
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Disney (Part 2 Video)


  1. Such a sweet moment seeing her beautiful face as she watched all the characters go by. I think daddy was just if not more excited! So glad you all had such a beautiful time!

  2. Hi there, I posted about this on your wife's blog but wanted to post here as well.

    There is a 7 year old girl with CF waiting for a family in Eastern Europe. She is turning 8 in 2 weeks and needs a family ASAP. I can't imagine how she is surviving with out proper medical care. Do you think you could do something to help me find her a family? Maybe blog about her or tell people about her? I don't know if you know anyone who is looking to adopt a little girl but I am just grasping at straws here. She needs someone to be her voice and I have taken on that job.

    You can find more information on her Here:

    And Here:

    If you don't feel like you can do anything for her, Thats OK. But I thought it was worth a try. : )

    teenager in Canada

    Your daughter is soooo precious. I could just about die of cuteness over load!!

  3. We might have been at Disney at the same time. Such a small world. Thanks for sharing Gwyneth and Tricia's first trip with us!


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