
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Earl is heading our way, although predictions say he'll just graze us on his up the coast. I thought I'd repost a few videos I shot during Hurricane Hannah two years ago so you can see just how sensational the hotshot weathermen like to be...


  1. I just finished praying for ya'll before I came here to check your blog. PLEASE get out of there and may God keep your family and friends safe.

    Mary in Florida
    (who is no stranger to hurricanes)

  2. Oh my. Those videos scare me. I guess you are used to hurricanes like we are to tornados being in OK. We stand outside and watch them and it isn't a big deal to us.

  3. Hey Nate. Yeah, here in Va Beach we are also hoping to just be "grazed" by Earl. Despite that horrible storm churning off the coast, the rest of the Labor Day weekend is forecast to be sunny and in 80's ... so let's just hope BIG EARL just passes us right on by so we can enjoy the rest of the weekend, huh?? On another note, I just saw on our local news that DARE COUNTY Schools are cancelled for Thursday and Friday. Good move on their part. I'm sure there will be flooding and erosion for us living by the coast even if Earl simply "grazes" the coast. I have cousins who live in Buxton, NC. I heard they made "visitors" evacuate. What's the word on the residents? Any mandatory evacuations for residents in Buxton that you know of?

  4. @My2Girls

    The only kind of evacuation the authorities give is "mandatory", which means, all visitors must leave and all locals are encouraged to leave. Most locals choose to stay because experience tells us it's usually more trouble to leave than to stay. So far only Ocracoke and Hatteras are under mandatory evacuation.

  5. been there done that 3 times in 5 years... Rita, Humberto and Ike... No fun... Stay safe... But I know you will....

  6. I have been thinking about you guys being in the path of Earl and praying for you to be safe. I'd rather wait for the "Big One" (earthquake) any day. Please stay safe.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  7. Um. The problem with people choosing to stay is if they get in trouble rescuers have to risk their lives to save them Not smart. "Encouraged to leave" sounds like a good enough reason to play it safe. Just sayin'

  8. Well I suppose it would be annoying... having everyone worry about you and wanting you to leave and all... especially since you've been through so many storms before. Having said that, for every time a hurricane "just grazes", I'm sure you know that there ARE those chances that it could turn out to be something much worse. This is probably a bad example (since the situations are not totally the same), but I can't help but think of Katrina, and how people were warned. And how many people didn't take heed and leave... and then suffered the consequences. Anyway, I'm sure you know what you are doing. Thinking of y'all and praying you'll stay safe!

    By the way, I've been following your blog for quite some time, but this is the first time I've actually written. I'm a 32-yr old CF-er myself, and recently moved to North Carolina (after 5 years in the desert of Phoenix) in hopes of a more stable & better life, health-wise. Giving Jesus all the credit, so far it has turned out to be so! I've never really connected too much with other CF-ers, but have become increasingly interested in it as I continue to deal with the stresses CF can bring. I know my own story has brought hope to many, and it's nice to read about others who are in the same boat and who are also inspiring hope every day. May God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you!!!

  9. I was thinking about y'all when I heard it was heading to OBX. Praying all will be OK.

  10. I live in southeast Louisiana, and in the past five years, we've had Katrina, Rita, and Gustav. Glad you're not taking a direct hit. Hope you guys don't lose electrical power. It's so miserable to be without air conditioning. The weathermen do appear to love hurricanes. The action shots with them screaming over the wind and seemingly in danger of being blown out of camera range are so dramatic.

    Here's hoping Earl ends up missing you completely.

  11. Praying for you on the Outer Banks!


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