
Saturday, April 2, 2011

3rd Transplativersary

So much to be thankful for today, and we truly are.

But, although we do not know who they are, there is a family somewhere out there who is mourning the 3rd anniversary of the death of a loved one today.

Please pray for Tricia's donor family with us today.



  1. Just you have the option to meet the family? Do you ever plan to do that? Seems like it would be a great encouragment to them to see their loved one's lungs at work in wonderful person like Trish.

  2. Happy Anniversary ! We call it birthday #2 in our house - my son just celebrated 3 years in December with his new heart !!!!!

    Praying for BOTH families today,


  3. Wow...3 years? Miracles all around.

    BTW, great new word! :)

  4. @Nicole

    The donor family has the right to maintain their privacy. Tricia has written a letter to them each of the past two years, which has been passed along by her transplant coordinator, and she's has expressed her desire for contact if they want it, but we haven't received anything in return. We totally understand.

  5. I think that its great that you remember the aunt received a liver transplant over 5 years ago...yet she only lived 4 months with it but it was so worth it! For those who have lost a family member but give the greatest is inspiring and wonderful!

  6. Happy Birthday to you AND Tricia, what a great gift the donor gave to your family! Thinking of all of you, including the donor's family today.

  7. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday. Sending prayers to the donor's family and thanks for their gift to you and Trish.

  8. Wow! It's already been three years?! The time has really flown by! For the longest time I kept the voicemail on my cell phone that was my sister calling me in the middle of the night to tell me to check your blog if I hadn't already because Trisha was having her transplant!! It made me smile every time I listened to it. But I think I must have accidentally deleted it because I haven't heard it in awhile. :(

  9. Time flies!!! Happy transplantiversary Tricia! Here's to many, many more! XOXO

  10. Happy Transpl... oh boy, Happy New Lifeiversary! However it is said or stated, I'm sure today holds an incredible place in your hearts. You're an amazing family to not just remember yourselves in this, but the family who made it possible. Happy day!

  11. As an aunt who lost an 11 year old nephew a year ago, I can tell you that there is nothing more comforting than knowing that our loss helped someone else. We pray for those who have his eyes and knee cartlidge (sp?)....may God use those recipients in amazing ways. For in them, my nephew continues to make a difference in this world. (And if those folks are anywhere nearly as great at Trisha, WOW!)

    Happy Transplantiversary!

    Lisa J.

  12. i pray for donor families often. they are very generous. and seeing Tricia so healthy at Unleash makes me pray even more.
    i pray that when God takes me home, that i am able to donate all organs and tissues.
    praying for another 80 years of healthy living for Tricia!

  13. Thank you for reminding us that organ donation is bittersweet. The way you and Tricia live your lives certainly shows how thankful you are to that family and God for a second chance at life. Bless you both!

  14. Happy Birthday Nate, and Happy Transplantiversary Tricia! (I love that you two share a special day now.) You are doing great things with your second chance at life- living, loving, appreciating the little moments, and spreading awareness. I am so happy for your family and grateful that you share your story.


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