
Monday, October 4, 2010

New Words!

Gwyneth has been slowly progressing with her speech development. Just this week, for the first time, she is able to say "mama" consistently. Tricia is very excited. Below is a video that highlights a few of the words that Gwyneth can say (there are more), both by sign and by mouth.


  1. Wow. Well done Gwyneth. I love learning new signs, something I really want to learn is sign language. I only know bits of BSL, Auslan and Ameslan!

  2. That's adorable. Well done, Miss Gwyneth!

  3. As a Mom of a son with delayed speech, I know how sweet that sound is! Good job, Gwyneth!

  4. LOVE it! Way to go Gwyneth! She is looking SO grown up!

  5. Way to go beautiful girl! You are getting so big and soooo smart!!!

  6. Good job Gwyneth!

    I've been hoping for a Gwyneth update from you and even better she gave us one herself!


  7. LOVED it! Congratulations to Gwyneth on her accomplishments. It's so wonderful to see God's blessings through her.

  8. Good girl Gwyneth, I am so proud of her, she is doing some growing too no more little baby and pass the toddler stage, go girl !!!God is using her to show us a miracle .

  9. Awww! I love the way she says "mama"...what a sweet precious voice she has! Little miracle girl!

  10. She's too cute! Great job, Gwyneth!

  11. She couldn't possibly be any sweeter! Very well done, Gwyneth!!!

  12. So cute! You guys must be so proud!

  13. Absolutely adorable!! Great job Gwyneth! You are such a sweet little girl! <3

  14. Music to my ears! So happy for you guys! Hey Nate, how about a big old fat update about your girls? I'm curious to know how big Gwyneth is and how Tricia is chugging along. So how bout it?

  15. As a speech therapist who works with early intervention, this gives me great thrill to see Gwyneth's progress. What a blessing your family is!

  16. Precious and wonderful! So lovely to hear!


  17. I'm so proud of her!!!!!!!

  18. If that isn't joy personified, I don't know what is... I've been praying for your girl before she made her way into the world and whenever I see pictures/videos of her now, she always reminds me of how our awesome God answers prayers that to men seem unanswerable. Destiny

  19. Could she BE any cuter??? Way to go sweet Gwyneth!! She is doing so well, such a miracle.

  20. Oh my goodness, Baby Tricia, errrr I mean Gwyneth, is getting soooo big! Her voice is absolutely precious!

  21. Every time you post something like this I am reminded of the miracle that is Gwyneth. Thanks for continuing to share your life with us.

  22. Absolutely AMAZING! Way to go, Gwyneth!! What a miracle she is!

  23. I can't understand much of what she's saying, but it's clear SHE knows what she's saying! :) And of course you do too, but the best is that Gwyneth has two good ways to express herself: signs and words. She is beautiful. And smart. I hope she continues to make steady progress, and I bet it will get faster and faster as she matures. :D
    Shari in California (STILL trying to retrieve my ancient, lost Google/Blogger password! heh)

  24. what an absolutely wonderful video that is!! i love that gwenyth is finding her voice!!

  25. Very cute video... Miss Gwyneth is doing great! Thanks for sharing Nate. If I was Tricia everytime she said Momma I would melt.


  26. I love the sweet way she says "mama".

  27. She is so beautiful and so bright! Thanks for sharing -- your Gwyneth is a joy!

  28. That is AWESOME Gwyneth!! Wow, are you getting to be such the big girl!
    thank you so much for the update, a lovely way to start my morning :))

  29. Way to go, Gwyn! Nate, thank you for sharing! I've been wondering for a long time how Gwyn was progressing with her hearing aids and speech and sign. Looks like she is progressing as she should in her own pace! I'm proud of her and I'm glad you all are utilizing total communication (both sign and speech). :)

  30. Awww-she's so precious, and it's so good to hear her sweet little voice!

  31. Just beautiful. When she said mama, I just burst into tears. Tricia must just be loving it!

  32. Congratulations! I am loving this. As a momma myself, my favorite, of course, was "Mama!" I love her inflection with that one too! Keep up the great work Gwyneth! We love getting snippets of watching you grow!

  33. Oh goodness! Just when I think she can't get any cuter! Precious.

  34. so incredibly beautiful! and talented too!!!

  35. I must have missed the "uncle andy" part of the video.

    Go Baby G!

  36. She's going to go to Baylor University (my alma mater) one day! She already does a great "Sic 'em Bears!"

  37. My husband is profoundly deaf and we have a hard-of-hearing son. I love your blog, your photos and Gwenyth's progress!! What a doll. I'm in tears!

  38. Thank you so much for the update!! I have a little girl about the same age as Gwyneth, so I love seeing/hearing how she's doing. She is precious and I loved the video.

  39. Precious! Glad to see that Gwyneth is doing well! :)

  40. Thanks for the update -- what a precious way to start my day. What a miracle. God is so good. I'd love to know how Tricia's doing too.

  41. absolutely adorable! it's amazing to watch her grow up. thank you for sharing.

  42. That is so awesome! I love to see her signs. We are right there with you on the speech path... it's long, but so worth the wait to hear those precious little words.

  43. Wow!! It is so exciting to see Gweneth growing up!! She is absolutely beautiful, happy, progressing wonderfully

  44. Oh what a beautiful miracle! Music to my ears (and eyes!) My son has Dyspraxia which often causes speech delays. He has been in speech therapy since he was 3. He's 9 now and talks up a storm. There is still much to be done, but I can only empathize with you on how wonderful it is to hear your child speaking! Blessings to you three always!

  45. Adorable!
    I love checking in from time to time and seeing her progress. She is growing up so fast.


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