
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Family Fotos

Last week, on our way home from a short trip to our college town of Lynchburg, VA, we took a short detour in rural VA to visit our amazing friends, the Lawler family, at Faith Farm. Tricia loves the idea of living on a farm, Gwyneth loves checking out the animals, and it was a perfect location to grab some great family photos!

BTW, if you love farming, barnyard animals, hard-working people, and incredible southern food, do yourself a favor and read This Article about the Lawlers' journey from south Jersey to central Virginia.


  1. Awesome pictures, as usual, Nate. There's a couple of them on there that look alot like blog headers...not saying anything is wrong with the one you have, they're just really nice.


  2. Great pictures! I love the one where Gwenyth is biting your cheek.

  3. These are precious photos. What program do you use to edit the photos? I have CS3 and I am still learning all the tricks to it. I had PS 7.0 last. You all bring such joy to my heart. Every Time I check your blog I Praise God for the joy of Gwen and Tricia and you. My husband is applying at Duke for his doctoral degree. We live in Texas right now, so that will be a big move for us. But with Duke Medical near by I know I will be taken care of and it will actually be a relief for be somewhere cooler in weather. I would love to see any Touristy shots you have? You might have to post a "Tour Blog" of where you live. Blessings to you all!

  4. Gwyneth is beautiful!! She is growing up so much, she looks so much like a little girl and not a baby or toddler anymore! I can't believe she is going to be 3 in just a few short months!! God is great isn't He =]

  5. LOVE the pictures:) You have a beautiful family! I have not posted on a long time, but wanted you to know that I started following your blog when Gwyneth was born. I have loved following your story of God's faithfulness!

  6. I love your pictures! What a blessing to have your beautiful family. :)

  7. I have to say for the record that I have never met your family in person; I only know of you guys through your website. With that said, I absolutely adore your little family! It is so obvious that the Lord has blessed you guys, and somehow I can see in your faces that you don't take those blessings for granted. Thank you for your unspoken testimony to His goodness! Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for being an encouragement to me! :)

  8. You are a beautiful family and your blog encourages me more than you can imagine. I needed a lift from the Holy Spirit this morning, and these pictures helped provide. Thank God for you and your witness for LIFE and love and Christ!

  9. What a perfect family... all together... exactly where they should be. All is right with the world when I look at these photos.

  10. Such wonderful photos!
    Amazing how much Gwenyth has grown!

  11. GREAT pictures!! Love the background!! I love the one with Gwenyth's hands on your face. Too precious!

  12. What beautiful pictures!! Your baby isn't such a baby anymore, she is growing so beautifully! You have such a beautiful family. Just all kinds of beautiful.

  13. Darling family photos!

    Love them!


  14. Love the family shots. Gwenyth's boots are adorable!

  15. Seeing these pictures tugged at my heart a little.....

  16. Been a long time since I've visited your blog (although i have been reading it since before Gwyneth was born).

    So many great pictures of you guys. Gwyneth has truly grown to be such a beauty.

    I loved looking at the many shots of her sweet face, daddy holding and loving on her and mommy with her tender embrace.

    Such a beautiful family God has blessed you with :)

  17. These are awesome! :) I especially love the ones where Gwyneth is 'cheesing'.

  18. Great photos! My favorite is the one of Gweneth biting(?) you, though they're all fabulous.

  19. Gorgeous family photos! Thanks for sharing with us.

    God Bless.
    Mary in FL

  20. Love the pics! Your girls look amazing!

  21. Love the pics! Your girls look amazing!

  22. Great Fall Family Photo's! Love all the different expressions on Gwenyth's face in each one of them. Sure can tell she is loved by her parents! Thanks for sharing. Tracy from Chesapeake/Hickory Area

  23. Those are super great pictures with beautiful people and a beautiful backdrop! Wow, how amazing. My favorite is Gwyneth holding your face in her cute! Tricia looks terrific too.

  24. Tricia looks so good, healthy and GORGEOUS and I don't know that I've ever known of a daddy who loved his girls more than you do. Destiny

  25. Great photos! You have a beautiful family. I cannot believe how grown up Gwyneth looks!

  26. These are GREAT family photos! Thank you for posting! I can't believe how time has changed your girls! Everyone looks so happy and healthy and I just praise our God for His hand!

  27. Beautiful! I guess Miss Gwyneth loves daddy as much as daddy loves her, seeing as she wants to eat him all up! Precious pictures...thanks for sharing!

  28. So many beautiful pictures! So glad that everything got so well with all of you.

  29. I love these pics! The ones of G showing her teeth are priceless. What a blessing she is!

  30. I cannot believe how big your little girl is getting! These are great pictures!

  31. Your photos bring tears to my eyes! What wonderful family treasures! Your lovely ladies are beautiful and you look pretty darn good too, Nate. Thanks for keeping us filled in on what is going on in your lives. I'm not a Facebook fan, so your blog is what I read. Don't forget about us! My prayers are with you.

  32. I've read your blog from before Gwenyth's birth, but this is the first comment I've ever made. These are by far my favorite pictures of your family. Your wife is gorgeous and Gwenyth could not be any cuter! You all look truly happy. Your story has been a blessing to read, and thank you for sharing it.

  33. Awwww, you have much to be thankful for this fall! Your family is beautiful!!!

  34. I have to ask, where is the blonde hair in the families? I have dark hair, and my husband's hair is almost black, and we have a dark brown haired son, an almost black haired daughter, and a blonde daughter. People ask me all the time where the blonde is...both of our Moms are blonde. She's gorgeous, your family is beautiful, and you are all truly blessed!

  35. absolutely spectacular pictures of your precious family. Gwyneth definitely has alot of charm exuding from these photos! What a doll!

  36. LOVIN" these guys are just beautiful!!
    Gwyneth is getting so big and I LOVE her smile!!! Its infectious!

  37. I saw this discussion in the comments section on another CF blog, and was curious about yours and Tricia's opinions on it.
    This family has four children, three of which have CF. They continued to have more children, even after finding out that their first child had CF, despite doctors telling them that they would likely pass on the CF disease to their future kids. They ended up passing it on to three of the four kids so far. They feel that their kids have a right to have siblings so they feel justified to keep having more kids despite possibly passing on CF to them.

  38. Absolutely fabulous - haven't looked in for a while - Gwyneth is getting soooooo big! What a precious joy! x

  39. I grew up on a farm, and it is a great place to be. :) I can't believe how healthy and beautiful your girls are! You are a lucky family!

  40. you guys are just the cutest family. My fave is the black and white 2nd to last.

  41. Oh my!! I haven't been here for months...look at how big she is! God is so good.

  42. What really sweet pictures!! Beautiful!

    greetings Tamara


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