth has had a PDA since birth (even though the heart valve had appeared to be closed a few days after her birth, it was later discovered to still be an issue). In most cases in young children, the valve eventually closes without ever having caused any issues. Every report through yesterday showed that her valve was still open, but, this latest echo showed that it is now closed. In the words of the cardiologist, Gwyneth has a "perfectly healthy heart". This is great news because it means she avoids the surgical procedure which would be needed in a few years to close the valve (and we won't be scheduling another cardiology appt for a very long time).

Thanks again for your prayer for my two girls!



  1. Wonderful news!! Your girls are so beautiful and precious.

  2. That's really fantastic news! Congrats!

  3. What wonderful news on both of your girls!!Prayer is good! and Life is good!!!

  4. Awww yay!! So happy for you and the family! I have cf and am also at Duke (pretty recently transferred from UNC) going through the hoops to receive my double lung transplant. My bf just proposed 2 nights ago. So wonderful to have someone who knows the seriousness of my disease and he wants to be here with me through it all. Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.
    April :)

  5. God is so good. I am so thankful your girls are doing so wonderfully. I love answered prayer:)

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  6. Yay!!! That is such good news...glad to hear Tricia is doing well too. Thanks for sharing...


  7. Fabulous news about "your girls"! Your family is always in my prayers. :)

  8. How wonderful!!! Both of your girls are doing great........made my day hearing this. You are a wonderful family and I enjoy reading your blog.

  9. Woohoo! Praise the Lord! What a huge sigh of relief this must be!

  10. Fabulous news!!!!!!

  11. Wonderful news! Im so happy for all of you!

  12. That's amazing, Nate! Praise God! :)

  13. that kid's an amazing is her mother. So happy everyone is doing well.

  14. With the cards we were dealt we so often have to deal with bad news, its so refreshing to hear some good. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  15. Awesome news , saw the video on channel 12 today about Tricia (CF) and the baby, made my pledge after seeing it, when It came on , I said "oh gosh I read their blog all the time " Glad everything is going good for your family

  16. Such great news and such a blessing.

  17. Great news!!!

    Love to all.

    Becky in VA

  18. Congratulations! It is so nice to narrow the specialists list one doctor at a time.

  19. Praise the Lord for his mercies and answered prayers! Your family remains on my heart and in my prayers.

  20. I haven't checked your blog for a few months or more, and I am SO thrilled to see how well your family is doing!


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