
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Big Girl Bed!



  1. From that tiny baby girl to a big girl bed! Go Girl!

  2. (because you asked for it) I'M FIRST!!!


    Can that girl get any more adorable?!?!

  3. She is truly growing up and becoming a beautiful GIRL, no more BABY! Let us know how the first night goes!

  4. She is growing up to be a big, gorgeous girl! Hope she enjoys her new big girl bed. The wall art is beautiful.
    Glad you are happy not being famous anymore! ;)
    Kim from Canada

  5. I'm 5th! YAY big girl bed! PLESASE share howd she slept...and you!

  6. She is darling Nate!

    I think when she is sleeping in her bed, you should take a picture of her and the pug stuffed animal and compare it to the first Gwyneth/pug picture.

  7. What are you guys feeding this girl? She seriously has grown up every single day in the last couple months. It's crazy... she's crazy adorable! Love the bed and the smiles!

  8. Wow! She's beautiful! She looks just like Tricia!

  9. What a beautiful little girl...and now a big one too! It's so hard to let them grow up...

  10. How did this little bit of a lady bug grow up so fast? I see there is plenty of room for fuzzy bear joiners to cuddle at night while mom or daddy reads to her. I remember those days with my own kids. My baby turned 34 yesterday and has his own little preemie to watch blossom. I hope you all keep shooting for the moon and grabbing all the stars along the way. Be well.

  11. Great Googly-Moogly, when did she get so stinkin' BIG?

  12. All that hair!
    I love you little one!
    Amy Anderson


  13. wow, she sure is growing up and she looks sooo happy! I agree with Maureen that you should take a picture of her sleeping in her new big girl bed with her pug stuffed animal! :)

  14. She looks like she is getting so grown up!

  15. She really is looking grown up! I hope things go well. And I love the wall art, very sweet!

  16. I cannot believe how much she's grown up!! She is absolutely beautiful!

  17. Wow! She is getting so big! Thanking God for His miracles again in your lives!

  18. Was the crib conversion difficult? From the looks of it, we have the exact same crib but didn't know how to make it into the toddler bed. But we needed a toddler bed so we bought a new one. We still have the crib (for maybe baby #2) so please, if you have time....details?

  19. @Rebecca

    The conversion was easy once we remembered where we had stored the rail. The entire front sliding part comes off and the rail goes on in it's place. That's about it.

  20. She is such a beautiful little girl! My 3 year old had CP and we just got her into a big girl bed, too! I LOVE milestones!

  21. Oh my gosh - in the first picture, she is a CLONE of Trisha! So adorable. I remember when my first little one moved to a big girl bed 4 years ago - I cried that first night! Such a big step! Congratulations - with the struggles your family has gone through, it is such a joy to watch you enjoy the wonderful milestones and "normalness" of life!


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