
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Newspaper Article

Tricia and I were interviewed for this newspaper article last week. Take a look, and please consider praying for Jason and others who are waiting on the transplant list. And, consider becoming an organ donor...the only reason there are 110,543 people on the list today is because there are millions of people in the US who are not organ donors.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Growing Up

She's growing up, and I love every single moment of it!


Sunday, March 20, 2011


We took Gwyneth to a small, local horse show this weekend. She loved introducing Bullseye to all the other horses.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011


Don't be too jealous, but Gwyneth and I had our toes in the ocean today! It's about 75f here on the Outer Banks this afternoon!


Shoot for the Moon

Gwyneth is obsessed with the moon. Day or night, if the moon is anywhere in the sky to be seen, Gwyneth has an uncanny knack for finding it and pointing to it with an excited "ooooo" (for "moon").

Gwyneth also loves to play with any kind of ball. She'll drop everything else to play catch.

I was outside a few days playing basketball with our foster child and a few friends. Gwyneth was begging for a turn. I lifted her up a few times to drop the ball in the basket, and then she saw the moon. The next time I gave her the ball, I could tell immediately what was going on in her little head...she found the moon, squatted down, lifted the ball over her head, and took her best shot.

The day will come when Gwyneth will realize that she'll never hit that target. I just hope she never stops trying.


Backyard Monday

I usually take Mondays off because I'm typically working all weekend. And, now that Gwyneth is in pre-school every Monday morning, Tricia and I have a few hours for just the two of us. After dropping Gwyneth off at school this morning, we spent some time at a local coffee shop hanging out, then came back home and took a few photos in the backyard. After Gwyneth wakes up from her nap in a little while, we're going to take a few more with her.

I hope you're able to enjoy somebody you love today!
