
Friday, March 18, 2011

Shoot for the Moon

Gwyneth is obsessed with the moon. Day or night, if the moon is anywhere in the sky to be seen, Gwyneth has an uncanny knack for finding it and pointing to it with an excited "ooooo" (for "moon").

Gwyneth also loves to play with any kind of ball. She'll drop everything else to play catch.

I was outside a few days playing basketball with our foster child and a few friends. Gwyneth was begging for a turn. I lifted her up a few times to drop the ball in the basket, and then she saw the moon. The next time I gave her the ball, I could tell immediately what was going on in her little head...she found the moon, squatted down, lifted the ball over her head, and took her best shot.

The day will come when Gwyneth will realize that she'll never hit that target. I just hope she never stops trying.



  1. Oh so sweet! You may want to check out the Eric Carle book, Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me. :D

  2. Oh Nate, never say never where Gwyneth is concerned:) She is a miracle that just keeps surprising me all of the time:) She is a true treasure to my heart.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  3. She has already reached the moon and beyond in her short little life!! What a true inspiration!! Keep reaching Gwyneth!!!

  4. Love this story! She is such a smart little girl.

  5. Knowing Gwyneth, she'll prove us all wrong and be the first woman on the moon:) Oh, and what's this about a foster child?

  6. Wow, checked in for first time in awhile, she has grown so much.
    Such a beautiful Miracle.
    BTW - you and your wife make a beautiful couple.
    And foster child? thats awesome.

  7. That's so sweet! She's about that age when kids notice the moon and think it's following them. So cute.

  8. Kivrin loves the moon as well. We bought her a moon wall light (great gift idea for Gwyneth) for her room, and her dad was explaining the phases of the moon to her and somehow the "old moon" got struck in her now she wants to meet the Old Moon.
    Keep reaching, G!

  9. Don't miss the Supermoon tomorrow night (Saturday 3/19)! It's going to be the largest and brightest full moon in 18 years.
    See here:

  10. ha Meredith great minds think alike, I was just going to suggest the same book!

  11. My daughter also loved the moon. Do you know this book? Gwyneth is precious. I love these photos.

  12. What a beautiful moment. It's the story you'll tell at her wedding someday :)


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