
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Surgery Tomorrow

After some serious stomach issues the past 24 hours, I've been diagnosed with gall stones. I'll be in surgery to remove my gall bladder. Yipee....



  1. I had this surgery about 10 years ago and it is pretty simple. Recovery wasn't very bad at all. I felt sooo much better after it was removed. Hope all goes well for you!

  2. Nate,
    I had my gall bladder out this week too, on Wednesday the 22nd. If they can do it laparoscopically, it is much easier than it used to be! It is much better to do it before it becomes an emergency. I'm a little bit sad because I feel that I missed most of Christmas this year!

    My best tip so far: Ice Packs! My ice pack has really helped reduce swelling and pain! Make sure you use one!

  3. Been there, done that as well! It was no picnic, even done laparoscopically, but once the recovery is over... you don't have to ever have another gallbladder attack again. Totally worth it. You'll be back on your feet in no time!
    Laura, in Lakeside, CA

  4. I had this surgery in May 2009. The worst part is getting the gas out afterwards. Lie on your back with your rear end in the air...feels better going out that way better than up through your shoulders and jaw.

    Best of luck and speedy recovery!

  5. My Dad had this surgery laproscopically in 1996, and it went very well. Good luck and hope you're on the mend soon!

  6. Praying that all will go well tomorrow!

  7. I know several people that have had this done, all felt so much better after. Most claim that they never knew what "normal" felt like until they had the surgery.

    One friend was a new person after her surgery. She looked like a new person,for her it was truly a miracle.

    I hope you have the same success.

  8. Prayers your way! Feel better soon.

  9. NOT FUN! I remember having it done. It's not too bad though, but don't be fooled, it isn't super easy either. Your girls will take care of ya! :) Sending well thoughts to you!

  10. Praying things go very well and you are up on your feet soon!!

  11. I am sorry! That is not a fun way to wind up Christmas week. I do hope you are finished with the surgery and resting comfortably.

  12. OUCH! I hope it goes smoothly for you!

  13. What a bummer during Christmas. I hope you feel better soon! I know your girls will take great care of you!

  14. oh my goodness! so sorry to hear this Nate! praying for you for sure!!


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