
Monday, April 11, 2011

8 Minutes with Gwyneth


  1. Gwyneth is "All Done". :)

    Thanks for sharing this video Nate. She is such a doll and it's a pleasure watching her grow. :)

  2. She is growing up so fast,,, and YEAH DAD you bore her,,, LOVE IT!!!!! You guys have done a great job with Miss Gwyneth,, she is beautiful!

  3. Fantastic Miss Gwenyth!!!

    I couldn't help but notice the orange cat on the bed that barely moved until Meka came in... then you sat Meka on the bed and he acted like... why is this cat up here on the bed during filming... that is my role.

    We also have an orange cat and a dog... jealousy runs rampant at our house.

    I love how well MissG is doing with her speech skills... she does awesome with Elmo and you can tell she really focuses.

    Thanks for the 8 minutes with MissG.


  4. I love her sweet little voice! Man, she has come a loooooooong way and is so grown up, beautiful, and smart to boot. Way to go little one!

  5. Quite possibly the best 8 minutes I have spent in a long time. Gosh, she's adorable!

  6. that was a great video to watch. It felt so short. Thanks for sharing

  7. oh my goodness - she's so cute and is making such great progress!

    also, whenever i read 'meka', i pronounced it (in my head) as 'meekuh', not 'makeuh'. now i know!


  8. Great video! What happened to Jessie's leg? :)

  9. She certainly is a sweetie! Thanks for sharing's heartwarming to watch her grow and develop into such bright and beautiful young girl.

    Your story continues to inspire!

  10. Oh my goodness, your daughter is so incredibly precious! I've followed your story since 2007, but I don't comment very often. You have a beautiful family and I love reading about your adventures! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  11. Are you willing to post this on your blog? I'm trying hard to get out the word on CF so other mothers can celebrate the cure of CF instead of what we experienced.

    LaRecea Tabor Gibbs
    One of the most difficult diagnosis a parent can hear is CF. I know! My son was diagnosed in '64 and we were told he wouldn't live beyond 12, but he celebrated his 31st birthday and lived a full, amazing life in spite of over 80 hospitalizations
    The NCFF has made dramatic discoveries since, but parents still must make difficult decisions whether to choose quality of life or quantity. It effects every member of the family and is not an easy decision.
    NOT A WASTED BREATH tells the story of how one man refused to allow CF to destroy his spirit even as it destroyed his lungs. It is written in Todd's own words as he waited for a lung transplant, from a mother's viewpoint and 9 persons impacted his life.
    Visit and watch the two TV interviews "Todd Story" and "WKU News. You can order it from Tate Publishing, Amazon, and most major bookstore. For a signed copy, email me at

  12. Leaps and bounds. Leaps and bounds!

  13. It's great to see her doing so well. She is so sweet, especially when she says "Elmo!" I have followed your blog since she was born and enjoyed reading your story. Thank you for sharing, they are both an inspiration.

  14. I thought of you immediately when I heard about a lovely young lady who lives in our town and has the lead tonight in our local Catholic high school's play "Hairspray." She has CF and is waiting for a lung transplant. She has 30% lung function and belts out a song like nothing I've ever heard. Her twin sister doesn't have CF but she has a brother who does.

    She is the most bubbly, enthusiastic, darling girl. Here is a link to the story in our local paper:

    It's also been picked up by the Chicago media.

    Oh, they need to find a cure for this terrible disease!

  15. I took a several month break from online blogs and came back to a holy cow has she grown little girl! I went in search of her bday letter and sat here nodding my head at each milestone. Because even though I never commented, I was ther for each of them - including her birth. It warms my heart to see how far she - and you and Tricia - have come.

  16. I agree, that is the best 8 minutes I've spent in a LONG time! I have been following you since before Gwyneth was born but took a short break. I check back and Gwyneth is talking and looking oh so cute!!!! She's perfect!! God has a big plan for this young lady! Thanks for keeping us posted. You all are an inspiration to never give up!! God is GREAT!!!

  17. Our daughter's are the same age. My 3yr old was born at just 24 weeks. I love seeing Gwenyth and how much she has grown! It is just amazing how far they have come for such an early start! Gwenyth sure is a cute little sweetheart!

  18. Love this!! She has gotten so big! what a doll! I have a former sister in law and a little girl I took care of years ago with CHF so your story is of special interest to me. You three are amazing! Gives me hope for Casey whom I took care of and will be graduating next year and my former husbands sister Ann who is now 50 years old and doing well. Possibly part of the reason I became a nurse. God Bless

  19. PS: my last comment should have read CF not CHF. Job hazard :(. I'm a geriatric nurse..
    Feel free to change it.


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