
Saturday, December 11, 2010


This is just a quick post to let you know that a certain little girl began pre-school this past week. She's attending a special class at the local elementary school for children with disabilities...her 5-6 classmates share similar developmental delays, and her teachers are all therapists. She loves it!



  1. Love this! So proud of her (and you guys) for all your persistence and hard work. She is going to accomplish greatness because of her family and that tough as nails personality.

  2. I was trying to remember if Gwenyth was 3 yet or not and read in your quick page that Tricia had a tracheostomy for awhile. That really surprised me. My daughter Ainsley has a trach. Anyway, developmental preschool is great. She is going to love it. And she will learn a lot while having a lot of fun and yes, take great naps.

  3. I'm glad to hear Gwenyth is attending preschool. That is a big milestone. She was meant to survive and thrive, even though she'll face some challenges along the way. Any disabilities or challenges she has are battle scars of a battle well fought and won.

  4. Can't believe how big she is! Our little one starts a special preschool like that next month. Not ready to let her go. :(

  5. Wow. I am truly a blog addict, apparently. I remember when you announced that she was on the way. What a beautiful, precious miracle she is.

  6. Way to go, Gwyneth!!!!!!

  7. Learning can wear a wee-one out. My son Stewart went to school early for developmental issues... mostly he needed speech therapy.


  8. How sweet, all conkced out after a big day at school! She will love her time with friends and loving teachers!

  9. She has really come a LONG way!!

    Pre-school - how wonderful for your almost 3-year-old princess!

    Love to all.

    Becky in VA

  10. Wow! What a milestone! That baby is just going and going.

  11. That is such fun news. Its wonderful that she loves it. What a little love she is. Boy, she is growing up and her world just keeps opening up. Fantastic.

  12. she is so cute...I have been missing pictures & update on her!!!
    She will have fun at school.

  13. Wow!! what a great milestone this is.
    So proud of you Gwenyth, you are getting to be such the big girl :))
    Congrats to all

  14. Hope she likes school. Still can't believe she's grown up enough for preschool now. Where has the time gone? Have a great week!

  15. Wow, what a big girl, going to school- it's amazing how far she's come!

  16. What a blessing that you found a school so appropriate for your daughter!

  17. My daughter who is the mother of 4 children ages 6 and under is very particular about car seat safety, so I couldn't help but notice that Gwyneth's straps are a little loose. PLEASE double check the safety instructions for her car seat and stop by your OBX fire station to have the pros double check it. We want her safe at all times.

    Love to all.

    Becky in VA.

  18. I remember why I don't post photos of Gwyneth in her car seat...

  19. how sweet. I teach in a special ed preschool and the kids there make so much progress! I bet her teachers and therapists love her and she'll grow so much! How many hours does she go?

  20. I still think it's so odd that people feel like they can chastise you or give you advice in your blog comments. You're a brave man Nate. I think I'd be lots less patient.

    BTW...I still keep you all in my prayers here in Michigan.

  21. How fun! I'm sure she'll have a blast. . .oh, and learn a lot too :)

  22. My 4 year old is in a preschool for kids with special needs. He is developmentally delayed. However, the teachers here are not therapists....that would be awesome! He started the class in April of last year and has come a long way! I homeschool my oldest son and am not sure what we will do with my youngest yet. I know that he would most likely not be in a typical kindergarten class next year, I'm just waiting to hear what they tell me at his review in the spring and I'll go from there.

    Yay for Gwyneth....I'm sure she will have soooo much fun! :-)

  23. Madison started pre-school at the beginning of November. She will be 3 on the 9th of January. It is a home-school pre-school which for her age I love. It gives her the tools she needs without the overwhelming size of a traditional pre-school. She goes from 9:45-1:30. When I pick her up, I don't make it out of the neighborhood she's in before she is sound asleep. Just wait until Gwyneth starts adjusting her straps on her own. It makes car seat safety a pain! We have Madi's safely tight, but the chest plate invariably gets pushed down by her own doing. It is what it is. :) Sweet girl!


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