
Monday, June 13, 2011

By the Sea, By the Sea, By the Beautiful Sea



  1. I can't remember the first time I came across your blog...but now that I have a preemie of my own who needs glasses, I immediately referred back to your blog to see what type of glasses you got for your little girl. She'll be the proud owner of her own miraflex frames this week! Thank you for helping our family by sharing yours!

  2. Beautiful photographs taken by the beautiful sea! Love them!

  3. Lovely! The title of this post is from a very old song ... I'd have thought you'd be too young to be familiar with it! Enjoy summer on the OBX!

  4. What an old song to just pop into your head,Nate! Great pictures! You're very blessed to live where you do but I'm sure you know that.

  5. I'm still in awe of your on-going miracles, when I see these gorgeous pics and reflect back on where Tricia and Gwyneth were three years ago! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family by the sea!

  7. Nate was raised old-school. And he's seen all the old classic movie musicals and John Wayne stuff, too. So no surprise he's familiar with that song.

  8. I agree...we are enjoying our time on the OBX. I keep thinking "I can't believe that Nate and his family live here full time!* The first 2 days of our 14 day vacation have been PERFECT! :0)

  9. What a beautiful family! Thanks for the Gweneth fix!!!

  10. Hi Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth! My name is Tiffany and I used to work at Duke Hospital. I worked as an EEG Technologist and I did an EEG for Tricia while she was in the ICU. I remember you laying in the chair beside her (facing her I beleive). I just wanted to stop by and say hey and am so glad to see how everyone is doing. God is so wonderful! We just came from the OUter Banks a few weeks ago from my husband and I's little anniversary getaway. We love it their!!
    Have a wonderful day and know that your family is thought of often! My blog is
    I dont update as often as I should mainly b/c I'm too busy reading other blogs!

  11. Beautiful.

    I have been following your story for quite a while.

    I was wondering if you might share the story of an extraordinary child named Celia Betz. Celia has Batten disease. Batten disease is a degenerative disorder that takes a childs sight, movement, mind and eventually life.

    Celia's family is trying to raise awareness of this extremely rare disease.

    Please place Celia and her parents(and her delightful brother Tucker) in your prayers.

    Thank you

  12. Hi
    My name is Jenna and I came across your blog. Ur daughter is beautiful. Ur wife is an inspirational hero. U are an amazing husband and father. Ur wife and daughter are lucky to have u. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and other special needs. I love it when others sign my guestbook.


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