
Monday, January 31, 2011

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

For the past 2+ years, since shortly after we arrived home from the hospital, Gwyneth has had some very special people in her life. A group of therapists and teachers have been coming to our house each week to work with Gwyneth and help her grow and learn as she overcomes her developmental delays.

There isn't any way that we can thank these women for the impact they have made on Gwyneth and our family. Gwyneth fell in love with each of them and would look forward to each and every visit. To her, it was play time, but Tricia and I can see the difference that each session made in Gwyneth's development.

When she turned three a few weeks ago, Gwyneth officially graduated from the care of each of these women and transitioned into a special pre-school at a local elementary school for children with disabilities. We are truly going to miss our time with them each week, and we know that they will miss Gwyneth. To do what little we could to say "thank you", we took this incredible group out to eat last week, and snapped a few photos so that Gwyneth will be able to remember forever.

Miss Donna, speech therapy

Miss Heather, hard of hearing teacher

Miss Tanya, physical therapy

Miss Jenn, occupational therapy



  1. Very special - that means the world to them I am sure that you took the time to acknowledge their love and dedication. So glad you did this!! thanks for sharing.
    Looks like you had the dream team!


  2. Hi there, I have been following your blog for, well, for several years now!! It has been awesome reading about your experiences and seeing Gwyneth grow. Just wanted to say that I also remember when my daughter Sophie aged out of the Early Intervention is indeed bittersweet. Those first therapists who work with one's child are sooooo incredibly important...I know ours helped us be calm as we adjusted to life with our special-needs child. It was very nice of you to take your team our to dinner!! What a great thing to do for them!


  3. I work with a fabulous team of therapists/teachers in a preschool setting so I get to see firsthand each and every day what a significant influence these "specialists" have on the lives of little ones! I am glad Gwyneth was blessed to have such a terrific "team" to work with. I know they will always be NEAR and DEAR to your hearts! I have a feeling that it was just as HARD (if not HARDER) ... for the "team" to break away from your sweet Gwyneth. I'm sure they are like FAMILY! Thanks for sharing the story and photos. As you know, I have been reading the blog since before Gwyneth was born and I so enjoy hearing updates about her and your beautiful family. GOD is so GOOD!!

  4. What a bittersweet day for y'all, Nate. You're so proud to see how Gwyneth has matured thanks to these ladies and also so sad to see them go. Just today I realized that Gwyneth is a preschooler! She's really grown to be a lovely, joyful little girl.

  5. How very special!

    Our youngest grandson has some learning challenges also and has been assisted by special therapists. They truly make a difference and I applaud them in their desire to help!

    And your little Gwyneth is growing up!! She is so cute!



  6. Love the new look! That picture of Gweneth is precious and speaks volumes! Praise God for those in the medical field that have made such a difference in Gweneth's life! I'm sure there is a bond that will last a lifetime!

  7. I know that has to make y'all feel bittersweet, but so proud of how far that little girl has come! :) LOVE the header picture!

  8. Very sweet post and I LOVE THE NEW LOOK!!!!

  9. Wow! I love the new theme on your blog!

    What a special group of women!

  10. Gwyneth looks more like a little girl and less like a baby now... bitter sweet for sure.

    btw- your link to Tricia's blog didn't work for me.

  11. What special blessing each of those nurses gave your Miss G. I know you will always hold a special place in your hearts for all their hard work and above all LOVE your your sweet Miss G.

    Wow I have been following your blog for 3 years time sure has gone by fast!

  12. The new look is awesome! Congrats to Gwyneth! =)

  13. So special! All 3 of my children are differently-abled and we have had many, many therapists over the years.....all of whom have very special places in our hearts for the impact they had in our childrens life as well as ours. Therpists who work with children are a special group for sure!!

    Your little miracle has come so far! Thank you Jesus!!!

  14. I luv.luv.luv your new blog look and header... what a darling photo of Miss Gwenyth.

    They certainly look like a great group of sepcail people. I think they will always keep their spots in your hearts.


  15. What an awesome thing to do!!! Gwyneth is so BEAUTIFUL and her light shines because of the WONDERFUL parents she has. Those therapists will definitely never forget the sweet little girl you have. LOVE your new blog look!!! That picture of Gwyneth is beautiful!!!


  16. I love the new blog look! And how special for you to do that for Gwyneth's special teachers. As a former teacher, I know how special that would be!

  17. I have been reading your blog for quite a while. My daughter was born at 23 weeks 4 days. She will be turning 3 in July. We are not looking forward to aging out of the First Steps program. The therapists are like family and have helped my daughter so much as well. I can't wait to hear our precious Gwyneth does in Pre-K. Love the new layout.

  18. I LOVE the new look on here! What a precious picture! Such joy!

    That is so sweet that you took that group of ladies out to eat. I loved seeing the pictures. A dear little girl I baby-sit also has a therapist visit her each week for her developmental delays so I know how close they can become! I'm glad that Gwyneth was so blessed by each of them!

    And how is she THREE already?!?!

  19. Going to school already?? It's hard to believe how fast your little one is growing up! I like the new look of your blog and will check our Tricia's too.

  20. I hope Gwyneth is loving preschool! I am a retired preschool teacher. I always loved getting the new 3 yr olds in my class.You development special relationships withthe child and family during these years. Have fun in preschool!!

  21. OH! How I wish I was Gwyneth's teacher!!!! :) I teach PPCD and LOVE LOVE My sweet little ones. My coworkers (therapists) are the BEST and I am sure you will see more and more growth in that sweet, sweet girl!!!!

  22. when my ex 24 weeker turned that magical age of three it was so hard to say goodbye to the team who helped us learn to live on Preemie time, celebrate the normal and make our son the "successful" micropreemie that he is. we took lots of pictures too. Daniel's team meant so much to us. I was heartened to know that they felt the same as we still receive a Christmas card from the McPhall Center signed by all of his therapists.
    you are on to the next great adventure in your amazing daughter's life. I promise you it will be amazing.

  23. I completely relate to having to say goodbye to the people who become part of your family. My daughter had therapists from 2.5 months thru 3 as well in our home and it was so difficult to see that chapter of life end. We have had other therapists since but it definatley is different. I wish you continued success!

  24. Hope your SD gives you good support and those there also love and support Gwyneth! So many districts have money problems and SNK's are getting the draggs.

  25. Oh my goodness. My jaw dropped when I saw that Gwyneth was THREE!!!!! THREE YEARS OLD!!! How did that happen? Is it possible I've been following you almost that long? Praying for you that long? WOW!! God is so good. Your family remains adorable. And you bless me!


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